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Viewed 32546 time(s)
Nov 5 2008 10:39AM

My decorating and renovating blog!

Subscribe! Enjoy!


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November 4, 2008
Nov 4 2008 2:55PM

I voted!

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Yes, Master.
Oct 7 2008 2:41PM

Finally, our master bedroom is coming together. I recently picked up a few throw pillows and a cute slipper chair, but i'm still on the lookout for a bench for the end of the bed, some wall art and maybe shelving? I'll post the updates...

Here's what we have so far:

-painted walls (BM Adagio)
-new crown moulding
-carpets professionally cleaned (hopefully getting new carpet one day)
-Furniture and lamps we already had
-New duvet & throw pillows
-new slipper chair for entry corner
-hung framed honeymoon photos in entrance to bedroom
-added new curtains on the window
-put up new light fixture

to do:

-get more art for the walls, maybe shelving too
-decorate the top of the dresser (a vase or two maybe & runner?)
-find bench for the end of the bed, preferably a storage bench or ottomans

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empty wall above bed
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view from master bath
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close up of duvet
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wall opposite the bed (so plain!)
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cute little slipper chair from Target
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dresser and mounted tv
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framed honeymoon photos (entrance to master)
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I added more pictures to my album.

Thanks for looking and stay tuned for more updates... little by little. :)

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Charge It
Oct 6 2008 4:10PM

Hate seeing all those wires while charging your gadgets? We just got a cute little charging station from Bed Bath and Beyond and i'm in love with it. It's two separate pieces (a charging station and organizing drawers) and perfect for a home office.

Isn't it the cutest?
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And some pics of our newly remodeled and very organized den/office:

the den side
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the office side
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The bland before pic:
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Everybody's Working For The Weekend
Sep 15 2008 10:36AM

We are also working ON the weekend! But, it's work we enjoy.

This weekend we did a lot of decorating, some painting and a lot of cleaning. Pictures of our weekend projects to come later in the week...

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And The List Goes On
Sep 10 2008 10:17AM

Thanks to a post on the Home board by Diana1215, I actually wrote out a list of all the projects we still want to do in our house.

(pretty much in order)

-put up tiles for backsplash
-toekicks underneath cabinets
-install crown moulding on top of cabinets
-make utensil dividers for drawer
-paint the back of the raised bar and add moulding
-install pendant lights over the bar (have to run wiring and make holes in the ceiling)
-install one more high-hat

Laundry Room
-paint and install one more shelf
-install phone jack

Master Bedroom/Closet
-install a closet organizer
-paint closet
-add pull-down stairs to go up to attic (and make storage area in attic)

-add light fixture and furniture
-sand and re-paint banister (or replace it)
-make a cut-out under the stairs for extra storage

-add light fixture and furniture
-replace carpet someday

-clean it out and add storage
-paint walls and add stain to floor

Master Bathroom
-frame mirrors with moulding
-tile border around tub
-extend floor tile into vanity area
-maybe get new vanity for inside the bathroom
-crown moulding
-add a linen closet

-Create shelving and glass doors for the wall cut-out in dining area (to be used as a china cabinet)
-paint all doors and door moulding white (it's all a pinkish off-white now)
-hang curtain rods and curtains (or roman shades) in each room
-hang pictures/artwork/mirrors, add rugs, etc. around the house (overall decorating)
-paint front door
-eventually replace carpet in master, guestroom and foyer stairs

I'm sure there's more.

Since we're doing everything ourselves, it's going to take time, but I know it'll be worth it in the end... if there ever is an end!

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Oh What A Ceiling!
Sep 9 2008 4:08PM

We had a tray ceiling in our hallway that was barely noticeable before, but now with the new crown moulding, paint and a new light fixture it really pops!

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We were thinking of eventually painting it an even darker tan for more contrast, but for now it'll stay the same color as the hallway. Whaddya think?

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Dining In Style
Sep 9 2008 10:41AM

Our home really feels like it's coming together now. Our brand spankin' new dining room set was delivered on Saturday and we are extremely happy with our choice. We looked in several stores and decided we liked the pub height dining sets. Finally we found the perfect one at Rooms To Go on Columbus Day weekend and we timed it just right because they were having a great sale!

It fits perfectly in the space and it's nicer than we remember it in the store.

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The detail sold us
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All dressed up
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We used it last night for the first time to eat dinner and the hubs decided that it's the perfect table for poker!

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See Through
Sep 8 2008 3:45PM

We recently renovated our kitchen (more pictures on the finished product to come soon!) and decided on glass front cabinets for some of the uppers. I absolutely LOVE them but realized it's kinda hard to fill them up while keeping them looking nice.

Our everyday dinnerware is a neutral pattern so it looks great in the glass cabinets, but there are still so many empty spots.

So I went to good old trusty Google Images and did a little searching and found some inspiration:

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Check back for updated photos of our newly renovated kitchen!

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'Baby Proof'
Sep 8 2008 9:39AM

Since our AC hadn't been working right all weekend (a repair man is coming today to fix it) we were out at the pool and the beach most of the time and I was finally able to start a new book: Baby Proof by Emily Griffin.

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I had read 'Something Borrowed' and 'Something Blue' on our honeymoon (LOVED both) and have been wanting to start Baby Proof for a while. With all the work we've been doing on the house, I hardly have time to read anymore.

Baby Proof was just as good as the other two and I finished it in less than two days! The characters Emily Griffin comes up with in her books are great and I love her style of writing.

Now I have to go get her 4th book 'Love The One You're With'!

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Sep 6 2008 9:27AM

This is our second hurricane season living in south Florida. Last year it was very quiet, this year is a different story. We already had one tropical storm (Fay) and now we're keeping an eye on Hurricane Ike. It looks like today they changed the track to go a little more south of Florida... whew!

The caribbean islands are getting slammed this year. I hope everyone stays safe!

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Kitty Door
Sep 5 2008 10:27PM

We installed a small kitty door on the door to our laundry room so we can keep it closed and have Floof's litter in there. It took her a few days to get used to the swinging door, but eventually she got the hang of it.

If you're not afraid to cut a hole in your door, this is a great way to keep the litter pan hidden. Nobody even notices we have the kitty door there until we point it out.

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We actually caught her on video coming through the door by herself for the first time. Be glad there's no sound on the video because I'm coaching her through in a high squeaky voice the whole time (if you have a cat - or dog - you know the voice!).

Cutest. Video. Ever.
Floof using her kitty door video

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Project Home
Sep 3 2008 9:23PM

I've been wanting to start a blog since we bought our first home in May 2008, but we've been so busy with renovations so I just haven't had the time. I'm going to start tonight and hopefully I can keep up with it.

About our home:
-Townhome built in 2003
-Located in south Florida
-Two floors and about 2100 square feet
-2 bedrooms + office/den, 2 bathrooms, 1-car garage

Although it was built in 2003 (5 years young), it was not taken care of by the previous owner. It was also in foreclosure when we bought it and on top it being filthy since it was abandoned for over 8 months, it was also stripped of a lot of things. They took all the upper cabinets off the wall in the kitchen, all the appliances were gone too (except the fridge which was broken), every light fixture, screens and more.

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The first thing we did when we closed was rip out the carpet and replace it with beautiful laminate wood flooring from Lumber Liquidators.

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After pictures (with furniture) to come...

The hubs and I are doing about 95% of the work ourselves, although he definitely gets more credit than me, so our project to-do list is still a mile long. I have to say we did get A LOT done already (some which I haven't posted about yet) so stay tuned for pictures of our renovations and decorating changes.

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