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Abby wont EAT

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Member since 5/05

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Abby wont EAT

her Dry food anymore? Chat Icon Chat Icon

She was never a big eater and we tried switching foods ...Didnt work. She just doesnt like dry food very much

Canned Dog food gives her the runs so we try to avoid that.

I know shes hungry b/c she LOVES the cats food?? Chat Icon And she loves human food.

Yesterday all she would eat was some human rice and broth and cheese.

I dont know what to feed her?

Any ideas?

Should I go with real chicken?

Posted 8/7/07 6:40 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

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Re: Abby wont EAT

have u tried just adding a little bit of water to her food. It will give her the wet food texture and wont make her sick.

Posted 8/7/07 6:54 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Abby wont EAT

Posted by elyssa222

have u tried just adding a little bit of water to her food. It will give her the wet food texture and wont make her sick.

yep and also chicken broth. She literally sucks it off the food and spits the dry pieces onto the joke....

Posted 8/7/07 6:55 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Abby wont EAT

what a character!
Feebi will do that too if we add any special treats (cheese, egg, chicken) to her food she will eat the treat out first and spit the dry food nuggets out but then she goes back and eats the dog food. Like she has to get the good stuff first.
It is really up to you if u want to make her human food. Feebi goes on eating strikes too and I will only give her a very little bit of human food so that I know she is being fed but not enough to satisfy her so that I know she is still hungry and after awhile she just eats the dry food again.

Posted 8/7/07 7:02 AM


Member since 8/06

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Re: Abby wont EAT

I boil chicken cutlets in chicken broth and keep them in the refrigerator. I also keep baby carrots for her.

As a treat I'll put some of that in her dry food time to time. Maybe that will get Abby to eat?

Also, are you feeding her at specific times and taking it away within 15 minutes?

When Dottie was going through a fussy stage, I became really strict w/ her feeding times and she began to eat more regularly.
She still goes through a phase where she's not so hungry at one feeding. But you bet your a$$ she eats at the second one. She knows she won't get food until the other feeding.

ETA: She totally does the lick and spit too
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Message edited 8/7/2007 9:01:29 AM.

Posted 8/7/07 9:01 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Abby wont EAT

How are her teeth?

Posted 8/7/07 10:48 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/06

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Re: Abby wont EAT

why eat dog food when she can have rice and chicken?

i suggest not giving her table food - she will eat dog food when she is hungry enough

Message edited 8/7/2007 2:28:41 PM.

Posted 8/7/07 2:28 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Abby wont EAT

The thing is she will go over a day and not eat it and she then starts to retch or will throw up bile and the Vet said its form not eating for so long.....

I used to put it down three times a day and then twice a day, but she wouldnt eat it...

So I left it down once and after liek an hour she went and ate some..

So I leave the food down all the time now so she will eat ( in hopes of)...

Is that wrong?

I just hate seeing her nauseous from not eating.....

I gave her the rice last night b/c she hadnt eaten anything since the day before afternoon.

Posted 8/7/07 2:54 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Abby wont EAT

Posted by MsMBV

How are her teeth?

They seem fine??

Posted 8/7/07 4:55 PM


Member since 6/06

24950 total posts


Re: Abby wont EAT

When I took Maggie to the vet last week the vet told me to give her some unseasoned ground beef, turkey or chicken breasts when we cook them. I put them in her bowl and she will then eat the food underneath.

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Posted 8/7/07 5:00 PM

Hope Faith Love

Member since 2/07

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Re: Abby wont EAT

Try giving her some nutrical. A little on your finger tip. It is supposed to give them an appetite

Posted 8/7/07 5:04 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Abby wont EAT

Posted by ToriaRae

Try giving her some nutrical. A little on your finger tip. It is supposed to give them an appetite

Where can I buy this? Thanks Chat Icon

Posted 8/8/07 1:11 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Abby wont EAT


Should I take her food away after I put it down?

Posted 8/8/07 1:12 AM


Member since 8/06

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Re: Abby wont EAT

Posted by dm24angel


Should I take her food away after I put it down?

Yes. Give her 15-20 minutes w/ the food. If she doesn't eat it, take it away until her late feeding.
She'll learn. She better eat when there's food there, or she doesn't get to eat. It's tough love, but it will work.

It will also help w/ behavior issues. I read that if you leave the food out all day the dog begins to think they don't need you, because they can get food whenever they want. If they start to associate you giving them the food at certain times, they will respect you more.

Posted 8/8/07 11:27 AM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: Abby wont EAT

Posted by chikita315

Posted by dm24angel


Should I take her food away after I put it down?

Yes. Give her 15-20 minutes w/ the food. If she doesn't eat it, take it away until her late feeding.
She'll learn. She better eat when there's food there, or she doesn't get to eat. It's tough love, but it will work.

It will also help w/ behavior issues. I read that if you leave the food out all day the dog begins to think they don't need you, because they can get food whenever they want. If they start to associate you giving them the food at certain times, they will respect you more.

Ok I Will try this.

She hasnt eaten anything yet today ...Or last night. And when I eAT she follows me around like shes gonna pounce!

Posted 8/8/07 2:04 PM

Hope Faith Love

Member since 2/07

5694 total posts


Re: Abby wont EAT

At any pet food store. There is a pet discount warehouse on Route 109 in Copaige that I used to get mine from.Chat Icon

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Message edited 8/8/2007 2:30:20 PM.

Posted 8/8/07 2:28 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Abby wont EAT

Posted by ToriaRae

At any pet food store. There is a pet discount warehouse on Route 109 in Copaige that I used to get mine from.Chat Icon

Thats right down the block from me, and I recognize what it is now. THANKS!

Posted 8/8/07 2:34 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Abby wont EAT

Posted by dm24angel

Posted by MsMBV

How are her teeth?

They seem fine??

I only ask because when Hans (my minipin) stopped eating we found that he had a small abscess at one of his back molars.

Posted 8/8/07 3:59 PM

But I love the Snow!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Abby wont EAT

Maybe she doesn't like her food. We bought all these expensive foods for Rudy and he wouldn't eat them.

We wound up with pedigree and it's all he will eat.

Posted 8/8/07 4:25 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Abby wont EAT

Posted by june262004

Maybe she doesn't like her food. We bought all these expensive foods for Rudy and he wouldn't eat them.

We wound up with pedigree and it's all he will eat.

We tried Two all natural ones....And then beneful. She loves the beneful for like 2 days , ate it like a beat and then wouldnt touch it again....Chat Icon

Posted 8/8/07 5:46 PM

But I love the Snow!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Abby wont EAT

Posted by dm24angel

Posted by june262004

Maybe she doesn't like her food. We bought all these expensive foods for Rudy and he wouldn't eat them.

We wound up with pedigree and it's all he will eat.

We tried Two all natural ones....And then beneful. She loves the beneful for like 2 days , ate it like a beat and then wouldnt touch it again....Chat Icon

Rudy was the same way. We fed him Nutro he liked it for a week. And then turned his nose up at it Chat Icon

Posted 8/8/07 6:52 PM

Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Abby wont EAT

Did you mix dry with canned?

Posted 8/9/07 3:40 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Abby wont EAT

Posted by karacg

Did you mix dry with canned?

no....we tried that and we tried many differnt kinds of canned foods, but they all give her loose stools??

Posted 8/9/07 9:53 AM

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