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Grateful for my babies!

Member since 2/12 4571 total posts
Name: <3
When did you feel the baby move?
Just wondering the range? Still nothing over here at 12 weeks and this is with baby #2
Posted 7/6/14 10:11 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Infant

Member since 8/13 151 total posts
Name: Liz
When did you feel the baby move?
Since this is my first I wasn't quite sure what was actual movement/quickening and what wasn't. I have to say it wasn't until 18/20 weeks or so that I was able to feel little "tickles" every now and then.
Posted 7/6/14 10:13 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 2/12 1789 total posts
Re: When did you feel the baby move?
With my first, around 17-18 weeks. I'd always heard you felt the baby move earlier with your second, but just started feeling movement at 17 weeks with this one too. At my 16 week appt, the dr asked if I felt any movement and when I said no, he said it wasn't uncommon and I'd start to feel movement by the next 2-3 weeks.
Posted 7/6/14 10:28 AM |
Baby Boy is Here!

Member since 5/11 7626 total posts
Name: Momma <3
When did you feel the baby move?
I had an anterior placenta and didn't feel anything until 23-24 weeks.
Posted 7/6/14 11:10 AM |
Love multiplies, not divides

Member since 11/12 14481 total posts
Name: Me
When did you feel the baby move?
15 weeks
Posted 7/6/14 11:10 AM |
You are my I love you

Member since 7/09 18802 total posts
Name: DiamondMama
Re: When did you feel the baby move?
The doc said I was crazy but at 12w I felt a little something w #2 and by 13,14w I felt real movement.
Posted 7/6/14 11:16 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 9/09 12167 total posts
When did you feel the baby move?
I felt movement with my first around 17 weeks and at 16 weeks with my second I very occasionally feel movement now. Maybe around 13-14 weeks I could have been feeling flutters but I was never sure. Now, everyone now and then I feel a little pop but I'd say I'm lucky if it's more than once or twice a day.
Posted 7/6/14 11:32 AM |

Member since 12/12 4088 total posts
Re: When did you feel the baby move?
16 weeks. DH felt it about a week later.
Posted 7/6/14 11:35 AM |
5,000 Posts!
Member since 4/10 7180 total posts
Name: Katherine
When did you feel the baby move?
12 weeks is early..I'm 19 wks with #2 and barely feel anything.
Posted 7/6/14 12:16 PM |
In love with my baby girl <3
Member since 2/11 1417 total posts
Name: Booshka
When did you feel the baby move?
I am 13 weeks and could have sworn I felt the baby last night. It was the strangest feeling, like someone was rubbing a feather against the inside of my lower belly (right above my pubic area). It only lasted for a few seconds and happened right after I was rubbing the area. I'm gonna ask my Dr about it on Wednesday.
Posted 7/6/14 12:53 PM |
My family is complete
Member since 1/12 2338 total posts
When did you feel the baby move?
19 weeks. DH still can't feel her at 29 bc of anterior placenta.
Posted 7/6/14 2:00 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 7/10 313 total posts
Re: When did you feel the baby move?
19-20 weeks, DH felt him move not too long after. Although I may have felt little flutters at 17-18 weeks but wasn't sure!
Posted 7/6/14 2:35 PM |
When did you feel the baby move?
24ish weeks. Anterior placenta.
Posted 7/6/14 3:02 PM |
And then there were 4

Member since 1/10 5224 total posts
Name: Kayla
When did you feel the baby move?
17 weeks, DH felt her at 20 weeks
Posted 7/6/14 3:28 PM |
And then there were four...

Member since 6/09 2088 total posts
Name: Denise
Re: When did you feel the baby move?
With #1, not until 22 weeks or so. With #2 I felt flutters at 15 weeks.
Posted 7/6/14 5:34 PM |
Baby #5 on the way!

Member since 9/05 7919 total posts
When did you feel the baby move?
12 weeks is still really early. I felt my fourth at 10.5 weeks and it was very faint and not consistent. Now with #5, i didnt feel anything until about 14-15 weeks. I feel this one at 19 weeks a few times a day and my husband saw tiny kicks a few days ago.
Posted 7/6/14 6:49 PM |
Grateful for my babies!

Member since 2/12 4571 total posts
Name: <3
Re: When did you feel the baby move?
I can't remember for the life of me when I felt DS but I think it was around 20 weeks. Thanks ladies!
Posted 7/6/14 8:25 PM |
california dreamin'

Member since 2/13 1443 total posts
Name: love my family!
When did you feel the baby move?
19-20 wks with baby 2. dh didn't feel baby until 24 wks
Posted 7/6/14 9:11 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 12/07 2197 total posts
Name: Mia
Re: When did you feel the baby move?
This is my third and I thought I would feel the baby kicking a lot sooner. I would feel very little around 14 weeks. Now I am 20 weeks and his kicks hurt and my dh and ds can feel them.
Posted 7/6/14 9:12 PM |
Only God knows His plan for us

Member since 4/13 7238 total posts
Name: Jessica
When did you feel the baby move?
16 weeks I felt the first of the flutters. It's stronger now, but still intermittent (18 weeks). I am waiting for it to get more regular.
Posted 7/6/14 9:33 PM |
my little loves

Member since 8/08 18453 total posts
Re: When did you feel the baby move?
16w #1 11w #2
Posted 7/7/14 11:49 AM |
different, not less
Member since 7/09 13160 total posts
Re: When did you feel the baby move?
25 weeks. Anterior Placenta.
Posted 7/7/14 11:52 AM |
Gotta have faith

Member since 7/09 2176 total posts
Name: Keep the Faith
Re: When did you feel the baby move?
16 weeks #1 14 weeks #2 by 16 weeks felt baby consistently
I have very active babies all Doctors have commented on movement early on and I think that makes a huge difference
Posted 7/7/14 1:07 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 6/12 69 total posts
When did you feel the baby move?
Think 12 weeks is too early for the most part..i felt mine at 17 weeks
Posted 7/7/14 3:14 PM |
LIF Zygote
Member since 8/14 15 total posts
When did you feel the baby move?
I think when i was 19-20 weeks i felt the movement of the baby.
Posted 8/8/14 2:32 AM |
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