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Charlie Horse..Or So, I think thats what it is!

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My Loves!

Member since 5/05

46292 total posts


Charlie Horse..Or So, I think thats what it is!

So it was 3AM and I woke up in Pain! Bad tightness behind my lower leg. I wanted to wake DH up and just cry. I was finally able to get comfy and fall back asleep.
Got up this AM thinking it was a dream. Put some weight on my leg and OMG>>OUCH!!
All day today. My muscle feels so tight!
Went into my parents pool almost 2 hours. Seemed to help!
How else do you get rid of it! It still hurts. I mean, come on, its almost 24 hours!
Gimme a Break! LOL Charlie..Go Away Already!Chat Icon

Posted 8/3/05 9:59 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

I am an amazing bakist

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Re: Charlie Horse..Or So, I think thats what it is!

I get those all the time!
One of the few things that will actually wake me up.

Sometimes, the muslce is just sore for a day or two - perhaps a heating pad would help it relax a little?
i usually just deal with it

Posted 8/3/05 10:17 PM

My Babies

Member since 5/05

4956 total posts


Re: Charlie Horse..Or So, I think thats what it is!

I get that all the time. It actually comes in two's. I'll get it in one leg one night and two nights later I get it in the other leg. I wake up screaming. I found a good way to get the muscle to release is to stand with your hands on the wall and stretch your leg sorta backwards putting your foot flat on the floor. I hope that makes sense. I usually have pain for two or three days too. I usually put heat on it and it helps a bit, but I mostly just keep it moving so it doesn't tighten up. Feel better!!Chat Icon

Posted 8/3/05 10:35 PM


Member since 5/05

4646 total posts


Re: Charlie Horse..Or So, I think thats what it is!

OMG! This is so weird cause the same thing happened to me last night in my calve!Chat Icon It feels better now but the pain was unbelievable at like 2am!

Posted 8/4/05 6:47 AM


Member since 5/05

2771 total posts


Re: Charlie Horse..Or So, I think thats what it is!

I have had that everyother night somone told me it is dehydration! Chat Icon

Posted 8/4/05 9:11 AM

Earned My Bragging Rights!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Charlie Horse..Or So, I think thats what it is!

I hope you feeel betterChat Icon
I heard it happens when you areChat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/4/05 9:19 AM


Member since 5/05

10767 total posts


Re: Charlie Horse..Or So, I think thats what it is!

It's from dehydration or I can get them after a massage if I didn't drink enough water afterwards.

It hurts horribly when it happend and then for a few days it feels like a pulled muscle. I'd treat it like a pulled muscle.

Posted 8/4/05 9:22 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Re: Charlie Horse..Or So, I think thats what it is!

I get these sometimes. So painful. I put all my weight on the leg that its happening to, it goes away right away. Standing on a cold tile floor works good to.

Posted 8/4/05 9:25 AM

Turning a new page

Member since 5/05

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Re: Charlie Horse..Or So, I think thats what it is!

Oh man- those are the worst! I liken them to the feeling if your calf turned to concrete.. that's what it feels like- like my leg is turning to stone...

It will be sore for a day or so....

Posted 8/4/05 9:28 AM


Member since 5/05

6856 total posts


Re: Charlie Horse..Or So, I think thats what it is!

Dehydration could be the cause, but also lack of potassium believe it or not.
Try eating some kiwis and/or bananas.
Chat Icon
When stretching your calf when it happens, make sure you FLEX your foot, don't POINT your toes, that will make the cramping worse.

Message edited 8/4/2005 2:26:55 PM.

Posted 8/4/05 2:25 PM

Twin mommy

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Re: Charlie Horse..Or So, I think thats what it is!

Posted by AndreaLMT

Dehydration could be the cause, but also lack of potassium believe it or not.
Try eating some kiwis and/or bananas.
Chat Icon
When stretching your calf when it happens, make sure you FLEX your foot, don't POINT your toes, that will make the cramping worse.

Ive gotten these all my life - I wake up pointing my toes screaming in the middle of the night.

What helps me is doing the stretching thing boop(I think) was talking about and believe it or not punching it for a while helps. I have no idea why.

Bananas DO help A LOT!!!! I was in the hospital for asthma once and the dr said that my potassium level is so low I have to eat at least one a day. The other day I had a banana smoothie and I was like wow I feel great.

Posted 8/4/05 2:29 PM

My Babies

Member since 5/05

4956 total posts


Re: Charlie Horse..Or So, I think thats what it is!

Posted by Luvlylady

I hope you feeel betterChat Icon
I heard it happens when you areChat Icon Chat Icon

Bite your tongue!!!Chat Icon

Posted 8/4/05 3:03 PM

Luv my munchkins

Member since 5/05

4789 total posts


Re: Charlie Horse..Or So, I think thats what it is!

Oh this happens to me every once in awhile. It *****! The only thing I find that eleviates it right away is to jump up out of bed and stand on it. Putting the weight on it makes it go away the quickest.

To prevent it I was told eat bananas. I think it has something to do with potassium.

Posted 8/4/05 3:16 PM

I am an amazing bakist

Member since 5/05

13673 total posts


Re: Charlie Horse..Or So, I think thats what it is!

What else is high in potassium?

I get these muscle cramps all the time....but bananas hurt my tummy...worse than the muslce cramps.....Chat Icon

Posted 8/4/05 3:35 PM


Member since 5/05

5632 total posts


Re: Charlie Horse..Or So, I think thats what it is!

Posted by Palebride

What else is high in potassium?

I get these muscle cramps all the time....but bananas hurt my tummy...worse than the muslce cramps.....Chat Icon

orange juice, cantaloupe, meats,poultry,fish...

I just read too that drinking a glass of tonic water before bed is good for the muscle crampsChat Icon

Message edited 8/4/2005 5:00:11 PM.

Posted 8/4/05 4:59 PM

My Loves!

Member since 5/05

46292 total posts


Re: Charlie Horse..Or So, I think thats what it is!

Thanks everyone!
Feel better today! Just stayed off of it most of the night last night.
My mother said the same thing..Dehydration.
I argued w/her that I drink too much water in a day! I really do! At work I drink so much! Guess I have to drink more. I do eat bananas as well for the postassium so, again, the h2o should help more!
Thank You!

I like your answer the best! That would be nice!Chat Icon
Hope your feeling better!Chat Icon

Message edited 8/4/2005 5:39:02 PM.

Posted 8/4/05 5:37 PM

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