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So mad
Nov 9 2008 9:14AM

I'm just so mad right now that my cycle might be canceled.
I can't believe I waited 5 months to cycle at Cornell and I only get 3 follicles.

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Going well so far
Nov 5 2008 7:45PM

I went for BW and US this morning and everything looks great so far. Dr. Chung said my lining was beautiful Chat Icon and I think I have about 8-10 follicles. He said what we don't want right now is a dominant follicle and I don't have one so I guess that is good!
I have to go back again tomorrow morning for BW. Its funny because at Columbia they never asked me to come in so much. I feel like I am at least getting my money's worth at Cornell so far.
Also I find them to be extremely organized. Yes, there are a lot of people waiting but it is really not bad at all.
Tonight I have to decrease my follistim to 100 and keep up with the 150 of menopur and lupron. Time to go do that now actually....

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Productive Day!
Oct 30 2008 6:45PM

Today was my 1st morning monitoring at Cornell. I got up two hours earlier than normal and was at Cornell at 7:00 A.M.
Everything went fine. Bloodwork was good and RE saw multiple small follies on both sides.
Meds were delivered to me at work and they are a bit overwhelming even though I've been through this before. And wow..paying out of pocket totally sucks, but I know this will be worth it.
I feel so happy to be starting finally!
Tomorrow I start Lupron twice a day.
Also both of my outstanding tests were finally faxed to Cornell, so I am 100% OK with all that.
The walk to Cornell from the train is quite a long one...and not so fun when it is so cold out! But I'm not complaining...I'm so excited.

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I'm getting closer....
Oct 26 2008 6:06PM

Well I haven't been keeping this blog up the last few days because they sent an email at work specifically mentioning blogging and posting on message I figured I better be careful because with the expenses I'm about to have I definitely need my job!
This week I will finish BCPs and finally start stimming. It has been a very long 5 month wait since my FET. I go to Cornell for B/W and U/S on Thursday. I am so happy this cycle is finally starting.
I was a little moody this morning, really pissy actually. I was able to get my self out of it and had a productive afternoon cleaning while DH went to work.
I hate when I start to go into a funk but I'm glad I can pull myself out now instead of letting it get worse.
I can't wait until Thursday!

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Christening for godson on Sunday
Oct 20 2008 11:39AM

Well yesterday was the Christening for DH's brother's son. I am actually very proud of myself. I felt very strong during the whole ceremony and all day actually. Our godson is so adorable, I mean really just so cute. He is 18 months and started off really grumpy but by the end of the day you could tell he was so excited and knew this was a special day for him.
I didn't feel teary or emotional or jealous at all...just really happy.
I prayed for strength to get through it without losing my mind and I think it actually worked.
Only 1 more week on BCPs and then I start stimming. I can't believe how patient I've grown to be throughout this whole process.

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Day 3 of BCPs and another nice dinner with DH
Oct 18 2008 7:41AM

I'm starting to feel more comfortable with the BCPs. I just have never really liked taking any kind of medicine/pills. I was never on BCP the whole time DH and I were dating. I guess that is a good thing since women with Factor V Leiden shouldn't take them for an extended period of time.

So I cooked my "famous" tillapia dish last night. DH loved it. I mean he really really loved it and I've cooked it so many times before. I did it with rice and brussel sprouts. I have a great recipe for brussel sprouts that I got off of the internet...never thought I would like them but they are so good.

Sunday we have a christening to go to and we are the godparents. My DH's brother's son. We went to the class this week and I got through it just fine even though there were a few babies there. I'm not sure how I will do in church because I tend to get extremely emotional over IF when I'm in church. So this might be a challenge but I'm feeling pretty good so I'm not too worried.

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Starting BCPs! Finally getting somewhere!
Oct 15 2008 4:14PM

Today I started by BCPs. I have been waiting months to cycle again since I switched from Columbia to Cornell.
I've never actually taken BCPs as part of my IVF protocol and with my newly found blood clotting disorder (Factor V Leiden, MF) it was making me a little nervous. I've been assured by Dr. C that it is OK to take them for a short time. Of course I will also need Lovenox...
So I decided to start this blog because I hope and pray that this is it for me and I really want to capture the moment. I think DH and I have taken all of the right steps since our failed FET in May. We have switched REs, had tons more testing done, I changed prenatals he went on special vitamins, he is seeing a urologist at Cornell and we both have started accupuncture. We attend church each Sunday and continue to pray for children each and every day. I've also worked on positive thinking which I think really helps in a lot of areas. I can't wait to be a Mom and to give him the kids he has been waiting so patiently for. Sometimes just thinking about getting pg leaves me so completely awestruck at how amazing it would be and that it could actually happen.
I'm excited!

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