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Training a 4 year old dog

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LIF Adult

Member since 2/07

1341 total posts


Training a 4 year old dog

Is it possible to train a 4 year old dog to go to the bathroom in only one area of the yard?

Posted 8/9/07 2:05 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Mommy to 3 Boys :)

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Jen - counting my blessings...

Re: Training a 4 year old dog

Definitely possible with some work on your part!

Posted 8/9/07 2:17 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/07

1341 total posts


Re: Training a 4 year old dog

Posted by CaseyGirl

Definitely possible with some work on your part!

Any suggestions as to what I could do?

Posted 8/9/07 9:14 PM

My Happy Girl

Member since 7/06

8198 total posts


Re: Training a 4 year old dog

Most definately!

I would put the dog on a leash and walk them in that area, only allowing them to go in that spot.
we did this with our dog...she only goes to the bathroom on one side of the yard.

It will take a lot of work on your part, but its worth it.

Posted 8/9/07 9:37 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

112 total posts


Re: Training a 4 year old dog

I'm pretty proud that my dog only goes number 2 in a spot but he was a puppy I had read to leave some "samples" behind in the spot. walk him there with a leash

good luck

Posted 8/10/07 7:18 AM

Big brother to be!

Member since 9/06

6314 total posts


Re: Training a 4 year old dog

bring a treat with you. walk him over to the spot with a leash, and wait for him to go. you might repeat a command like "go potty" or whatever. the second he starts to go, praise him wildly and as soon as he is finished offer him the treat. if he goes in any spot other than the one you want, ignore it.

if you use positive reinforcers like verbal praise and a treat, he'll quickly learn that that's the spot to go in. a key point, though, is to start the rewarding process AS he is doing the correct behavior, and reward with the treat as soon as possible, within a few seconds of the behavior. this way the dog will link the exact behavior (peeing/pooping in that spot) with the reward. if you wait too long, he won't make the association.

if you use the command while you're training him, eventually you will be able to let him out and make him go just by giving him that command.

Posted 8/10/07 12:52 PM

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