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Anyone put on terbutaline to stop contractions?

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My Girls

Member since 10/05

2427 total posts


Anyone put on terbutaline to stop contractions?

I am on terbutaline for the next 2 weeks to stop my contractions, dr really wants me to have the baby no earlier then 36 weeks..

Posted 12/30/05 11:57 AM
Long Island Weddings
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I'm getting old

Member since 5/05

8688 total posts


Re: Anyone put on terbutaline to stop contractions?

Please check with your doctor about this. My DHs cousin had something that started with a T to stop her contractions and it damaged the enamal on the babies baby teeth. I dont want to alarm you because it may be the wrong thing but it also happened to another person she knew who had the same labor stopping drug as she did... coinsidence, maybe but worth asking about.

Posted 12/30/05 12:38 PM

My Children

Member since 5/05

7905 total posts


Re: Anyone put on terbutaline to stop contractions?

My friend was on Magnesium and Terbutiline in the hospital for 46 days to stop contractions, and then on a Terbutiline pump at home for another 2 weeks. It stopped her from giving birth early.
It is safe and has been used safely for a long time.

Posted 12/30/05 1:16 PM

Two in Blue

Member since 5/05

20223 total posts


Re: Anyone put on terbutaline to stop contractions?

KPToys-are you thinking of tetracycline? I am one of those babies. I still have white spots on my teeth

Posted 12/30/05 1:34 PM

I'm getting old

Member since 5/05

8688 total posts


Re: Anyone put on terbutaline to stop contractions?

Posted by melijane

KPToys-are you thinking of tetracycline? I am one of those babies. I still have white spots on my teeth

Im not sure, Im sorry. I know she had it started with a T and she got it in the hospital when she was in premature labor. Her daughter has no enamel on her teeth and at 5 has had teeth pulled and cavities.

Posted 12/30/05 2:11 PM

My Girls

Member since 10/05

2427 total posts


Re: Anyone put on terbutaline to stop contractions?

Posted by nylisa

My friend was on Magnesium and Terbutiline in the hospital for 46 days to stop contractions, and then on a Terbutiline pump at home for another 2 weeks. It stopped her from giving birth early.
It is safe and has been used safely for a long time.

Thanks we were asking the dr a million questions re: it but I wasn't sure if he was just saying things to make me feel better, because the outcome of terbutaline in better then the outcome of a baby coming out early...

Posted 12/30/05 2:31 PM

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