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Drop off play dates

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Loving life

Member since 7/06

4088 total posts


Drop off play dates

What age?
What prerequisites?

My sons class does not do dropoffs , yet but I noticed some of the other kindergarten classes do.

I am wondering when I can stop sitting at people's houses making conversation...simply because I have a 2 yr old and its hard to drag her along or find a babysitter.


Posted 5/13/10 9:08 PM

My Girls

Member since 11/06

9543 total posts


Re: Drop off play dates

We started doing some drop off playdates in her last year of Pre-School but only with close friends. In Kidergarten it really began for us. I always broke the ice and told parents to feel free to drop off and go. Most were happy to hear it.

Posted 5/13/10 9:19 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Message edited 9/1/2011 3:10:43 PM.

Posted 5/13/10 9:20 PM


Member since 2/07

15928 total posts


Re: Drop off play dates


We did "pick up" playdates when the girls were in preschool. But then again we were a fairly tight knit group.

Im going to say that it starts in Kindergarten.

Posted 5/13/10 9:32 PM

Loving life

Member since 7/06

4088 total posts


Re: Drop off play dates

Posted by nrthshgrl

For us, it started in Kindergarten-1st grade. I still fight the urge to want fingerprints & to check the perimeter but I've kept it in check.

I've noticed it's almost always the mom who has an older child that seems very non-chalant about it which really does help ease the transition.

I'm not sure what you mean by your son's class doesn't do drop offs & other classes do? Do you mean the parents haven't offered yet?

I mean my son is constantly being invited on playdates that I have to attend and when I did offer to take someone else's kid, they acted insulted that I was not inviting them (the mom.) I do not think people don't trust me or my son or anything, because I know they are like that with everyone. Plus I have mother's tell me that they want playdates with my son because he is so well-behaved. (Chat Icon Don't ask, he has them all fooled)

At my house its fine, but at someone elses, its really hard because of my 2 yr old...even if she is invited. I also feel more pressure to have a spotless house and "entertain" if the moms are coming. I know I am weird and maybe a little antisocial.

Thanks. Maybe I will try for drop offs again.

Posted 5/13/10 9:37 PM

Loving life

Member since 7/06

4088 total posts


Re: Drop off play dates

Posted by hbugal


We did "pick up" playdates when the girls were in preschool. But then again we were a fairly tight knit group.

Im going to say that it starts in Kindergarten.

My son used to have drop off play dates too. He still plays with his best friend several times per week without me. But, its his classmates that seem to want a play date for the mommies. In fact they have told me that they will not have playdates with certain people because THEY have nothing to talk about. I feel like I might have just reentered highschool. Chat Icon

So its not abnormal for me to suggest this at this age?

Message edited 5/13/2010 9:41:33 PM.

Posted 5/13/10 9:39 PM

Love these kids!

Member since 10/05

4708 total posts


Re: Drop off play dates

I am so not ready for that. DD is in preschool and so far we have only had one playdate with a classmate and moms were included. I have hardly even left her with a close friend of mine but that is more because until this year, my DD wouldn't go for it. I am going to go with the majority and say Kindergarten/1st grade.

Posted 5/13/10 10:03 PM

C ♥'s F

Member since 2/07

6456 total posts


Re: Drop off play dates

For us, it was never before Kindergarten...
I worked F/T and on the weekends we were always busy doing other things.

Playdates in Kindergarten happened often. I never let her take the bus home with anyone until after I met the parents. So when she had a playdate I would take her there myself, meet and chat with the parents for a little bit and pick her up an hour to an hour a 1/2 later. I got to know a lot of the parents by going to birthday parties.

Posted 5/13/10 10:05 PM

So in love

Member since 10/05

3363 total posts


Re: Drop off play dates

DS had his 1st playdate without me this year (kindergarten). I dropped him off at his friends house and picked him up a couple of hours later. I always leave my cell & home #'s too

Posted 5/13/10 10:31 PM

I am all the Me I will ever Be

Member since 5/06

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She who shall remain nameless

Re: Drop off play dates

DS had his first drop off play date this year. He is 7 and in 2nd grade. I will admit that it was a hard thing for me to do but he was so excited to go. We dropped him off, left our cells, house # and called in once to check on him. Picked him up 2 hours later.

It was comforting that he was old enough to clearly tell me if something went wrong or if he felt uncomfortable.

Posted 5/13/10 10:34 PM


Member since 5/05

26975 total posts


Re: Drop off play dates

Kindergarten. My son has been to a few classmates house for the afternoon and I drop him off and pick him up about 2 hours later.

Posted 5/13/10 10:40 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/07

2712 total posts


Re: Drop off play dates

I found more people did drop off playdates starting in kindergarten, but honestly I always go along for the first playdate anyway...I need to know the parents a little and feel comfortable that the house is safe.

Posted 5/13/10 11:56 PM

Keep passing the open windows

Member since 10/06

3627 total posts


Re: Drop off play dates

We started playdates in kindegarten. I have never "gone along" on a playdate, as a matter of fact!

Posted 5/14/10 6:55 AM

Mom of 2 Boys

Member since 5/05

4381 total posts


Re: Drop off play dates

We had a few this school year with his classmates. Weird to me at first but he loves them and I have gotten use to the idea. He is in Pre-K 4. He just turned 5 in February.

Posted 5/14/10 9:10 AM


Member since 8/06

13803 total posts


Re: Drop off play dates

I'm still weird about dropping off my kids unless I really know the family REALLY well. I normally invite kids here instead. We started doing drop off toward the end of kindergarten.

Posted 5/14/10 9:20 AM


Member since 6/06

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Valerie...aka...Do Me A Favor?

Re: Drop off play dates

We started that in first grade with Nicholas.

BUT...his friend's moms are my best friends.

Nicholas goes to a small school where EVERYONE knows EVERYONE. I would never drop him off at a home where I really don't know the parents well.

I have not done any drop off playdates with Joey (almost 5 years old) yet.

Posted 5/14/10 9:45 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 7/05

718 total posts


Re: Drop off play dates

We usually don't do the drop off until first grade but my middle daughter's best friend has a little brother the same age as my son and he has also been dropped off twice now but we found his play times have to be shortened. An hour and a half is the max for him at 4 ;)

Posted 5/14/10 12:44 PM

Mom of Three

Member since 9/05

7900 total posts


Re: Drop off play dates

My 2 older kids had a couple playdates without me in preK but I knew the parents well. Otherwise it was in 1st grade my DS started doing it. Kindergarten for my DD, she just want to be be out socializing all the time or having kids over. Some Moms I can tell I have nothing in common with so it's OK not to want to always stay. When I click with a parent, I stay if they want me and I can depending on if my DH is working. It's hard juggling playdates, esp if you kids' ages don't mesh with their kids ages (other than the 2 children who you are setting it up for) Why not invite a child over to your house for a playdate first? Offer to the Mom that she can stay if she likes or if she thinks the child is comfortable, she can leave them. Make it a short playdate (under 2 hours definitely) and that parent will most likely reciprocate if the kids like playing together or schedules allow. You can stay the first time and next time not if you feel comfortable.

Posted 5/14/10 6:21 PM

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