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My review from Top Point today!!

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 7/05

554 total posts


My review from Top Point today!!

So, I went to get my hair JHS today. I was so nervous, but I am glad that I did it. I was there forever!! I am in pain from sitting for 7 I was there from 10-5. I think it came out good, but I was expecting it to be a little better, based on everyone else's pics and reviews. I had pretty curly hair, and it was tough to get straight, believe it or not. It finally did come out really straight and I love it, but it won't be wash and go like many others on here. That's the part I was upset about. When she was done, and went to blowdry it, the back was perfect, but the sides were really frizzy & poofy,so she had to flat iron it. =( I was upset...I wonder if it will be any different when I wash it? Did anyone else have this? (I don't think anyone did) I will post pics tomorrow!! Thanks so much for all your help & advice!!
*Last question, now since I have it done, do I need to do anything special to it? (Sorry the questions never end) lol! If anyone has any questions for me, please ask away! =)
Laura Chat Icon

Posted 7/6/06 10:33 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: My review from Top Point today!!

How curly was your hair?

I'd love to see pics.

Posted 7/6/06 10:38 PM

my 4 boys!

Member since 6/06

7396 total posts


Re: My review from Top Point today!!

maybe you have to get it done more than once when you have really curly hair. my hair is almost straight already with just a little wave and alot of frizz if i don't blow it out. when they dried my hair it was PIN straight.

Posted 7/6/06 10:40 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 7/05

554 total posts


Re: My review from Top Point today!!

JTK, that could be the case! I actually remember Tracey saying something like that to me now. I couldn't totally understand her at the time, but now it makes sense. Chat Icon

Message edited 7/6/2006 10:55:46 PM.

Posted 7/6/06 10:42 PM

my 4 boys!

Member since 6/06

7396 total posts


Re: My review from Top Point today!!

so go again in like 6 months or so. then you can probably spread it out more. i am sure that it will still be much easier to do your hair!! Chat Icon

Posted 7/6/06 10:44 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 7/05

554 total posts


Re: My review from Top Point today!!

My digital camera batteries don't work, so I will post later on today! I have to go buy new batteries.Chat Icon

Posted 7/7/06 9:09 AM

The Key to your new home....

Member since 2/06

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Re: My review from Top Point today!!

I had to go 7 times to get my hair to dry straight

I would say you would need to go at least a few more times to have it be so straight

Posted 7/7/06 9:40 AM

i run for bacon

Member since 5/05

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Re: My review from Top Point today!!

When they blowdried my hair they had to flat iron it also... the front was a little frizzy until they ironed it. But after my first wash at home, it air-dried straight! I would just be extra careful not to get your hair wet the next 3-4 days before you wash it, maybe try to wait an extra day if you can! You never know until that first wash... I will keep my fingers crossed for you!

Posted 7/7/06 9:47 AM

Better than the news!

Member since 2/06

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Re: My review from Top Point today!!

Posted by Beth1210

I had to go 7 times to get my hair to dry straight

I would say you would need to go at least a few more times to have it be so straight

Chat Icon did they charge you?

Posted 7/7/06 9:48 AM

The Key to your new home....

Member since 2/06

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Re: My review from Top Point today!!

Posted by Tumbalina

Posted by Beth1210

I had to go 7 times to get my hair to dry straight

I would say you would need to go at least a few more times to have it be so straight

Chat Icon did they charge you?

of course- it was over a period of 4 years

Posted 7/7/06 9:50 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 7/05

554 total posts


Re: My review from Top Point today!!

Thanks girls!Chat Icon I am so happy it is so straight!! I know it will take me much less time, so I am excited! I am going to wash it on Sunday, so I'll see how it dries then. =) Thanks for the reassurance!Chat Icon

Posted 7/7/06 9:53 AM


Member since 9/05

3423 total posts


Re: My review from Top Point today!!

I had the same problem alittle but I am still so happy that I got it done. My back will dry straight but the sides I can't leave wet cause it will frizz. But- I dry my hair in 10 mins now which still is alot less time than before I got it done. It took me 45 mins to dry and iron my hair.

Posted 7/7/06 9:53 AM

The Key to your new home....

Member since 2/06

24849 total posts


Re: My review from Top Point today!!

it will be fine- Top point are the only people that could get my hair to dry straight

Posted 7/7/06 9:54 AM

I miss you grandma

Member since 8/05

1437 total posts


Re: My review from Top Point today!!

Posted by julz33

When they blowdried my hair they had to flat iron it also... the front was a little frizzy until they ironed it. But after my first wash at home, it air-dried straight! I would just be extra careful not to get your hair wet the next 3-4 days before you wash it, maybe try to wait an extra day if you can! You never know until that first wash... I will keep my fingers crossed for you!

do you really need to wait 3-4 days to wash it? and when you shower, do you put it in a pony tail with a shower cap? My hair gets so greasy if I go 2 days without washing it. I'm going next thurs....Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/7/06 11:54 AM


Member since 5/05

4319 total posts


Re: My review from Top Point today!!

Posted by Baboots

Posted by julz33

When they blowdried my hair they had to flat iron it also... the front was a little frizzy until they ironed it. But after my first wash at home, it air-dried straight! I would just be extra careful not to get your hair wet the next 3-4 days before you wash it, maybe try to wait an extra day if you can! You never know until that first wash... I will keep my fingers crossed for you!

do you really need to wait 3-4 days to wash it? and when you shower, do you put it in a pony tail with a shower cap? My hair gets so greasy if I go 2 days without washing it. I'm going next thurs....Chat Icon Chat Icon

Don't put it in a pony tai l -you might crease it. I just used a showercap. I HATED being without clean hair, but after - ahhh, it's so nice. I almost never even blow it at all - I let the air conditioning in my car do that.Chat Icon

Posted 7/7/06 12:06 PM

I miss you grandma

Member since 8/05

1437 total posts


Re: My review from Top Point today!!

Posted by oneday

Posted by Baboots

Posted by julz33

When they blowdried my hair they had to flat iron it also... the front was a little frizzy until they ironed it. But after my first wash at home, it air-dried straight! I would just be extra careful not to get your hair wet the next 3-4 days before you wash it, maybe try to wait an extra day if you can! You never know until that first wash... I will keep my fingers crossed for you!

do you really need to wait 3-4 days to wash it? and when you shower, do you put it in a pony tail with a shower cap? My hair gets so greasy if I go 2 days without washing it. I'm going next thurs....Chat Icon Chat Icon

Don't put it in a pony tai l -you might crease it. I just used a showercap. I HATED being without clean hair, but after - ahhh, it's so nice. I almost never even blow it at all - I let the air conditioning in my car do that.Chat Icon

ok, thanks...not being able to wash my hair or put it up is going to drive me nuts. I haven't worn my hair down since the winter. I figured if I go on thurs, I'll be ok by the time I go back to work on monday.

Message edited 7/7/2006 12:11:22 PM.

Posted 7/7/06 12:09 PM

I miss you grandma

Member since 8/05

1437 total posts


Re: My review from Top Point today!!

oops Chat Icon

Message edited 7/7/2006 12:12:03 PM.

Posted 7/7/06 12:10 PM

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