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My son is being VERY clingy
Jun 28 2011 6:30PM

I went to visit my family for 3 and a half days because I have not seen them since Christmas. Of course my son came with me. He is 10 months old now. The first 2 and a half days he was very clingy to me. He would scream bloody murder if anyone besides my 3 year old niece would even touch his hand. I understand he does not know them and I get why he was so clingy. He was not that bad with them the last day we were there. But I have noticed that he is still being wicked clingy to me like he was when we were visiting my family. If I start to walk away or even turn away he is screaming and crawling after me like he is afraid I am not going to return. Is that normal after going away like we did? I know he is going through the whole separation anxiety thing, but is there anything I might be able to do to reassure him I am not going anywhere??Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

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Apr 9 2011 6:41PM

My son has only been crawling for a few week. Now he goes on his hands and knees, then pushes up to get onto his feet. Then he does this walk/crawl kinda thing. He almost reminds me of a dog the way he does it. What I am having a problem with is he is able to do that crawl thing he does... but he is not as stable as he thinks he is. He tends to flop down and he has been hitting his head a lot the past few days. Is it something I should worry about???Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

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