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Dress the part! The team at Resume Advice receives many questions throughout any given day about 'what to wear.' It is not surprising that this topic does not surface more often. First impressions are everything in an interview and what you wear is critical to your overall success.If you sent <a href="">resume for it engineer</a> for instance in a typical office environment, do not dress in your weekend slums:) If you know the potential job wears business casual, dress business casual or one level above (suit). Some experts in our field will say to always dress one level higher, but we feel this may be uncomfortable for the interviewer. Take a moment and put yourself in their shoes - how would you feel? Be it right or wrong, people are more comfortable with like people - basic fact.What is business casual? Business casual is somewhere between jeans and a suit or dress. Think department store models - those without jeans:) If you future employer tells you the dress is casual, consider jeans. If you are told formal, consider a suit or dress.What about perfumes and colognes? Do not do it! Perfumes and colognes are not a good idea for many reasons with the primary being the interviewer may simply dislike the smell. In addition, chances are somebody in the office will claim to have an allergic reaction to the smell.For all the students out there looking for a part time job at the local mall, feel free to come as you are. Chances are you will not listen to anybody and the employer expects to see a fashion mess to some extent!:) Joking aside, if you dress business casual and seriously run a comb through your hair, chances are you will stand out from the students applying for the same job.
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