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Member since 5/05 22141 total posts
Some dinner questions!
What time do you start making dinner?
What time do you usually eat?
How many nights a week do you or SO actually cook?
Posted 12/12/08 6:50 AM |
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Member since 8/07 3190 total posts
Name: C
Re: Some dinner questions!
usually I start at about 5ish. Depending on what I am making, most nights we eat at 6-615 And I usually cook 5 or 6 nights a week. We have a pizza night once a week, and go out another night. Except lately....we have been pretty busy and since I am preggo sometimes I dont feel like it!!
Posted 12/12/08 7:12 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 1/06 5435 total posts
Re: Some dinner questions!
we usually start cooking at 5:30 or 6... and eat by 6:30
we cook 5 nights a week, and go out on the weekends...
Posted 12/12/08 7:55 AM |

Member since 7/07 1712 total posts
Re: Some dinner questions!
Start cooking around 6, eat around 7.
We almost always have leftovers, so I only need to cook every other day.
We hardly ever eat dinner out.
Posted 12/12/08 8:15 AM |
In our new house!!

Member since 8/08 2119 total posts
Name: Nicole
Re: Some dinner questions!
We usually start cooking around 6:15-6:30 and eat around 7.....we cook typically as many nights a week as we can, usually 5, 6, or 7.
Posted 12/12/08 8:35 AM |
<3 <3 <3 <3

Member since 1/06 19197 total posts
Name: Michelle
Re: Some dinner questions!
Before getting pregnant (I have no energy now to cook, and DH is lucky if I cook once per week!) I typically start dinner around 6:30-7, depends on what I'm making. DH usually gets home between 7:30-8:00 and we eat when he gets home. That's what it used to be like!
Now, I'm usually famished by the time I get home, so I eat dinner around 6:30ish and we've basically just been doing a fend for yourself type thing.
Posted 12/12/08 8:45 AM |
One day at a time

Member since 11/07 7397 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: Some dinner questions!
Our schedule depends on DHs work schedule. His weeks alternate. Most weeks he's out at 5 so I start dinner by 5:30 and we eat around 6:30/7 depending on what I make. Other weeks he gets out at 8 so I will wait till 7:30 to start dinner.
Posted 12/12/08 3:46 PM |
Blessed beyond belief

Member since 10/07 17048 total posts
Re: Some dinner questions!
I start at 5 usually, and we eat around 5:30-6:30 depending on how complex the meal is.
I cook 6 nights/week.
Posted 12/12/08 4:17 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 8/08 575 total posts
Re: Some dinner questions!
Depends on what we're having for what time i start cooking, but generally i start cooking at about 4:30 and we eat at about 5:30-6. I cook 7 nights a week and we get pizza or chinese every so often, i would say an average of 2 x per month.
Posted 12/12/08 4:22 PM |
Re: Some dinner questions!
On a normal night, we eat around 7:30, when DH gets in from work...I start cooking so I plan to be on time when he gets home, changed, etc. I cook from recipes, etc. 3 times a week, do an old standby once or twice a week and we do cheap eat out the other nights...
Posted 12/12/08 4:41 PM |
My two boys!

Member since 5/05 7279 total posts
Name: Rebecca
Re: Some dinner questions!
What time do you start making dinner? Usually about 6:30pm. If one of us gets home earlier, we start dinner, but we always cook together.
What time do you usually eat? about 7pm
How many nights a week do you or SO actually cook? When we are home every night, on average 5 nights a week, we bring in one night and eat out one night--But I work nights often and DH travels for work a lot, so this can vary.
Posted 12/12/08 5:15 PM |
Plan B is Now Plan A

Member since 7/05 32475 total posts
Name: Susan
Re: Some dinner questions!
I get home around 7:30 or later most nights. I try to cook about 3-4 nights but sometimes that doesn't work out.
I will prepare some meals on Sunday for the rest of the week, but since I get home so late it's difficult.
We eat around 8-9 usually, sometimes later. I wish I could change that but that's the way it is.
We take out once or twice, or go out once a week or just pick at some leftovers or some pasta and sauce.
Every night doesn't have to be a sit down dinner.
Posted 12/12/08 5:48 PM |

Member since 6/05 6030 total posts
Re: Some dinner questions!
Depends on what we're having. If its quick I start at 5:30-6. DH comes home at 6:30, we eat shortly after that
Posted 12/12/08 5:56 PM |