My latest reply-I think you're gonna like it!
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Too blessed to be stressed

Member since 4/09 6691 total posts
My latest reply-I think you're gonna like it!
So a new co-worker who sits next to me asked me "Do you have kids?". Now, I have pictures of kids on my wall, so I guess one could ASS-UME they're mine (despite the fact that they don't look like me but ok whatever). They're my bff's 2 kids and a co-worker's daughter.
So I gave her the scrunched up just-smelled-poop face and went "Noooo" (hard to replicate on the net but imagine how you'd say 'nooooo' if someone had asked you if you had a nipple on your upper arm...this is the best i can describe) if to imply SHE was absurd for asking the question! I felt very satisfied in that I turned it around on her (although to be fair she wasn't making a judgement, just asking. But again, who are you, new co-worker!). She gave me a shocked look and said "WOWWWWW I can't believe it why did I think you had kids?" I said probably because of the pictures. She has a son. We both ended up agreeing its nice to give them back at the end of the day.
But i think i'll be taking this approach when someone who doesn't know me asks if i have them or want them.
Why should having them be the norm?
Dang i'm up late half that blabber probably doesnt even make sense
Posted 2/1/12 12:46 AM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/11 534 total posts
Name: M
Re: My latest reply-I think you're gonna like it!
I am going to try that next
Posted 2/1/12 11:27 PM |
My compass when I'm lost

Member since 5/11 2210 total posts
Name: My anchor when I get tossed
Re: My latest reply-I think you're gonna like it!
Posted 2/3/12 12:35 AM |
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