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Kids say the darndest things: Christmas edition

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I am what I am

Member since 12/05

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Kids say the darndest things: Christmas edition

Please add yours!

I have two:

At church,during a re-enactment, the whole congregation was quiet. When Moses appeared from the mountain, my little nephew screamed "Look dad, its Santa!!!!" The whole place roared in laughter.

I purchased this really expensive disney barbie doll for my niece. When she opened it, she looked at it and said "Ugh, I dont want this" and threw it on the floor. Its gift cards for you from now on, ya ungrateful!!Chat Icon

Posted 12/26/06 11:30 AM
Long Island Weddings
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I'm a tired mommy!

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Re: Kids say the darndest things: Christmas edition

My nephew got a gift card to Toys R Us on Christmas eve. At first he didn't know what it was, but after it was explained to him, he ran over to his mom and said:
"We have make sure we put this under the tree so that Santa has time to go to Toys R Us and get me a toy and then bring it back to the house!"

OMG I started laughing so hard when he said that, it was so cute!

Posted 12/26/06 11:34 AM


Member since 8/06

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Re: Kids say the darndest things: Christmas edition

My mom bought my niece Lincoln Logs, She had it half way unwrapped and said "This is for boys!"

Posted 12/26/06 11:36 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: Kids say the darndest things: Christmas edition

When my son read the note from Santa with the special gifts Santa left, he said "OMG, I REALLY believe in Santa now! He really does exist!" Um, you're 5 - he better exist.

When it was time to open presents, he peeked in the box & saw clothes. Didn't open it & just said "those are just lame clothes."Chat Icon

My daughter screaming "My very own pink towel! I needed a pink towel!" She continued with every gift saying "I needed this Care Bear!!" "Just what I always wanted - another Baby!"

The girl is the most grateful kid. The boy - grateful for everything except clothes. It was pretty similar to the commercial you all hate but very cute when they're your own.

Posted 12/26/06 11:38 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Kids say the darndest things: Christmas edition

My 2-1/2 year old godson got a Jesse Doll from Santa (Toy Story - he already has Woody & Buzz, but loves Jesse too) and when he opened it he put his hands on his head and said "Woahhh, How did he know mommy? How did he know?" in this incredulous voice.

Message edited 12/26/2006 11:51:24 AM.

Posted 12/26/06 11:45 AM

Baby Delicious!

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Re: Kids say the darndest things: Christmas edition

These are great! Keep them coming.
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I bought our 3 yr old niece a coat for xmas. She refused to try it on and said "coats are not for xmas, aunt nancy"

yeah, I was thrilled. Next year its an $8.l00 toyChat Icon

Posted 12/26/06 11:51 AM

The Disney Lady

Member since 5/05

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Re: Kids say the darndest things: Christmas edition


so cute! Keep 'em coming!

I don't have one xmas related, but FH's name is Doug. last time we saw his 2 year old niece, whow e don't see often, my mom and her yorkie were with us. Our niece loved the dog and was trying to feed her.

Doug called and his mom put Emily on the phone and said "Uncle Doug is on the phone" and she said what sounded like "My Doggie" and FMIL was convinced she was saying "My Douggie"....until she said "MY Doggie. bone! bone!"

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Posted 12/26/06 12:33 PM


Member since 4/06

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Re: Kids say the darndest things: Christmas edition

Each time she opened a present I asked my 2 year old if she liked her present and she said no I love my present!

Every present she opened she said "I always wanted a (fill in the name of toy here). It was so cute!

Posted 12/26/06 12:46 PM

R.I.P. Sweet Mia ♥

Member since 5/06

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The Mystical Azzhorse! ™

Re: Kids say the darndest things: Christmas edition

Posted by JenniferEver


so cute! Keep 'em coming!

I don't have one xmas related, but FH's name is Doug. last time we saw his 2 year old niece, whow e don't see often, my mom and her yorkie were with us. Our niece loved the dog and was trying to feed her.

Doug called and his mom put Emily on the phone and said "Uncle Doug is on the phone" and she said what sounded like "My Doggie" and FMIL was convinced she was saying "My Douggie"....until she said "MY Doggie. bone! bone!"

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Posted 12/26/06 12:47 PM

Support Cancer Research

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Re: Kids say the darndest things: Christmas edition

We were at the Radio City Christmas Spectacular and, if you haven't seen it, it's about 12 scenes all about Santa and then two scenes at the end about the birth of Christ.

When it was over, the mother in front of us asked her son (I'd say about 6 or 7 years old) if he liked the show.

His response:

"Yeah, until they got to all the religous stuff - I mean it's a CHRISTMAS show!! Why was all that in there???"

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Posted 12/26/06 12:51 PM


Member since 6/05

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Re: Kids say the darndest things: Christmas edition

At church on xmas eve, we were lined up to get communion, and a little girl in front of me (maybe 4 or 5) starts singing

Dreidel dreidel dreidel, I made you out of clay...........

Posted 12/26/06 1:11 PM

The Disney Lady

Member since 5/05

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Re: Kids say the darndest things: Christmas edition

Posted by kbeana24

At church on xmas eve, we were lined up to get communion, and a little girl in front of me (maybe 4 or 5) starts singing

Dreidel dreidel dreidel, I made you out of clay...........

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Posted 12/26/06 1:12 PM

R.I.P. Sweet Mia ♥

Member since 5/06

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The Mystical Azzhorse! ™

Re: Kids say the darndest things: Christmas edition

Posted by kbeana24

At church on xmas eve, we were lined up to get communion, and a little girl in front of me (maybe 4 or 5) starts singing

Dreidel dreidel dreidel, I made you out of clay...........

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Posted 12/26/06 1:13 PM


Member since 8/06

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Re: Kids say the darndest things: Christmas edition

Posted by kbeana24

At church on xmas eve, we were lined up to get communion, and a little girl in front of me (maybe 4 or 5) starts singing

Dreidel dreidel dreidel, I made you out of clay...........

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Posted 12/26/06 1:26 PM

L'amore vince sempre

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Mrs. B

Re: Kids say the darndest things: Christmas edition

My cousin's 5 year old niece asked her to buy her a christmas dress this year with the shoes and tights and hair clips...the nine yards.So she could get dressed up for the holiday

When my cousin called her she told her niece that she bought her christmas gift already. Her niece was so shocked and excited...she said "You got me a PONY!!!!! OMG OMG" Chat Icon She said "Umm no Jessie I bought you the dress you asked for"

"Oh Chat Icon I didn't think you would really buy me the dress" click

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Posted 12/26/06 1:36 PM

C & J are 10!

Member since 6/05

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Re: Kids say the darndest things: Christmas edition

My nephew Daniel in his every so angelic face asked (after opening about 30 gifts) "Aunt Stacey, did Santa leave anything for me at your house? I didn't see you come in with any packages"

I had left the packages earlier in the week at my mothers! My husband said "That's it, nothing next year for them!"

Posted 12/26/06 2:05 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 9/05

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Jo Ann

Re: Kids say the darndest things: Christmas edition

After Santa went to my parents house and then my sisters house my 2yr old niece said mommy we need to go to aunt Jo Ann's house Santa left presents there too.

Or even better last year she was calling everything Christmas related HO HO. So Santa was Ho Ho a christmas tree was Ho Ho. My sister takes her to church and see's a Christmas tree adn Screams Mommy what a beautiful HO HO. Everyone in the church turned around and laught.

Posted 12/26/06 3:35 PM

Where it all began....

Member since 5/05

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Re: Kids say the darndest things: Christmas edition

My SIL told Damien to take his shoes off of her couch to which he replied "They are not shoes, they are boots"Chat Icon

At my other SIL"s on Christmas Eve, he comes into the room with a pair of brand new men's sneakers. He says Mommy look what Santa brought me. I was like where did you get those. My SIL tells me that he went into my nieces bedroom and decided to open up all her presents she had gotten for her boyfriendChat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/26/06 3:43 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: Kids say the darndest things: Christmas edition

Posted by Stacey1403
At my other SIL"s on Christmas Eve, he comes into the room with a pair of brand new men's sneakers. He says Mommy look what Santa brought me. I was like where did you get those. My SIL tells me that he went into my nieces bedroom and decided to open up all her presents she had gotten for her boyfriendChat Icon Chat Icon

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Posted 12/26/06 3:45 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/06

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Re: Kids say the darndest things: Christmas edition

My friend was shopping in the mall with her son who is about 4 or 5. It was so crowded and very busy. Some woman knocked into her son just looked at him and kept on walking. Her son yells out, "Hey lady, Santa saw that"!!!

It was hysterical here at work when she told us that.

Posted 12/26/06 4:05 PM

Our life is complete

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Re: Kids say the darndest things: Christmas edition

Last year my niece was opening a gift from my great aunt and uncle who claim they are on a "fixed income" (they have more $$ than God), she opens the box and pulls out a sweater looks at it looks back in the box and said "oh my God there arent even any pants!"

Posted 12/26/06 4:26 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Kids say the darndest things: Christmas edition

My 9 year old cousin was sitting listening to all the grown up talk between me and my mom and my aunt and he feels left out I guess so he blurts out that he wants to dye his hair pink and when he is old like dad and he grows a moustache, he wants to dye that pink too" Chat Icon

Posted 12/26/06 5:24 PM

Mom of Three

Member since 9/05

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Re: Kids say the darndest things: Christmas edition

2 from my 4 year old:

While discussing the concept of Santa and receiving gifts:

"But why cant we just buy the stuff ourselves instead of waiting for Santa"

After I filled the Christmas stockings (except my own), I overheard him telling my Mother:

"All of our stockings have treats except Mommys. I guess she wasnt good this year"

Posted 12/26/06 5:44 PM

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