Saw this on a local FB page and thought I would share. The area really isn't as bad as people make it out to be. The taxes are low, we are minutes from the ocean and we need more families/home owners (vs. slum lords) to help keep the community moving forward. If you have any questions about living in the area, feel free to FM me. I have lived here almost all of my life and still do.

The Long Island Housing Partnership (to which the LICC belongs) is building ten new 3 and 4-bedroom homes Mastic, Mastic Beach, & Shirley which will be sold for $154,393 or $164,233 to qualified first-time buyers and those who have not owned a home for the past 3 years. Income limits range from $60,200 for singles to $113,500 for a family of eight. 5 of these homes are still available. For and application or more info, call the LI Housing Partnership at 631-435-4710 —or pick up an application in our Riverhead office