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If you had a miscarriage and your body naturally expelled the tissue

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Living a dream

Member since 1/08

8589 total posts


If you had a miscarriage and your body naturally expelled the tissue

How did it happen? I have a d&c scheduled for Tuesday but I have been very crampy today. I'm guessing this is the start of it Chat Icon

Posted 1/8/15 12:10 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adolescent

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Re: If you had a miscarriage and your body naturally expelled the tissue

Posted by Cheeks24

How did it happen? I have a d&c scheduled for Tuesday but I have been very crampy today. I'm guessing this is the start of it Chat Icon

I'm so sorry. *hugs*

Posted 1/8/15 12:15 PM

Lil Prince is here

Member since 8/11

6338 total posts


If you had a miscarriage and your body naturally expelled the tissue

I am so sorry!

You can get cramping and it could range from very uncomfortable to Pms cramping. Are you bleeding at all?

Posted 1/8/15 12:59 PM

Girls just want to have fun..

Member since 5/12

7482 total posts


If you had a miscarriage and your body naturally expelled the tissue

soo sorry.

Posted 1/8/15 1:08 PM


Member since 8/08

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Re: If you had a miscarriage and your body naturally expelled the tissue

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Posted 1/8/15 1:32 PM

life is good

Member since 5/05

2013 total posts


Re: If you had a miscarriage and your body naturally expelled the tissue

I've miscarried 3 times. Twice, I wasn't much further than 6-7 weeks, and it was cramping associated with a heavy period. The third time I was 13 weeks and it was really painful - like a version of going into labor. That required a trip to the ER and a lot of morphine.

So sorry - good luck! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/8/15 1:38 PM

Living a dream

Member since 1/08

8589 total posts


Re: If you had a miscarriage and your body naturally expelled the tissue

Posted by TyReseGreen

I am so sorry!

You can get cramping and it could range from very uncomfortable to Pms cramping. Are you bleeding at all?

No bleeding. The cramping is mild.

Posted 1/8/15 2:11 PM


Member since 1/10

21015 total posts


If you had a miscarriage and your body naturally expelled the tissue

I'm so sorry. It started with severe cramps.

Posted 1/8/15 7:46 PM


Member since 1/13

1329 total posts


Re: If you had a miscarriage and your body naturally expelled the tissue

I am so sorry. I have bad 3 losses and the second one I was scheduled for a d&c but passed the baby on my own when I was at presurgical testing. Started cramping out of nowhere and it happened. Will give you as much detail as you want if you message me. I am so sorry for your loss :(

Posted 1/8/15 9:21 PM

Now a mom of 2!

Member since 6/07

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Re: If you had a miscarriage and your body naturally expelled the tissue

I am so sorry. With my last m/c, I started bleeding at 6w2d and went in for a sono and there was no fetal pole. I bled lightly for over a week (I don't remember having cramps) and finally had a D&C at 7w4d. So you can bleed for quite a long time without expelling the fetus.

With my other, earlier, losses: one I spotted for 2 days and finally started bleeding heavily/cramping painfully on day 3. The other, I started heavy bleeding all of a sudden and cramping later that day.

Posted 1/8/15 10:16 PM

Living a dream

Member since 1/08

8589 total posts


If you had a miscarriage and your body naturally expelled the tissue

I haven't had cramping since yesterday morning. I have an appointment with my doc and then presurgical testing today. I'm taking DD to the bubble show tomorrow so I hope nothing happens.

Posted 1/9/15 8:32 AM

So In Love!

Member since 8/11

1487 total posts


If you had a miscarriage and your body naturally expelled the tissue

My miscarriages were all really early, but I had severe cramps and diarrhea like I've never had before all 3 times.

Posted 1/9/15 9:37 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/09

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Re: If you had a miscarriage and your body naturally expelled the tissue

Posted by shellbebaby

My miscarriages were all really early, but I had severe cramps and diarrhea like I've never had before all 3 times.

Same here for my second one (which happened this week). In fact I explained away the cramps the second time by thinking that it was just that, but then the next day I found out my hormone levels had plummeted and then started bleeding a couple days later. Both times I didn't need to have a D&C.

MC#1 I had bleeding first and then SEVERE cramps for a couple weeks until I passed the tissue and then soon after that it was over. My cousin who had two miscarriages had the same experience.

Posted 1/11/15 6:32 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 1/15

91 total posts


If you had a miscarriage and your body naturally expelled the tissue

I had a natural miscarriage at 16 weeks in November. I was supposed to go for a d&c the next day. I got very crampy before and started bleeding lightly. My doctors office is always on call at north shore so I went Sunday morning to the hospital because of the cramping and bleeding but my cervix was still closed so they sent me home. That night I passed the baby and went back to the hospital. Sorry your going through this and Good luck with everything!!

Message edited 1/11/2015 8:42:46 PM.

Posted 1/11/15 8:40 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 3/09

50 total posts


Re: If you had a miscarriage and your body naturally expelled the tissue

I had cramps for 2 days before the bleeding started. I was about 6 weeks. How are you doing today? Thinking of you. Chat Icon

Posted 1/12/15 8:55 PM

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