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Awkward in between time . . .

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LIF Infant

Member since 4/14

157 total posts


Awkward in between time . . .

So, I'm about 11w+ right now and I'm very bloated and my stomach looks like I am just getting fat. First of all, is that normal? Should I be getting "pudgy" around the middle?? Or am I just eating too many carbs to help with the endless MS? Advice?

Part 2 - what do you do for clothes?? My pants fit ok in the morning, but by the afternoon I feel like they are strangling me and I am busting out of them. All my shirts gather a little snugger around the middle too.

I just feel so awkward right now. How do you dress? I went shopping this weekend but didn't know what to buy since I will surely be growing out of new clothes too. I thought I could stay in my regular clothes a while, but I think I need an in-between plan. Also, I'm not "out" yet . . . TIA!

Posted 10/8/14 1:15 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Only God knows His plan for us

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Awkward in between time . . .

That was me, I was in maternity clothes by 12 weeks, belly got huge early, but not like a preggo belly. Size hasn't changed much but it has just rounded out at this point (32 weeks on Saturday).

Posted 10/8/14 1:21 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 4/14

157 total posts


Re: Awkward in between time . . .

I've never really been chubby!! A co-worker friend of mine today said she noticed me "popping out"!! (She's the only one in my office who knows) but meanwhile I catch people looking. I'm wearing a blazer!! ACK.

Posted 10/8/14 1:25 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/12

1261 total posts


Re: Awkward in between time . . .

I'm in the same boat, except I'm only 8 weeks Chat Icon Its #2 so I keep telling myself that you pop earlier after your first.
But this weekend I'm going to dig out my belly bands, I highly suggest those until you have enough of a belly to "keep up" maternity pants. You wear your regular pants, but you just wear them unbuttoned and the elastic band keeps them up. Hopefully this helps you too!

Posted 10/8/14 1:45 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/13

684 total posts


Re: Awkward in between time . . .

I am 13 weeks and it is such an akward time.

I just started with maternity jeans this week. Prior I had a rubber band keeping my jeans closed (I know many people also brag about the belly band).

I have about 6-7 shirts that I rotate to work. I am still not saying anything so I am limited with clothing.

I hate maternity clothes shopping. I find everything is either short sleeves or tight (which is problem when keeping it a secret). Some quality is lacking and some make you look sloppy.

I am hoping to stock up on cardigan sweaters and tanks when it gets colder. I haven't bought any sweaters yet b/c I am clueless about size.

Posted 10/8/14 1:46 PM

mahna mahna!

Member since 2/12

1952 total posts


Awkward in between time . . .

You can buy a belly band, or just get some maternity pants if you're not comfortable in yours.

I would suggest skipping the "first trimester clothes" (ie: the pants with the band that only goes to your belly button) because to me, they're kind of a waste of money.

I was SUPER bloated and thought everybody was staring at me ... but when I eventually told them I was preggo, they all were surprised. In other words - just cause you think they're looking doesn't mean that they actually are.

Posted 10/8/14 2:04 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 10/14

44 total posts


Awkward in between time . . .

I just look fat. I'm about 6 weeks and beyond bloated. My normal jeans fit, but not without serious muffin top. I have a lot of baggy tops and have been unbuttoning my jeans and using hair ties to hold them up and give me another inch or so. I showed very early on with my first DC. No one knows yet so it's been tricky.

Posted 10/8/14 3:57 PM

Fly high little one

Member since 6/10

2662 total posts


Awkward in between time . . .

I was super bloated and bought my first pair of maternity pants around 11 weeks full panel because theyvwere more comfortable

Posted 10/8/14 4:06 PM

So In Love!

Member since 8/11

1487 total posts


Awkward in between time . . .

Around 10 weeks I borrowed a few pairs of pants from my mom in a size larger. I did the rubber band button holding thing with the belly band around 11 weeks. By 12 I found I needed maternity pants. But I try to pair it with longer shirts that I own already that are more flowing, rather then maternity shirts. It hides it better. I am 14.5 weeks now and have just about told everyone important. Were going to "come out" on Facebook this weekend, so then I won't care if I look pregnant anymore.

I got that pudge above my belly too. But I also loaded on carbs to get through MS, so not sure if thats the reason or not.

Posted 10/8/14 5:07 PM

I love my kiddies!

Member since 5/11

10413 total posts


Re: Awkward in between time . . .

I'd use a belly band and/or a hair band to keep your pants shut but give you the extra inch or 2. Once you "come out" at work, you will probably just be more comfortable wearing maternity pants.

As for shirts, wear your looser, flowy shirts. Nothing tight. When I was pg with DS I bought a few extra shirts a size up to get me through those awkward weeks.

And I know you think you look very different, but I can assure you that most people don't notice these things. Your friend who knows is only noticing b/c SHE KNOWS! Chat Icon

Posted 10/9/14 9:14 AM

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