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LIF Infant

Member since 7/13 115 total posts
Name: Liza Jones
Today's my Due Date!
And nothing yet!
I am so nervous, anxious, emotional, scared all in one.
Did you guys go past your due date? What happened with you? Did you try inducing naturally? Did it work?
Please share your stories.
Posted 7/15/14 8:42 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Love multiplies, not divides

Member since 11/12 14481 total posts
Name: Me
Today's my Due Date!
I went past my due date. Was successfully induced at 40w2d.
You're in the homestretch
Posted 7/15/14 8:49 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 9/09 12167 total posts
Today's my Due Date!
I went 13 days late. Would have been induced that day or the next. I walked a lot, ate spicy foods but that was it and I don't feel that it helped much. The night I went into labor I enjoyed a big dinner at outback and a few sips of red wine so maybe that helped but who knows. GL!
Posted 7/15/14 9:09 PM |

Member since 6/07 8274 total posts
Name: me
Re: Today's my Due Date!
Good luck! I was induced 10 days overdue. The kid was way too comfortable in there! Nothing worked to try to bring on labor, I walked a ton, ate all the recommended foods, etc. He was still pretty high up & I wasn't dilated at all. The induction went great. 19 hours total, water broke on its own, progressed faster after that, pushed about 30-40 minutes. You will be fine! You're almost there!
Posted 7/15/14 11:11 PM |
Baby Boy is Here!

Member since 5/11 7624 total posts
Name: Momma <3
Today's my Due Date!
How much progress have you made (dilated? effaced?)? I was not late, but I was going to be induced on my due date, which was a Monday. I was >60% effaced and 3-4 cm dilated on Thursday and my doctor stripped my membranes. I was in labor within 24 hours.
Posted 7/16/14 7:14 AM |
You are my I love you

Member since 7/09 18802 total posts
Name: DiamondMama
Re: Today's my Due Date!
Posted by PitterPatter11
How much progress have you made (dilated? effaced?)? I was not late, but I was going to be induced on my due date, which was a Monday. I was >60% effaced and 3-4 cm dilated on Thursday and my doctor stripped my membranes. I was in labor within 24 hours.
when I was 2 days overdue my doc stripped my membranes and I was in labor within a couple hours, I was about the same 80% effaced and 2-3 cm
Posted 7/16/14 7:43 AM |
LIF Infant

Member since 7/13 115 total posts
Name: Liza Jones
Re: Today's my Due Date!
Posted by PitterPatter11
How much progress have you made (dilated? effaced?)? I was not late, but I was going to be induced on my due date, which was a Monday. I was >60% effaced and 3-4 cm dilated on Thursday and my doctor stripped my membranes. I was in labor within 24 hours.
I am not dilated yet. I have an appointment on Thursday and we are going to scheduling inducing then.
Posted 7/16/14 9:37 AM |
mahna mahna!

Member since 2/12 1952 total posts
Re: Today's my Due Date!
Posted by lrodrigu79 I am not dilated yet. I have an appointment on Thursday and we are going to scheduling inducing then.
Don't worry - I was not dilated or effaced at all until the day I delivered (at 40weeks + 2 days).
Contractions / labor started naturally after I ate some spicy chili the night before - not sure if it was related though
Posted 7/16/14 10:38 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/05 3034 total posts
Name: V
Re: Today's my Due Date!
I had zero progress and then went into labor at 4pm on my due date, so you never know!
Posted 7/16/14 11:23 AM |
LIF Infant

Member since 8/13 89 total posts
Name: Lucy
Today's my Due Date!
I was not dilated at my last OB visit (2 days before due date) and went into labor on my due date. Things can change very fast!
Posted 7/16/14 11:32 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 7/13 1350 total posts
Re: Today's my Due Date!
I was induced at 40w1d. Had a great delivery.
Posted 7/16/14 2:05 PM |
My loves

Member since 2/11 2131 total posts
Name: A
Today's my Due Date!
Induced at 40w4d and it was fast and painless (until recovery). Total labor (from first meds to holding baby- 10 hrs). Pushed for 20 mins. Had a 9lb baby in like 3 rounds of pushes!
Posted 7/16/14 2:53 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/08 1238 total posts
Name: Meredith
Re: Today's my Due Date!
Went into labor on my own @ 41 weeks exactly.
Posted 7/16/14 9:29 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 8/12 997 total posts
Name: Erica
Re: Today's my Due Date!
I was induced at 41 weeks. I went in at 3cm and like 90% effaced but never progressed to more than 5cm - delivered via csection.
Posted 7/16/14 11:19 PM |