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LIF Adult

Member since 4/15 3049 total posts
Pre-teen girls
I only have an 11 yo son and he’s a pretty good kid. He’s been pushing back lately with the attitude, but I’m guessing a lot of it is the stress of being new to middle school in a virtual learning environment and dealing with me going thru chemo.
I’ve been staying with my boyfriend bc it’s not safe for me to be alone, and he has 4 kids. It’s a LOT for me bc they all have behavioral issues - he admits they all need therapy, but his ex doesn’t agree and has poisoned the kids mind against it.
He has an 11 yo girl - and her behavior is bonkers to me. She steals stuff (has stolen flavored chapstick from me), she’s quick to get upset if you don’t do what she wants to do, she’s been really mean to her 6 yo sister (forced toothpaste in her mouth and all over her face bc she “thought it was funny”). My bf admits that he thinks she’s going to be a mean girl and he’s trying hard to instill empathy, but she’s been acting out more lately.
Maybe all of this is just about a pre-teen girl - which I have no experience (other than going thru it myself 35 years ago). What’s “normal”?
Posted 1/28/21 12:42 PM |
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Member since 5/06 3104 total posts
Name: MrsDrMatt
Re: Pre-teen girls
I have 3 girls (13, 12, and 12) all are well behaved, awesome kids with little to no attitude.
I urge your BF to reach out to his lawyer to demand for his children to get therapy. His lawyer will walk him through what needs to be done legally. It is only going to get worse if he does not.
Forgot to add: Good luck and keep on fighting!
Message edited 1/28/2021 1:22:00 PM.
Posted 1/28/21 1:21 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/08 22665 total posts
Name: Erica
Re: Pre-teen girls
Posted by MrsDrMatt
I have 3 girls (13, 12, and 12) all are well behaved, awesome kids with little to no attitude.
I urge your BF to reach out to his lawyer to demand for his children to get therapy. His lawyer will walk him through what needs to be done legally. It is only going to get worse if he does not.
Forgot to add: Good luck and keep on fighting!
100% agree with this. I just posted about my 11 yr old being immature, but he has such a big heart. Def speak with a lawyer. Once in a while is ok getting into fights, but steeling and deliberately hurtful to a younger sibling (if this happens often) is NOT ok. Siblings fight, but there's a difference with just being mean. Good luck! It's only gonna get worse so nip it in the butt now.
Posted 1/28/21 2:34 PM |
Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09 54921 total posts
Name: ..being a mommy and being a wife!
Re: Pre-teen girls
My daughter is 10 1/2 and nowhere near like that. She has her moments of an attitude here and there, but rarely and it's never anything crazy. For the most part she is a good kid, well behaved, and more importantly, kind.
Those things you describe are absolutely not normal pre teen behavior
It really does sound like she needs some kind of therapy. I don't know the background of the situation- how the divorce was, etc etc but those are behaviors of a child crying out for help.
I would think the sooner, the better, to get it addressed because it will only get worse sadly
Message edited 1/28/2021 4:56:44 PM.
Posted 1/28/21 4:55 PM |
10 years on LIF!

Member since 11/06 26792 total posts
Name: Shawn
Re: Pre-teen girls
I have a 14yo DD. What you're describing is way beyond "teenage angst". Lots of girls (not all) have attitudes, rebellious behavior, etc. These things are so far beyond that, she definitely needs to talk to someone.
Posted 2/17/21 3:51 PM |
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