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FET 2014
Nov 25 2014 10:46AM

IVF Results: Numerous failed cycles and 1 BFP(born 8/2013). Had a natural pregnancy in Nov 2013 but ended in fetal demise.
I have 8 blasts left and this is probably our last shot at this.

11/23/14: AF arrivesChat Icon
11/24/14: Went for my baseline blood and sonogram. Started estrace 3 times a day by mouth. Spoke with Dr Sung after sonogram and scheduled my Endometrial Biopsy for Monday, Dec 1st.

Meds: Estrace 3xs a day, baby Asprin, Prenatals, and vitamin D supplements

11/25/14: I'm sick as a dogChat Icon Deja-Vous of my BFP FET cycle(had the flu and then a cold that entire cycle). Started feeling yuck on 11/22(sore throat) now straight cold.

11/26/14: I have absolutely no voiceChat Icon My throat is killing me. Not fun.

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IVF Journal
May 19 2012 8:29PM

Married 14 years

Issue: Secondary Infertility due to Tubal Ligation.

IVF #1: Cancelled due to premature ovulation
FET#3: BFN- no more embies

IVF#3: switched RE's

5/17: IVF consult with new RE who suspects that the embryos were not implanting due to possible infection or inflammation of my uterus. Once AF arrives I will begin BCP(for 1 week) and antibiotics as well as baby asprin. AF is due around 5/29.

5/18: Acupuncture with new acupuncturist: Without me going into the protocol that my RE will have on and just explaining that the embryos are not implanting she suspects it may be due to inflammation or infection (sounds familiar). Had acupuncture and given some herbs to take daily. I will meet with her twice a week.
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5/22: Scratch BCP for a week due to blood clotting history as per RE.

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