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how would you say that you felt during your delivery compared to cramps.

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LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

314 total posts


how would you say that you felt during your delivery compared to cramps.

meaning this: do you think there is any correlation between your period cramps and labor? for instance, if you have easy periods, was your labor also easy?

Posted 5/16/05 9:13 PM
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Re: how would you say that you felt during your delivery compared to cramps.

I have easy periods, my labor felt 10x worse than period cramps, but that doesnt mean you'll have terrible pain....I'm a wuss with pain Chat Icon

Posted 5/16/05 10:15 PM

Stop 2 smell the roses

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Re: how would you say that you felt during your delivery compared to cramps.

I used to have pretty easy periods. I think actually have worse periods would make it easier for you b/c you are a little used to the pain Chat Icon

Posted 5/16/05 11:27 PM

Becoming a different woman

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Re: how would you say that you felt during your delivery compared to cramps.

just imagine having the worst period cramps ever. I never did, but it was bad.
Epi was my dear friend.Chat Icon

Posted 5/17/05 1:29 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Re: how would you say that you felt during your delivery compared to cramps.

I get easy cramps but went into labor with my first son not my second. (I was already in the hospital and they decided it was time. which was fine by me. He was a week late as it was) As fars as labbor fo rme it was pretty easy also

Posted 5/17/05 9:26 AM

Life is berry good!

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Re: how would you say that you felt during your delivery compared to cramps.

I use to get REALLY bad cramps during my period. I would pass out from the pain. When I was in labor, the cramps felt like the bad cramps I use to get. When they became even worse, that was when it was time for my good friend...the epidural. The cramping you get though isn't constant. You get breaks between them.

Posted 5/17/05 10:13 PM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

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Re: how would you say that you felt during your delivery compared to cramps.

I honestly thought it would be alot worse then it was I mean at one point the contractions were really bad that I couldn't walk or talk till the contraction was over. I tried to stay without the e pidoral and did good I started labor at 10pm and got the epidoral at 6:30am cuz I couldn't take it anymore and gave birth at 12:39pm
When the epidural started to wear off it was time to push and yes it felt like really bad cramps but worse. I aint gonna like it hurts

Posted 5/18/05 11:42 AM

LIF Adolescent

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Re: how would you say that you felt during your delivery compared to cramps.

The cramps that I felt during labor were nothing like anything I have ever felt before in my life... I always had bad cramping with AF, which is one of the reasons I was put on BC.

Posted 5/18/05 7:12 PM

Best "THINGS" in my life.

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Re: how would you say that you felt during your delivery compared to cramps.

I think it's the other way around actually. From the people I have spoken to and from my own experience. Those who have very painful periods can tolerate labor pains a little better because they are used to feeling bad cramping on a monthly basis. As opposed to those who have painless periods and then cramp-like labor pains out of the blue and are not used to being in pain they would experience stronger sensations. Don't get me wrong even though my periods put me out of commission normally, I got an epidural while in labor. I just wish I could get one every month.

Posted 5/22/05 3:45 PM

Straight up nasty

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Re: how would you say that you felt during your delivery compared to cramps.

Posted by Debbie

I use to get REALLY bad cramps during my period. I would pass out from the pain. When I was in labor, the cramps felt like the bad cramps I use to get. When they became even worse, that was when it was time for my good friend...the epidural. The cramping you get though isn't constant. You get breaks between them.

Here, here...IMO it was badChat Icon

Posted 5/23/05 11:28 AM

3 babies for me :)

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Re: how would you say that you felt during your delivery compared to cramps.

Posted by ambersmom

Posted by Debbie

I use to get REALLY bad cramps during my period. I would pass out from the pain. When I was in labor, the cramps felt like the bad cramps I use to get. When they became even worse, that was when it was time for my good friend...the epidural. The cramping you get though isn't constant. You get breaks between them.

Here, here...IMO it was badChat Icon


Ditto, the epi was my best friend. I couldn't do it w/o one.

Posted 5/24/05 7:52 AM

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