Well yesterday morning I was a little late taking my Lovenox shot so I jumped out of bed and ran into the bathroom. As I got in there something just didn't feel right down there. I sat on the toilet and noticed I was bleeding red. As I yelled to my husband I passed a HUGE clot and began screaming and crying. I was convinced that this pregnancy had just ended for me. It was the size of a hamburger patty pretty much. Sorry tmi! I immediately called Dr Kofinas and ran out to Garden City (a 1 hr drive from me) The sono tech took a look and both babies were in there floppin around! I couldn't believe it. Dr K was in the Brooklyn office so they called him and he got on the computer and viewed my live sono just like that. They said that the clot that measured 9cm last Thursday now seemed to only measure 5cm so they assume that huge clot was a chunk of the ginormous one I have in there. I am to expect more bleeding and follow up with Dr K on Thursday like I was scheduled for. I still can't believe it. I was scared to death. I am just so happy my beans are still ok!!! Please keep us in your prayers! I bled heavily all day yesterday (to the point where pads were just not cuttin it so I had to use DS's old diapers that didn't fit ) I guess the Lovenox was contributing to the bleeding cause last time I had bleeding before I was on the lovenox the blood seemed much thicker and didn't last as long. who knows??!!