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LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/10 814 total posts
Name: Doreen
16 week gender question
My doctor usually does an ultrasound at my appointments in office. I will be exactly 16 weeks next Wednesday at my appointment. Do you think DH should go with me in case they can tell us the gender? With DS #2 they told us boy at my ultrasreen at 12 weeks 5 days but is that a higher tech machine. Should I call ahead and ask?
Message edited 10/6/2014 10:55:41 AM.
Posted 10/6/14 10:54 AM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/13 665 total posts
Name: Caille
Re: 16 week gender question
i'd say he should go with you.... i was told boy both pregnancies at exactly 16w
Posted 10/6/14 12:42 PM |
i need sleep ;-)

Member since 2/14 2008 total posts
Name: L
16 week gender question
we didnt have an option of u/s at 16wk AND if we had, i dont think we would have found out because it really is too early to be sure. I've seen 2 people in the last month find out that their early u/s's were wrong !!
Posted 10/6/14 12:46 PM |
mahna mahna!

Member since 2/12 1952 total posts
16 week gender question
I'd assume even the worst sono machine could be used to tell the gender. And yes, it's possible at 16 weeks (with my first, we actually found out at 12).
I'd probably take DH ... but I might not buy any pink/blue items until it's confirmed anyhow at the 20 week anatomy scan (just in case)
Posted 10/6/14 3:03 PM |
Only God knows His plan for us

Member since 4/13 7238 total posts
Name: Jessica
16 week gender question
I always recommend bringing DH with you to sono's. My dh couldn't come last week so my mom came with me.
Posted 10/6/14 3:06 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 2/12 1789 total posts
Re: 16 week gender question
I think it's definitely possible they'd be able to tell you, but there's no guarantee. At my 16 week, baby was not very cooperative and would not open her legs to give the sono tech a chance to even guess.
Posted 10/6/14 3:18 PM |
Party of 5 - 2015

Member since 4/06 7390 total posts
16 week gender question
they knew my son was a boy at 12 weeks. lol
Posted 10/7/14 7:36 AM |
Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06 27915 total posts
Re: 16 week gender question
I would bring DH. 16-18 weeks is when it's typical to find out. They shouldn't have a problem telling you the gender as long as the baby cooperates!
Posted 10/7/14 9:23 AM |