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Flex Pets!!!!!!

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Member since 5/05

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Flex Pets!!!!!!

You have got to be effiing kidding me!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon


With ever increasing demands on our time, a lot of people say they just can't fit in one more thing - like owning a cat or dog. But Michael Finney shows us how some busy people are proving you don't have to own a pet to have a pet.
Erika Lupercio and her dog Rupert have a very loving relationship.

Erika Lupercio, pet borrower: "We do lots of fun stuff, we go to the dog park, beach, around the house."

But Rupert isn't her dog all the time - just some of the time. You see, she actually borrows Rupert from a service called 'Flex Petz.' For a fee, 'Flex Petz' screens customers and then lets them rent out a pet. It could be for just a few hours, or up to a whole week.

The company says all of their pets would otherwise be homeless.

Marlena Cervantes, Flex Petz: "We're connected with our dogs through local rescue groups and shelters. We're also connected with dogs that are retired show dogs and retired studs."

'Flex Pet' provides the food, toys, a bed and veterinarian care. But some members of the Humane Society say a dog should not be for rent.

John Snyder, Humane Society: "Pets are not like bicycles you rent them for two hours. We just don't think that's in the best interest of the animal."

The humane officials say it's hard for animals to adjust to constant changes.

John Snyder, Humane Society: "We're concerned about different owners, different training, different handling."

But 'Flex Petz' says clients are trained to give good care and dogs enjoy the extended family. For Erica, a part time pet is perfect.

Erika Lupercio, pet borrower: "I don't have time to spend with them at home, which makes it really unfair to our dog to be sitting at home."

When Erica has to leave the house, so does Rupert.

Erika Lupercio, pet borrower: "Being a part owner like this is great. I love it''

'Flex Petz' has locations in San Diego and Los Angeles, but they plan to open a center in San Francisco and in cities worldwide. They say members will be able to visit a city abroad and rent a dog to stroll around with a furry travel companion.

Copyright 2007, ABC7/KGO-TV/DT.

Posted 7/30/07 5:50 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource


Member since 5/05

28602 total posts


Re: Flex Pets!!!!!!

Here's a suggestion. If anyone wants a part-time companion...volunteer to be a dog walker at a no-kill shelter, or find other ways to volunteer to socialise dogs that have been abandoned or are being prepped for adoption.

Message edited 7/31/2007 7:39:34 AM.

Posted 7/30/07 5:51 PM

I love my boys!!

Member since 5/05

8044 total posts


Re: Flex Pets!!!!!!

Posted by MsMBV

Here's a suggestion. If anyone wants a pert-time companion...volunteer to be a dog walker at a no-kill shelter, or find other ways to volunteer to socialise dogs that have been abandoned or are being prepped for adoption.

Totally agree.

People will do anything for a buck.

Posted 7/30/07 6:03 PM

is not the girl you knew

Member since 5/05

14266 total posts


Re: Flex Pets!!!!!!

exactly!!!!!!!!!!! wth?

Posted 7/30/07 6:12 PM

is not the girl you knew

Member since 5/05

14266 total posts


Re: Flex Pets!!!!!!

and arent the pets still technically homeless?

Posted 7/30/07 6:12 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Flex Pets!!!!!!

I have sometimes wondered if 2 people or 2 families, living apart, sharing a dog and alternating weeks or something like that, would work. Just a thought. But now that I have Oscar I think that it would be impossible to find 2 families that can be consistent in the ways that they handle and raise their pets. Are the dogs in this program up for adoption? I could see if someone wants to borrow the dog for a day and see how they do together.

Posted 7/30/07 6:41 PM


Member since 7/07

7639 total posts


Re: Flex Pets!!!!!!

Message edited 11/10/2011 2:51:40 PM.

Posted 7/30/07 7:37 PM


Member since 5/05

28602 total posts


Re: Flex Pets!!!!!!

Posted by imthekevinofcindyandkevin

This is just ridiculous!
What's next , Flex Kids?

Hey don't have the patients for kids full time? Well here's Flex Kids!

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OMG I was going to post this same kind of comment but some people get POed when we compare pets with kids.

And yes Jes, technically they are still homeless IMO.

Posted 7/30/07 7:42 PM

True love

Member since 6/05

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Re: Flex Pets!!!!!!

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Posted 7/30/07 9:50 PM

Live Life with No Regrets

Member since 5/05

2298 total posts


Re: Flex Pets!!!!!!

Posted by MsMBV

Posted by imthekevinofcindyandkevin

This is just ridiculous!
What's next , Flex Kids?

Hey don't have the patients for kids full time? Well here's Flex Kids!

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OMG I was going to post this same kind of comment but some people get POed when we compare pets with kids.

And yes Jes, technically they are still homeless IMO.

its interesting you say that - Jack is my baby - yes he's not a human, but he still needs the attention and care we give to any living entity. dh&i have to think abt how long we will be out, what the weather is, what time jack last ate, did he poo, is he well,,, all this and more plays into having a dog. dh & i knew having a dog would be life changing, and it has been...for the better. so why people get po'd with the similarities...Chat Icon aww well.....

Message edited 7/30/2007 10:08:43 PM.

Posted 7/30/07 10:04 PM


Member since 5/07

27557 total posts


Re: Flex Pets!!!!!!

I dont like this concept.

Animals need consistency and sure it gets them out of the shelter but I think the goal should be a perm home, not to be a flex pet.

Posted 7/30/07 11:20 PM

Big brother to be!

Member since 9/06

6314 total posts


Re: Flex Pets!!!!!!

OMG. the selfishness of our society never ceases to amaze me.

Posted 7/31/07 8:48 AM

2 under 2...whew!!

Member since 2/07

9876 total posts


Re: Flex Pets!!!!!!

I'm going out on a limb here.......

I think it's a good idea. Take someone like me, for example. I've never owned a dog in my life. DH wants DESPERATELY to get one, but I don't know if I'll like it (I'm a cat person). What's wrong with people wanting to know what it would like to own a pet, before they actually go and make the committment?

One thing's for sure...with all of the posts I've seen here and elsewhere saying things like, "I'm looking for a new home for my dog, because I can't give him the attention he deserves", I feel this is a way to avoid that problem. Which idea is better, "Flex Pets", or having a dog or cat that's adopted, only to be returned to the pound a few months later?

JMO. And from my perspective, this idea is WAY better than having these animals put to death unnecessarily.

Posted 7/31/07 3:29 PM


Member since 8/06

13103 total posts


Re: Flex Pets!!!!!!

its interesting you say that - Jack is my baby - yes he's not a human, but he still needs the attention and care we give to any living entity. dh&i have to think abt how long we will be out, what the weather is, what time jack last ate, did he poo, is he well,,, all this and more plays into having a dog. dh & i knew having a dog would be life changing, and it has been...for the better. so why people get po'd with the similarities...Chat Icon aww well.....
JMHO dog is like my baby...I worry about him when I'm not there, if it's a storm and he's scared, did he eat right, poop pee, etc. How can you share an animal? An animal needs consistency and a stable home.

If you want to only spend some time with a pet then volunteer at a shelter, become a dog walker or sitter. What will people think of nextChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/31/07 4:37 PM

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