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Oh Boy Were They Ever Cute...
Sep 15 2008 10:38PM

They have gotten so big this past twins. All of a sudden they are really growing up. They give me so much to be proud of.

You really cant even blink. It goes by so fast. They are about 10 months old here. Such cute little baby girls...

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Daddy, Mommy, & Caden James
Sep 10 2008 6:19PM

Im still so in awe of our creation...

Picture taken by our very own Lorimarie. I cant wait to see the rest....

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We're back from New Paltz...
Sep 7 2008 6:55PM

Boy was that sad...To say that my stepfather and I werent close is a bit of an understatement. He was never what he could have been for my mother. But for some reason Im sure he would apologize to her for that now. Thankfully he left her fairly financially secure and for that I am grateful.

It's just beautiful up there and it's a place that truly fits my mom....

On another note we've always said that my daughter Jaedyn should go to school in New Paltz. It fits her personality to a "T". On our way home this morning she said, out of the blue, that that was where she wanted to go to college....Look out New Paltz another hippie chick is on the way...

I didnt take this pic. I found it on flickr. But that barn is directly next door to my mom's house.

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It's because of things like this...
Sep 5 2008 1:51PM

...that make me love him so much. Riding around on a little pink bicycle making the kids laugh in hysterics.

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Another year has begun...
Sep 3 2008 7:53PM

It's the official sign that the summer has ended. The girls all went back to school today...Remember when you were little and the summer seemed to last forever?

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