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backyard huge slope

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LIF Infant

Member since 9/13

168 total posts


backyard huge slope

We found a house that is a great layout for us and gives us room to grow. The house is in a prime location that we love. It needs tons of updates inside which we are totally fine doing but it also hasn't sold for 2 years which is a big red flag AND the seller isn't willing to go down too much in price. We think the price is pretty fair. We found out that no one has purchased the house because of the backyard, which has a concrete slab for a patio that needs a complete gut and redo, and the backyard is 1/2 acre hill that slopes down with the sides of the properties slopping into a ditch- so a little dangerous as is for kids. We have 2 kids. We plan to get the property re-graded with retaining walls and a fence. We had a landscapper look at it who said it's possible but he can't give an accurate price until he does an architectural plan which he can't really do until the house is ours. I'm afraid of the cost. We can budget about 50K for the backyard (retaining walls, re-grading, patio etc) and do it in a few years but I am afraid it'll cost much more once they get into it (HGTV scares me). You never really know. Is this something you'd be willing to take on? We are otherwise ready to buy the house had an inspection and agreed on a price and I am only hesitant for that reason. My fear is that a few years turns into 10 and if g-d forbid something happened and we had to sell and didn't do it yet we'd have a problem. We have the intent to do the backyard but plan to focus on the basement and re-do the kitchen first. WWYD and do you recommend anyone for re-grading?

Posted 1/22/14 12:32 PM
Prudential Douglas Elliman Real Estate
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Member since 11/07

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backyard huge slope

When we talk about upgrades and other house projects, our first question is "will we get this money back when we sell?" If the answer is yes, then yeah, I'd be willing to take it on. If not, then no way.

Posted 1/22/14 2:36 PM


Member since 1/12

6105 total posts


Re: backyard huge slope

my concern would be if it is a safety hazard
if playing in the backyard could be problematic for your kids, i would be hesitant to do it. as much as you can plan to do it in a few years and budget 50k you never know what can happen and it may take longer then expect to start the project.

if its not a safety concern and your kids could play back there in the meantime, then i would agree with the above poster - if youll get your return on investment if/when you sell then go for it

Posted 1/22/14 3:14 PM

Just call me Mommy.

Member since 1/11

5570 total posts


backyard huge slope

Personally, I would keep looking. The back yard sound like a huge project and I would not want to pay property tax on land that is not useable or safe without a huge investment.

Posted 1/22/14 9:41 PM


Member since 5/05

10311 total posts


Re: backyard huge slope

It could easily be a 150K+ project.

We've regraded our "flat" acre and it's cost us quite a bit...definitely over 100k once you include removal of trees, adding fill, top soil, new plantings, hydro-seeding, fencing, patio, irrigation, etc. And we (or rather my DH Chat Icon ) did A LOT of the work on his own.

Posted 1/22/14 9:56 PM

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