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What the heck is going on?
Nov 6 2008 9:31AM

OK, so I know that we have been so blessed. Lucas has been such a good sleeper for the last 8 months that I am starting to think we were spoiled.

Ever since Monday night, he refuses to let us put him in his crib awake. He will just get right up and stand and cry forever. It is breaking my heart. It started over the weekend as a problem getting him to nap. He will literally fall asleep on you, but when we go to lay him in his crib he wakes up and clings to you like a monkey. Then it carried over to night time starting Monday night.

Last night he went to sleep OK because he fell asleep drinking his bottle, but he woke up at 1:30 and did not go back down until DH had him fall alseep on his shoulder at 5:30. He has had some very loose poops lately so maybe something is going on with his tummy. He is also getting 4 molars so maybe he is in pain from the teething. I am so sad that I don't know what is wrong. Tonight I am going to cave in and let him fall asleep completely on me before he goes to bed. We have used Ferber's CIO method in the past and are firm believers in it, but lately DS will just stand in his crib and not give in. At this point I know I am rambling, but I just needed to get this out.

I don't know what I am doing. I feel very much out of control of the situation. When DS is crying it is causing stress for both me and DH and we find ourselves snipping at each other. Ugh. My poor baby... sleep! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

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New things about Lucas that I don't want to forget...
Oct 21 2008 9:27AM

First of all, let me begin by saying that today is my second wedding anniversary!!! Yeah! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Unfortunately, DH is away all week on business so I will not be together with him tonight. Chat Icon That's OK... I keep telling him that we have forever together, so one week apart will not be the end of the world!

So there have been some new things about Lucas that I wanted to document before I forgot...

He got his first haircut over the weekend! He was such a good boy! He didn't cry at all (even though the little boy behind him was screaming for his life!) I do believe the Elmo DVD combined with the fact that I was hand feeding him puffs the whole time helped keep him in good spirits! But hey, whatever works!!! Chat Icon

Lately Lucas has been into books, books, books! All he does not is go over to his books, pick one out, bring it over to you, sit on your lap and wait for you to read it to him. He really just likes to turn the pages, especially before you are done reading it, but I just love that he is loving books! When he is done with one, he gets up, goes to get another one and repeats the same process. It just cracks me up! Chat Icon

He really is understanding everything you say to him. You can tell him to touch different parts of his body and he will get most of them right. You will ask him to point to different things in the books and he will get most of them right. You can tell him to go get something for you and he will. It is just so amazing to see how quickly he is growing and developing and learning. I am completely amazed every day!

Well, that's all for now! Until next time!

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Feeling Appreciative
Oct 10 2008 2:25PM

I just needed to take a moment to say that I am so thankful for everything that I have. Sometimes it is so easy to get caught up in the little things and complain. But when I stop to take a look at the big picture, I have absolutely no right to complain about anything.

Today DH and I have jobs. We have a house and clothes on our back. We have an amazing little son who has completely shattered and redefined our definition of love! We have our health and wonderful family who love us, support us and would do anything for us.

Today I remind myself of all that I have and send my prayers to all those that are in need, are hurting, or just need some extra support.

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No sign...
Oct 8 2008 10:45AM

Just a small update... 2 days since Lucas was at daycare and he got the notice that someone in the room had coxsackie... and there are no signs that Lucas has it so far! Yeah!!!!

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The dreaded Coxsackie!
Oct 7 2008 10:25AM

Well, we got a note in Lucas's cubby at daycare yesterday that someone in the room has coxsackie!!! Eek! We are now on high alert... hoping and praying that he does not get it!

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What a day!
Oct 4 2008 8:50PM

Well my poor little Lucas is sick again. Actually, it seems that he never really got over his cold and he might have picked up a virus on top of it.

Ever since he got his cold at daycare about a month ago, he has never gotten rid of his runny nose and little cough. But he sleeps fine at night, eats well and we are not worried because everything else is good.

I picked him up from daycare yesterday and he felt warm to me. I took him home and his temp was about 101.5. Then I fed him dinner and he threw up all over the place. Yuck! Straight into the bath he went.

He slept fine last night... actually he slept better than ever. We all got to sleep until 8:00 this morning which is UNHEARD of!!!

THen today his temperature went from normal to 101 again. Gave him Tylenol around 12 and it went back down. Then as I gave him dinner tonight he felt really warm. After he ate I took his temp his favorite way (rectally) and it was 104.5. Oh My Gosh! How do I not freak out over this?????

I called the urgent care number and they told me that if he is still feverish tomorrow and it is high, to bring him in. Until then, give him Motrin tonight and put the humidifier on.

He is sleeping now and I am breathing again. I hope my little monkey is OK tomorrow.

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Moving along!
Oct 1 2008 3:48PM

So this blog thing is kind of like a diary of sorts. And one thing I am is bad at keeping up with stuff like this. So even if I don't have much to say, I want to make an entry!

Let's see.... Lucas started using 2 signs from the Baby Signing Times videos that we have been showing him for months and months now! He does the sign for "eat" and "more". So exciting! DH was holding him the other day at my relatives house and everyone was eating appitizers. All of a sudden, Lucas started doing the sign for eat. We started laughing because it was like he was saying... "hey, what about me!!!"

He also started shaking his head "no". I really don't think he knows what he is doing at this point. He just shakes his head no for everything. But it is so cute to see him doing it because it is the beginning of him communicating! He doesn't have any words yet, just a whole lot of babbling, but he will get there!

Yesterday we took him back to the ped for his 12 month shots. We had to postpone them because he was sick at his 12 month visit. They gave him 2 shots, 1 of which was the first flu shot. We have to go back in a month for the second one and the chicken pox vaccine. It was so funny because we lay him down on the table and I tried to distract him. As soon as the nurse gave him the first shot he started crying (this from the child who didn't flinch or make a peep when he had blood drawn!). When she was finished, I picked him up and I SWEAR he gave the nurse stink eye all the way until she walked out of the room!!! Too much!

As for the blood work, I took him about a week ago for the 12 month blood work to check for anemia and lead. We live in a really old house, so we were a bit concerned about the lead. It came back normal. However Lucas is slightly anemic. We got new vitamins that have extra iron in them and luckily Lucas LOVES to take them! Whew! That makes life much easier. But back to when they took his blood. I took him to a Quest center and we went into the room. Mind you, we had to listen to the horrible screams of another child in a different room! The woman came in and I had Lucas on my lap. I wrapped my left arm around his tummy and held his right arm down. Then I took my right hand and held his left arm out straight. The woman put a little tiny rubber thing around his bicep and I couldn't help but chuckle at how stinking cute it was. Lucas literally watched as the woman stuck him with the needle, took 2 tubes of blood and took the needle out. I was prepared for a fight. Nothing. No cry, no noise, no squirming, no moving, no fighting. Nothing. I was so proud of my little monkey!!!

Well, that's all for now. Until next time!

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Happy First Birthday Party!
Sep 19 2008 11:20PM

Well, tomorrow we are finally going to have Lucas's first birthday party. We had to cancel it last Saturday because he was sick. He officially turned 1 on September 7... almost 2 weeks ago. But luckily, almost everyone who said they could come on the first date is able to come tomorrow!

I just finished baking an Elmo cake. Tomorrow morning I am going to attempt to frost it with all the correct colors... should be interesting. I will have to post a picture if it comes out at least halfway decent!

Lucas is spending the night at my parents house... I miss him so much even though he would be asleep by now.

Little man, you are a whole year old already and I can't wait to be a part of you growing up! Love you!

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1 Year Old!
Sep 11 2008 2:28PM

So my little man Lucas turned 1 this past Sunday, September 7. Poor little guy was sick on his first birthday, so we really did not do much. He didn't even get to have any birthday cake!

Basically, he started daycare last week and only went 2 days (Thursday and Friday). Saturday night he started coming down with a fever. By Sunday, he had a nasty cold complete with snotty nose, on and off fever. He was extremely lethargic. Normally he is non-stop energy. This time, all he wanted to do was sit in your lap and lounge, as well as take naps.

By Monday we took him to the pediatrician for his 12 month visit. He got out of getting shots due to his cold. His eyes were starting to get goopy, but Dr. Shapren said it was just backed up congestion coming out... ew! He also had a spot of ringworm on his leg... could he have picked up any more germs!!

By Tuesday and Wednesday, his eyes were getting worse and his cold was not any better. Went back to the doctor on Wednesday night and now he has pink eye in both eyes!

Today is Thursday and my little man is a wee bit better. Since we started drops in his eyes last night, they are not nearly as goopy as they have been. Unfortunately, we had to cancel his first birthday party this weekend, but we are going to have it the following weekend.

That's all for now!

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