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PIO- Explain it? How much did you order?

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LIF Adult

Member since 12/12

3656 total posts


PIO- Explain it? How much did you order?

AF should be here on Thursday or Friday. Then I will be starting a FET cycle. Not sure what to expect from the cycle but I hear its easier than IVF.

How does PIO come? 1 syringe with multiple doses? How much did you take daily? When did you start it if you used it for FET?

How many did you order? I have GHI and theres a max of 2 refills so I want to order the max for the first fill. My REs office really isn't up on ordering the max, I always have to tell them how much to order. I want to have enough that if I do get preg I can use it until RE takes me off of it.

I'm scared of PIO, even though I have done many other shots. Is it that bad?

Hoping 3rd transfer is the charm...

Thanks ladies

Posted 11/19/13 6:57 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/07

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Re: PIO- Explain it? How much did you order?

It's not as bad as you think it will be, as with most things the anticipation is worse than the reality. My doctor ordered two bottles (there are ten doses in each bottle) and gave me two or three refills. Just keep in mind if you do get pregnant you will need to stay on it for ten to twelve weeks as far as I know. Maybe that will help you calculate.

Good luck!!

Posted 11/19/13 7:11 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 7/12

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PIO- Explain it? How much did you order?

I have been on PIO for 8 weeks. It gets worse as time goes on because you run out of room in the area. (Sometimes the oil turns into knots). It's def not the worst thing in the world and if you get pregnant it's a whole different reason to take it and then it doesn't matter. I'm not trying to scare you but it's the truth, my butt hurts. Lol

I take 1cc a day and it lasts me about 10 days, if you are limited to refills I would get as many as you can. They give you needles for each injection. You would need a larger needle to get it out and then a smaller needle to put it back in the body. They will also give you syringes, wipes and gauze.

I order two a time, but I am not limited to refills.

Get a heating pad, sit on it before, heat up the PIO before you inject it by putting it In between your legs and then sit on the heating pad once your done. Have your hubby rub it after injected to help break down the knots. When they are injecting it put all pressure on the opposite leg.

Hope this helps.

Sorry I hit post before I was finished.

Message edited 11/19/2013 7:33:43 PM.

Posted 11/19/13 7:26 PM

Let It Be

Member since 2/11

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Re: PIO- Explain it? How much did you order?

My RE orders it for me through Kraupner's, my last order was 2 bottles of PIO, 40 20-cc syringes and 20 thicker syringes for drawing up the PIO.

I'm not gonna lie, I hate the injections! The shot itself isn't too bad but the aftermath is. I get knots that feel like bruises and last for days. After a while it's hard to stick myself because my butt feels like a huge knot! LOL

I'm sorry if I scared you, just being honest. I do sit with a heating pad to the area for a half hour before I inject, I warm the oil, massage the area after and then heat a little longer. I also just heard that it helps to put the weight on the side you aren't injecting..I'm going to try that tonight!

Posted 11/19/13 8:15 PM

Baby Boy is Here!

Member since 5/11

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Momma <3

PIO- Explain it? How much did you order?

I had to be on PIO for 6 weeks (8 weeks pregnant) - I went through 5 vials because for the last 1 week, they had me on a half dose. Most other ladies on here were on it until they were like 12 weeks pregnant though so they probably needed a lot more.

The first shot I was so nervous for, but I think that is because I read so many horror stories. Out of the 40+ shots I took only one was awful and that was the second one I injected - my DH must have hit a nerve - there is no other explanation.

For the shot here was my procedure.
1. Apply heating pad to injection site for 5+ minutes.
2. While you are going this, get warm (not boiling) water and place vial in it.
3. Inject PIO into appropriate site. I found that when I injected on my right side, there was no pain at all. I also found I had no pain when I did the injections, but when DH did them they stung a little.
4. With a heating pad, massage the area for 5-10 minutes. Keep heating pad on injection site for additional 10 minutes - reheat if necessary.

I never had a bruise or knot the entire time. I made sure to rotate the injection every single day and like I said before, I pretty much only injected on my right side.

Posted 11/19/13 8:48 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/07

766 total posts


Re: PIO- Explain it? How much did you order?

How did you inject yourself? I can't figure out how I would be able to do it. How do you pull back the plunger to see if there is any blood, if it is in your backside? I don't ice or do heat or anything. I am definitely a bit sore, but nothing unbearable-I have only been doing the shots for about five weeks now.

Posted 11/19/13 9:01 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/10

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Re: PIO- Explain it? How much did you order?

3. Inject PIO into appropriate site. I found that when I injected on my right side, there was no pain at all. I also found I had no pain when I did the injections, but when DH did them they stung a little.

That is so strange you said that, we have been alternating and my right side barley feels or looks like we have been doing anything and my left side is completely brUised and hurts more.

Posted 11/19/13 9:07 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/12

3656 total posts


PIO- Explain it? How much did you order?

Wow this is a lot of info. Not gonna lie very freaked out, but I knew PIO wasn't gonna be pretty. I have done trigger, Gonal F, Ganireix, and Menopur. I hated the Menopur but you gotta do what you gotta do.

So do I have to be standing? Any particular spot/area on your butt? Can DH inject it while I lay down? So how many people have given it to themselves? Does this have to be done in the am? If so I'll have to give it to myself since I go to work a lot earlier than DH. I gave myself the ganirelix 3 times and nearly passed out... Is it like the Menopur to mix?

Anyone with GHI? How many did you order? The 2 refills would last a good amount of the cycle but then I would have to pay OOP. Also I don't have too much faith in this FET so I want to save refills if I need IVF and FET in the future.

Ahhh, hoping AF comes soon so we can get started. I'll be ordering that and more Estrace as soon as AF comes.

Thanks for giving it to me straight and for all of your advice.

Posted 11/19/13 9:17 PM

Love multiplies, not divides

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PIO- Explain it? How much did you order?

Good luck girl!!! As much as I hated pio I totally even forget I did it....twice. The second time for like 8 weeks too. The worst part for me was the anxiety of waiting for dh to give the shot to me. After the first few I just sucked it up and got used to it.

Posted 11/19/13 9:36 PM

Love multiplies, not divides

Member since 11/12

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PIO- Explain it? How much did you order?

Alternate cheeks bc it gets tender. When I was pregnant it was hard to find a spot that wasnt tender/swollen. I did am bc I gave time to walk it off and let it spread out I would get lumps of the pio. Rub the vial between your hands to warm it up so it spreads out have dh massage it after he does it. Super romantic.

Posted 11/19/13 9:38 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/09

1801 total posts


Re: PIO- Explain it? How much did you order?

You can inject PIO at night. If you have to pay oop it is about 40 dollars the ten days worth.

It stings a ton, but I don't do any of that heating stuff.

You can do it! FET is more low maintenance. Estrace, PIO, Medrol, prednisone, doxycycline and baby asprin. No trigger or garalinex

Posted 11/19/13 9:42 PM

My family is complete

Member since 1/12

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PIO- Explain it? How much did you order?

I got one vial from kraupners out of pocket bc I needed it that night. One vial is usually ten doses.

Warm it up first, then warm up your tush. Have DH shoot you, rub it in, go back on heater.

I only did it 2x and somehow aggravated my sciatica ( or timing was coincidental)... But id take pio over crinone any damn day.

Posted 11/19/13 9:53 PM

Baby Boy is Here!

Member since 5/11

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Momma <3

Re: PIO- Explain it? How much did you order?

Posted by MrsH

How did you inject yourself? I can't figure out how I would be able to do it. How do you pull back the plunger to see if there is any blood, if it is in your backside? I don't ice or do heat or anything. I am definitely a bit sore, but nothing unbearable-I have only been doing the shots for about five weeks now.

I stood in front of a mirror with my weight on the non-injection side. I twisted as far as I could to the right. I would use my left hand to keep the injection site taut and then i would inject the needle with my right hand. I would then remove my left hand and use it to pull back to the plunger and then I would inject. I had no choice, but to do it myself. During my 2WW, DH had to travel for business for 10 days - if I didn't do it myself, it was not getting done!

If your DH is doing it, I would lie down on the couch and have him inject it. This will help your muscles to relax.

Posted 11/20/13 6:17 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/07

766 total posts


Re: PIO- Explain it? How much did you order?

Posted by PitterPatter11

Posted by MrsH

How did you inject yourself? I can't figure out how I would be able to do it. How do you pull back the plunger to see if there is any blood, if it is in your backside? I don't ice or do heat or anything. I am definitely a bit sore, but nothing unbearable-I have only been doing the shots for about five weeks now.

I stood in front of a mirror with my weight on the non-injection side. I twisted as far as I could to the right. I would use my left hand to keep the injection site taut and then i would inject the needle with my right hand. I would then remove my left hand and use it to pull back to the plunger and then I would inject. I had no choice, but to do it myself. During my 2WW, DH had to travel for business for 10 days - if I didn't do it myself, it was not getting done!

If your DH is doing it, I would lie down on the couch and have him inject it. This will help your muscles to relax.

Wow you are really good! I guess you are right, you do what you have to do, but I am not sure I could do it myself b/c of the logistics.

Posted 11/20/13 6:56 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/12

3656 total posts


PIO- Explain it? How much did you order?

Thanks for all the info ladies. I guess I'll figure it out. FUN

Posted 11/20/13 7:00 PM
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