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Offically a week
Nov 17 2008 9:48PM

I have not breastfed in a week. Today Olivia was pulling on my shirt, but stopped after a minute or two. I showed her my belly button and was distracted.

I cannot believe a week has gone and I have not breastfed Olivia.

Olivia is becoming such a big girl and I am so proud of her.

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5 Days of no Breastmilk...
Nov 16 2008 11:25AM

I think Olivia is fully weaned of breastfeeding. It has been 5 days and now Olivia doesn't even look for it anymore.

I actually see a little more independence since she has stopped.

Getting up at night sometimes and heating up milk and putting it in Olivia's sippie cup is not as easy as breastfeeding, but I do feel this was the right time to wean and the two of us did a great job weaning on another.Chat Icon

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A week of weaning and...
Nov 14 2008 9:49PM

Olivia had another good night without any breastmilk. We continued out routine and she did not even look for "milkies".

Olivia is doing so wonderful weaning and I am so proud of her.

Tonight she got cranky I heated up some milk and did our routine. I gave her the sippie cup and she didn't want much of the milk, instead she wanted her binki.

Then I went in Olivia's room with her and put her music on. She put her head on my right shoulder as always and I rubbed her back. Then after the middle of the 2nd song I put her in her crib. Olivia grabbed her binkies and her Elmo and laid down.

What a good girl. I am so proud of Olivia. I do miss breastfeeding her so much. I never thought I would but I really do miss it.

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Weaning is going GREAT!
Nov 13 2008 10:46PM

Last night I did my same routine with Olivia and she went to bed without a problem. She did wake up around 4am and tugged on my shirt for "milkies." I then went in the kitchen with her and heated up some milk and put it in her sippie cup. I brought her back into my bedroom and gave the milk to her.

Olivia drank it without even thinking about being breastfed again.

She then wanted to be held and cuddled in my bed. I put her back down in her crib a little after 5am.

Even though I was exhausted and had to get up for work I felt that it went well last night.

Tonight Olivia and I did the same night night routine and then she was in her crib by 820pm.

I am hoping she sleeps through the night because Mommy is tired.

For the first time in 3 days I so wanted to breastfeed Olivia, but I knew if I did all my hardwork on weaning would go down the drain so I didn't and thought to myself that we are both ready to wean one another from breastfeeding. I got teary eyed, but I know its for the best.

Side notes-

Last time I breastfed Olivia it was Monday afternoon Nov. 10, 2008. Olivia was cranky and that was the only thing that calmed her.

Started giving her Organic milk in her sippie cup on Friday Nov. 7, 2008

Saturday Nov. 8, 2008 breastfed Olivia in the morning only

Sunday Nov. 9, 2008 breastfed Olivia in the morning only

Monday Nov. 10, 2008 breastfed Olivia in the afternoon after I got home from work (last time I breastfed her Chat Icon Chat Icon )

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First FULL day without Breastmilk
Nov 12 2008 4:02PM

Olivia did so wonderful. She did not ask or want to be nursed at all yesterday. I was so suprised. I thought for sure once night fell she would want it, but she shocked me.

We did the same routine, closed the blinds, then I gave her her warm milk in her sippie cup and sat with her on the couch. By 840pm Olivia was ready for bed.

I put her music on rubbed her back and then put her in her crib. Olivia went into her crib without a problem.

She was awake for a little while, but Olivia was quiet.

I am so proud of my little girl. So far Olivia is going all day without breastmilk again.

It is sad to stop nursing, but now we bond in a different way. I love my Babykins so much and am so proud of her.

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Nov 10 2008 7:51PM

Last night went really well as well. I warmed Olivia up her organic whole milk and put it in her sippie cup again.

Then I held her and then she drank it. She then said goodnight to Daddy and came back to me.

I went in her room and held lsitening to her night night music and rubbing her back.

After 1 song ended Olivia was ready to go lay down. She layed down and slept till 3ish and then I held her and didnt nurse her and she went back to sleep.

I hope tonight goes well also.

On a side note I did have to breastfeed Olivia this afternoon when I got home from work. She was very crabby and that settled her.

As long as I can wipe out the night time I then can wean her totally.

So far 2 nights not breast milk. I am hoping for 3 nights.

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Did'nt nurse Olivia last night
Nov 9 2008 10:33AM

Last night was the first night I did not nurse Olivia before she went to bed. Instead I gave her a sippie cup with warm milk in it.

It went well, I think it was easier on her than me. I sat with her as she drank her milk and I cuddled her.

I was teary eyed and thought how my baby is growing up, now 14 months old. I guess I can say Olivia is officially weaning off of breast milk.

It is sad yet a happy time for me. Seeing how fast Olivia is growing saddens me yet makes me happy she is getting more indepepndent.

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Olivia passed the styrofoam ball
Sep 16 2008 5:21PM

I am so thankfull that styrofoam ball went through Olivia's system and came out today in her poopies. I was so worried and concerned that it wouldnt pass.

While my mom was watching Olivia today, she went poopies and my mom left me a message on my cell that it past.

I never thought I would be so happy to look in her poopies and see it today when I got home.

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Olivia swallowed a decorative mini foam ball...
Sep 15 2008 7:44AM

Ugh talk about scary I didnt know what to do. I was prepaing dinner and all of a sudden my DH and I see Olivia eating something sitting on the floor by the coffee table. We rush over there, I got there first and to find it was a decorative foam ball 2 were in her mouth one was in on the floor. I get one out of her mouth but the other one is lodged all the way in the back by her tonsils. I dig my finger in to get it and she moved and what happens .. yup she swallowed it. I freaked out not knowing what to do. Then my DH said "call your mom" so i did and she told me to call the Dr. I did that also. I got "the mailbox is full" AHHHH now what. I called back my mom and she said "thats strange" so I then kept calling and calling and I finally got through to the operater. Then she got the Dr. on the line for me.. He said she should pass it in her poopies within a week, and to give her plenty of fluids.

The Dr. did ask me if she was cooughing, vomiting or weezing, and she was not.

I was so worried, but after speaking with the Dr. he had put my mind at ease.

Olivia ate her dinner and drank fluids. She seemed fine the rest of the night. I hope its in her poopies today.

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Olivia walked!
Sep 7 2008 10:19AM

On September 4, 2008 Olivia was walking with her new Little Mermaid Walker she recieved from her birthday. Then she pulled herself up on my dog and suddenly let go. She was walking all over. My Husband and I looked at one another in amazment and I had tears in my eyes seeing my baby walk.

When Olivia was between 11-12months she took 2 to 4 steps here and there. Now that she turned 1 she walks.

Olivia does not do it all the time but she gets so proud of herself when she does.

I am such a proud mommy!!!!

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