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those that run outside and on treadmills?

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I love these boys

Member since 7/07

2711 total posts


those that run outside and on treadmills?

ok well I normally run outside however with ths snow I started usuing my treadmill (never ran on it before until Monday) well here's my question are the miles you run on a treadmill really the same as running outside? In 30mins I ran 3.1miles which i have done outside in about the same time however when I'm on the treadmill I feel as if I'm running at a faster speed which the I feel I should make better time. Am I crazy or does anyone else freel this way?

Posted 3/4/09 11:10 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 8/05

8377 total posts


Re: those that run outside and on treadmills?

Posted by my3boys

ok well I normally run outside however with ths snow I started usuing my treadmill (never ran on it before until Monday) well here's my question are the miles you run on a treadmill really the same as running outside? In 30mins I ran 3.1miles which i have done outside in about the same time however when I'm on the treadmill I feel as if I'm running at a faster speed which the I feel I should make better time. Am I crazy or does anyone else freel this way?

It's definitely a bit different but I think it's better than not running at all Chat Icon You can raise the incline to 1 or 2% to "simulate" outdoor conditions (hills, wind etc) but I don't bother because it's hard enough for me to enjoy being on the mill as it is.

I do however vary my speed and it gives me a more intense workout.

Posted 3/4/09 11:16 AM

Back to school

Member since 4/07

1385 total posts


Re: those that run outside and on treadmills?

I have such a hard time on the mill as opposed to outside. I can run a 9min mile outside and inside a 9 min mile feels like I am killing myself. I think its mental. I hate being inside and when I am outside I lose track of time so its more fun for me.

Posted 3/4/09 2:30 PM


Member since 2/07

2029 total posts


Re: those that run outside and on treadmills?

Posted by Ik1

I have such a hard time on the mill as opposed to outside. I can run a 9min mile outside and inside a 9 min mile feels like I am killing myself. I think its mental. I hate being inside and when I am outside I lose track of time so its more fun for me.

agreed.. i go crazy on the treadmill. i feel like a hampster in its wheel lol

Posted 3/4/09 8:20 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

11767 total posts


Re: those that run outside and on treadmills?

I agree a treadmill is better than not running and some of that cold weather kept me indoors.

It depends on the treadmill and if it's calibrated. I have a nikeplus (that you can track miles on treadmills) and a GPS watch (can't track on treadmills). On the roads both are pretty much the same, so I trust the nikeplus to be accurate. On my treadmill, it's pretty accurate to 7 mph, but anything over that has me going faster than I really am. I ran on a treadmill on vacation that was spot on.

To break up monotony, I will change the speed and incline after each song. but the one thing that it can't simulate is downhill, which i think is part of the whole outdoor running experience - it's where we make up time for the uphills.

Posted 3/5/09 12:38 PM

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