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2 boys & 1 girl :)

Member since 11/06 1874 total posts
nausea at 37 weeks?
I'll be 37 weeks on Saturday and for the last two days, I've been feeling kind of nauseaus. I have that same horrible taste in my mouth that I had at the beginning of this pregnancy.
When I went to the doctor last week I was 25% effaced, but not dilated.
Was anyone else nauseaus at this point in their pregnancy?
Posted 7/18/07 1:31 PM |
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Member since 5/05 19461 total posts
Name: L
Re: nausea at 37 weeks?
I am 37 weeks and 4 days pg. I had morning sickness up until the middle of my 7th month of pg. I am now getting a acid relux/nauseas feeling again. It started last week. I thought it was just me and my pregnancy.
Posted 7/18/07 1:54 PM |
I <3 Gabriella

Member since 6/06 1029 total posts
Name: N
Re: nausea at 37 weeks?
I'm 39 weeks and some mornings I wake up nauseous as well. I think it is because our stomach's are so smushed in there!!!!
Posted 7/18/07 2:04 PM |
Love my Babes

Member since 8/05 5889 total posts
Re: nausea at 37 weeks?
i was having nausea last week at 36 wks, if i didnt eat something fast enough it would just get worse. Mine was generally gone after i ate food. Are you eating breakfast?
Posted 7/18/07 2:12 PM |
Praying for a miracle!

Member since 5/05 1536 total posts
Re: nausea at 37 weeks?
I vommited a few times in home stretch. Sorry you don't feel well.
Posted 7/18/07 2:47 PM |
Member since 12/06 2770 total posts
Re: nausea at 37 weeks?
I'm 37 weeks and have been feeling nauseous as well. Never had morning sickness...THANK GOD, but this feeling is horrible!!
Posted 7/18/07 4:17 PM |
2 boys & 1 girl :)

Member since 11/06 1874 total posts
Re: nausea at 37 weeks?
Thanks ladies! I guess I just have to live with this for the next few weeks. I've been eating breakfast, but I'm going to start eating smaller meals more frequently like I did in the beginning!
Thank goodness we are in the home stretch!!!!
Posted 7/18/07 6:47 PM |
When you wish upon a star

Member since 5/05 11997 total posts
Name: Because 2 people fell in love
Re: nausea at 37 weeks?
Almost 37 weeks and thankfully only dealing with slight nausea.
I hope you feel better
Posted 7/18/07 7:01 PM |
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