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So things just got interesting

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LIF Adult

Member since 2/09

1801 total posts


So things just got interesting

Had a growth sono last Friday at 35 weeks.

Baby A measured 5 lbs 14 oz
Baby B measured 4 lbs 6 oz

The sono tech advised me during the appointment, that the measurement for Baby B may not be accurate because he was squished and running out of room.

Follow up appointment with my OB today, who advised me the high risk dr reviewed my sono and the report. He reccomends delivering between 36 & 37 weeks due to growth discordance.

Now I have to do 2 more sonos one with the MFM doctor and one with the hospital, and call my OB with an update by Thursday!!

I am trying not to freak out, but I am so nervous.

Posted 6/24/14 10:10 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

So in love with my little girl

Member since 1/10

2471 total posts


Re: So things just got interesting

So great that you made it this far. Good luck!!

Posted 6/25/14 12:01 AM

My loves

Member since 2/11

2131 total posts


So things just got interesting

At least you made it this far! Those seem like good sizes- you'll never be fully ready for these kids! You'll be perfectly fine once they're here though! Good luck.

Posted 6/25/14 6:01 AM

Only God knows His plan for us

Member since 4/13

7238 total posts


So things just got interesting

Those really do sound like good sizes! Very exciting! Good luck!

Posted 6/25/14 7:28 AM

It's a girl!!!

Member since 6/10

21539 total posts


Re: So things just got interesting

You're so close! So exciting!!

Posted 6/25/14 10:02 AM

drama. daily.

Member since 3/11

7287 total posts


So things just got interesting

Don't freak out! It's a good nervous, right? At least you'll get to see them much more often. The constant monitoring is great. If i had my way, I'd have a sono every day!!! you are so so well taken care of! Chat Icon

Posted 6/25/14 11:33 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/09

1801 total posts


So things just got interesting

Sonos twice weekly now. I am trying not to worry about the smaller baby. I go to the MFM dr tomorrow.

Posted 6/25/14 2:14 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/12

3656 total posts


So things just got interesting

Those sizes sound good to me. Everythings gonna turn out great!

Good luck!

Posted 6/25/14 7:53 PM

Grateful for my babies!

Member since 2/12

4571 total posts


Re: So things just got interesting

I'm so excited for you!!
I had to do monitoring 2x a week in the end of my pregnancy with DS bc of placenta issues from preeclampsia and LIJ was great.

Posted 6/25/14 8:25 PM

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