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If you have a plastic kiddie pool in your backyard...what kind do you have?

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Pookie Love

Member since 5/05

20229 total posts


If you have a plastic kiddie pool in your backyard...what kind do you have?

It was so hot over the weekend down here and I couldn't take DS in the pool because of female issues. Chat Icon

I was telling DH that I want to get an old school cheapy plastic pool for the backyard and he (old man) told me it would ruin the grass and looked ghetto.Chat Icon

Trying to build my case. Do you have one? Is it the old school one? Are there different ones now?


Posted 4/19/11 8:37 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

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Re: If you have a plastic kiddie pool in your backyard...what kind do you have?

We had a small inflatable one the first year (the little ones, not the 2 footer kind), and IMO, it was a huge pain in the butt. Last year, I got the cheap hard plastic one and liked it a lot better.

I find the hard plastic one is much easier to empty, clean out and move off the grass. The inflatable one was so heavy when it was full and you couldn't easily flip it over. Then, when you put it in the garage, you just hang it up or lean it on something. The inflatable one stayed inflated because it took so long to blow it up in the first place. Then, I worried about popping it on something in the garage, so it ended up staying on the grass the rest of the summer. So for us, the inflatable one ruined the grass more. Chat Icon

Posted 4/19/11 9:44 AM


Member since 8/06

8652 total posts


Re: If you have a plastic kiddie pool in your backyard...what kind do you have?

I just got DD a really small inflatable one for her birthday. Only a little bit of water sits in it, so after each use I can just dump it and lean it up against the fence or something.

Lady Bug Pool

I think they also had a bumble bee or a turtle

Message edited 4/19/2011 9:49:00 AM.

Posted 4/19/11 9:47 AM


Member since 5/05

6372 total posts


Re: If you have a plastic kiddie pool in your backyard...what kind do you have?

my DH was worried about the grass too. i didn't leave it up all the time. i wold empty it and put it in the shed after we used it then move it to a different spot on the grass next time. worked fine and his grass survived Chat Icon

Posted 4/19/11 9:56 AM

Pookie Love

Member since 5/05

20229 total posts


Re: If you have a plastic kiddie pool in your backyard...what kind do you have?

That ladybug pool is so cute! We had a small inflatable baby pool last summer and yeah, it was a pain! Definitely needs a bigger plastic pool at this point although spoiled baby likes the real pool the most! lol
It's not like I'm never going to move the pool off the grass! Sheesh!Chat Icon

Posted 4/19/11 10:03 AM


Member since 8/06

7945 total posts


Re: If you have a plastic kiddie pool in your backyard...what kind do you have?

We have the $5 one from BRU and we bought a slide from Family Dollar for it. DS LIVED in it last summer!!

We also have a couple of blow up pools that have sprinklers in them. But honestly, the cheap charlie pool is the best, and my DH is the biggest lawn nazi and he's fine w/ it.

Posted 4/19/11 10:07 AM

Our 3 angels

Member since 7/07

4824 total posts


Re: If you have a plastic kiddie pool in your backyard...what kind do you have?

We got ours in Toys R Us for like $10. I emptied it after each use and placed in on different parts of the lawn, so that the grass wouldn't get too messed up.

Posted 4/19/11 11:54 AM

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