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Dept of Homeland Security refuses to abide by the stay

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LIF Adult

Member since 11/11

9141 total posts


Dept of Homeland Security refuses to abide by the stay

This is just un-f'n believable. What happened to checks and balances??? We have a judicial branch for a reason. Aside from being so angry, I am frightened - this is a big step in the direction of fascism. Holy crap, we are so screwed Chat Icon

Dept of Homeland Security

Department Of Homeland Security Response To Recent Litigation
Release Date: January 29, 2017
For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
Contact: 202-282-8010

WASHINGTON – The Department of Homeland Security will continue to enforce all of President Trump’s Executive Orders in a manner that ensures the safety and security of the American people. President Trump’s Executive Orders remain in place—prohibited travel will remain prohibited, and the U.S. government retains its right to revoke visas at any time if required for national security or public safety. President Trump’s Executive Order affects a minor portion of international travelers, and is a first step towards reestablishing control over America's borders and national security.

Approximately 80 million international travelers enter the United States every year. Yesterday, less than one percent of the more than 325,000 international air travelers who arrive every day were inconvenienced while enhanced security measures were implemented. These individuals went through enhanced security screenings and are being processed for entry to the United States, consistent with our immigration laws and judicial orders.

The Department of Homeland Security will faithfully execute the immigration laws, and we will treat all of those we encounter humanely and with professionalism. No foreign national in a foreign land, without ties to the United States, has any unfettered right to demand entry into the United States or to demand immigration benefits in the United States.

The Department of Homeland Security will comply with judicial orders; faithfully enforce our immigration laws, and implement President Trump’s Executive Orders to ensure that those entering the United States do not pose a threat to our country or the American people.

Posted 1/29/17 11:53 AM

love my little girl !

Member since 9/10

5777 total posts


Dept of Homeland Security refuses to abide by the stay

how can they do this??!!

Posted 1/29/17 12:00 PM


Member since 4/07

7631 total posts


Dept of Homeland Security refuses to abide by the stay

I keep hearing the term "Checks and Balances". Checks and balances weren't properly being instituted well before Trump took office...just saying. This is not NEW to the Trump administration.

Wasn't is Obama that said If congress doesn't take action I will. (Or something along those lines).

Posted 1/29/17 12:07 PM

My 2 Girls

Member since 2/09

20494 total posts


Re: Dept of Homeland Security refuses to abide by the stay

Posted by Serendipity

I keep hearing the term "Checks and Balances". Checks and balances weren't properly being instituted well before Trump took office...just saying. This is not NEW to the Trump administration.

Wasn't is Obama that said If congress doesn't take action I will. (Or something along those lines).

When the president is signing unconstitutional EO's, one would reasonably expect congress or the judicial department to do something about it but they're proving themselves to be a bunch of pussys.

And congress blatantly refused to do anything in support of Obama so wtf else was he supposed to do?

Message edited 1/29/2017 1:26:05 PM.

Posted 1/29/17 1:23 PM


Member since 4/07

7631 total posts


Re: Dept of Homeland Security refuses to abide by the stay

Posted by ElizaRags35

Posted by Serendipity

I keep hearing the term "Checks and Balances". Checks and balances weren't properly being instituted well before Trump took office...just saying. This is not NEW to the Trump administration.

Wasn't is Obama that said If congress doesn't take action I will. (Or something along those lines).

When the president is signing unconstitutional EO's, one would reasonably expect congress or the judicial department to do something about it but they're proving themselves to be a bunch of pussys.

And congress blatantly refused to do anything in support of Obama so wtf else was he supposed to do?

Oh please! Poor Obama, I see how it goes.
How many unconstitutional EOs did he sign??? We forget right

Message edited 1/29/2017 1:30:40 PM.

Posted 1/29/17 1:30 PM

My 2 Girls

Member since 2/09

20494 total posts


Re: Dept of Homeland Security refuses to abide by the stay

Posted by Serendipity

Posted by ElizaRags35

Posted by Serendipity

I keep hearing the term "Checks and Balances". Checks and balances weren't properly being instituted well before Trump took office...just saying. This is not NEW to the Trump administration.

Wasn't is Obama that said If congress doesn't take action I will. (Or something along those lines).

When the president is signing unconstitutional EO's, one would reasonably expect congress or the judicial department to do something about it but they're proving themselves to be a bunch of pussys.

And congress blatantly refused to do anything in support of Obama so wtf else was he supposed to do?

Oh please! Poor Obama, I see how it goes.
How many unconstitutional EOs did he sign??? We forget right

I really can't with you. So blinded by hate for obama you can't see the shit that's currently raining from the White House that's affecting this country and everyone in it.

If you can provide an unbiased source that lists obamas unconstitutional EO's, please share, because my google search only comes up with conservative opinion sites.

Message edited 1/29/2017 1:59:17 PM.

Posted 1/29/17 1:51 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/17

1465 total posts


Re: Dept of Homeland Security refuses to abide by the stay

Posted by Serendipity

Posted by ElizaRags35

Posted by Serendipity

I keep hearing the term "Checks and Balances". Checks and balances weren't properly being instituted well before Trump took office...just saying. This is not NEW to the Trump administration.

Wasn't is Obama that said If congress doesn't take action I will. (Or something along those lines).

When the president is signing unconstitutional EO's, one would reasonably expect congress or the judicial department to do something about it but they're proving themselves to be a bunch of pussys.

And congress blatantly refused to do anything in support of Obama so wtf else was he supposed to do?

Oh please! Poor Obama, I see how it goes.
How many unconstitutional EOs did he sign??? We forget right

Like I said in another thread - help yourself. Your ignorance is astounding. Maybe if you tried to stop blaming Obama you could see what's happening.

Give it a rest. I see your deflection and derailment.

Posted 1/29/17 1:55 PM


Member since 4/07

7631 total posts


Re: Dept of Homeland Security refuses to abide by the stay

Posted by mrsrainbow

Posted by Serendipity

Posted by ElizaRags35

Posted by Serendipity

I keep hearing the term "Checks and Balances". Checks and balances weren't properly being instituted well before Trump took office...just saying. This is not NEW to the Trump administration.

Wasn't is Obama that said If congress doesn't take action I will. (Or something along those lines).

When the president is signing unconstitutional EO's, one would reasonably expect congress or the judicial department to do something about it but they're proving themselves to be a bunch of pussys.

And congress blatantly refused to do anything in support of Obama so wtf else was he supposed to do?

Oh please! Poor Obama, I see how it goes.
How many unconstitutional EOs did he sign??? We forget right

Like I said in another thread - help yourself. Your ignorance is astounding. Maybe if you tried to stop blaming Obama you could see what's happening.

Give it a rest. I see your deflection and derailment.

Your comment of "I cant with you" so classy and mature.

Posted 1/29/17 2:00 PM


Member since 7/06

11488 total posts

Völlig losgelöst

Re: Dept of Homeland Security refuses to abide by the stay

The derailment and deflection is amazing on this thread. Yes, some of Obama's EOs were found unconstitutional. I'm not an expert on EOs (TBH, is anyone on this board one? If so could you explain like I'm 5).

However, Obama was a lawyer and knows how to write an EO. Or he, at the very least, he had someone with legal knowledge to write them.

It doesn't look like Cheeto is writing these EOs very well. I do not think they will hold up, legally speaking. My lawyer DH says they probably won't. I really think Bannon is behind this order. You know Bannon, that guy who was reported to have said he was a Leninist and wanted to destroy the state.

Posted 1/29/17 2:12 PM


Member since 1/12

6667 total posts


Re: Dept of Homeland Security refuses to abide by the stay

Posted by klingklang77

The derailment and deflection is amazing on this thread. Yes, some of Obama's EOs were found unconstitutional. I'm not an expert on EOs (TBH, is anyone on this board one? If so could you explain like I'm 5).

However, Obama was a lawyer and knows how to write an EO. Or he, at the very least, he had someone with legal knowledge to write them.

It doesn't look like Cheeto is writing these EOs very well. I do not think they will hold up, legally speaking. My lawyer DH says they probably won't. I really think Bannon is behind this order. You know Bannon, that guy who was reported to have said he was a Leninist and wanted to destroy the state.

Some (SANE) Republicans have come out and said this was a mess and thrown together and not well thought out. I applaud those people.

Posted 1/29/17 2:15 PM

love my little girl !

Member since 9/10

5777 total posts


Dept of Homeland Security refuses to abide by the stay

let's not talk about Obama. He isn't president anymore. It is a waste of time and deflection from the current constitutional crisis. Bottom line: this order viplates the fifth amendment and 14 amendment. Due process was suspended. Can you imagine being held and NOT being allowed to talk to a lawyer , not getting a court date before a judge? the order also violates the immigration act or 1965. This isn't about politics, this is about a violation of the rule of law. It is indefensible.

Posted 1/29/17 3:30 PM

drama. daily.

Member since 3/11

7287 total posts


Dept of Homeland Security refuses to abide by the stay

Wow, namecalling? Classy and mature?
Please, get used to the fact that you will have to do just that- base your arguments, complaints, gripes and swipes on real fact. If President Obama did indeed execute Unconstitutional EO's, then please provide factual documentation of such.
And please don't spew any ******** about how he had the most EO's out of any President- he didn't.

As for this UnConstitutional EO to ban non-residents entering the US from the 7 "banned" countries, How is it possible that we're detaining these [people without due process? Chat Icon We aren't in a time of War, internment of the enemy isn't the case here...

Posted 1/29/17 3:49 PM


Member since 4/07

7631 total posts


Re: Dept of Homeland Security refuses to abide by the stay

Posted by LIRascal

Wow, namecalling? Classy and mature?
Please, get used to the fact that you will have to do just that- base your arguments, complaints, gripes and swipes on real fact. If President Obama did indeed execute Unconstitutional EO's, then please provide factual documentation of such.
And please don't spew any ******** about how he had the most EO's out of any President- he didn't.

As for this UnConstitutional EO to ban non-residents entering the US from the 7 "banned" countries, How is it possible that we're detaining these [people without due process? Chat Icon We aren't in a time of War, internment of the enemy isn't the case here...

I am just going to respond to this direct post.

1. When did I ONCE resort to name calling? I have been called ignorant..I never once called anyone a name...I stated that the phrase that was used "I cant with you" was not mature nor classy. I have never called anyone on these boards..EVER....a name

2. Who ever said I said Obama signed the MOST EOs. Again, that never once came from me bc I know that isn't the truth. Again, why must words be misconstrued.

Message edited 1/29/2017 4:37:37 PM.

Posted 1/29/17 4:33 PM

06ers Rock!!

Member since 1/07

9537 total posts

The One My Mother Gave Me ;-)

Re: Dept of Homeland Security refuses to abide by the stay

Posted by Serendipity

Posted by ElizaRags35

Posted by Serendipity

I keep hearing the term "Checks and Balances". Checks and balances weren't properly being instituted well before Trump took office...just saying. This is not NEW to the Trump administration.

Wasn't is Obama that said If congress doesn't take action I will. (Or something along those lines).

When the president is signing unconstitutional EO's, one would reasonably expect congress or the judicial department to do something about it but they're proving themselves to be a bunch of pussys.

And congress blatantly refused to do anything in support of Obama so wtf else was he supposed to do?

Oh please! Poor Obama, I see how it goes.
How many unconstitutional EOs did he sign??? We forget right

I don't know. Please provide a source showing what executive orders he issued that were deemed unconstitutional.

Posted 1/29/17 5:39 PM

Time for Baby #2!

Member since 8/10

4194 total posts


Re: Dept of Homeland Security refuses to abide by the stay

Posted by Serendipity

Posted by ElizaRags35

Posted by Serendipity

I keep hearing the term "Checks and Balances". Checks and balances weren't properly being instituted well before Trump took office...just saying. This is not NEW to the Trump administration.

Wasn't is Obama that said If congress doesn't take action I will. (Or something along those lines).

When the president is signing unconstitutional EO's, one would reasonably expect congress or the judicial department to do something about it but they're proving themselves to be a bunch of pussys.

And congress blatantly refused to do anything in support of Obama so wtf else was he supposed to do?

Oh please! Poor Obama, I see how it goes.
How many unconstitutional EOs did he sign??? We forget right

Do you actually know how many he signed or....are you asking us?

Posted 1/29/17 7:53 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/11

4971 total posts


Re: Dept of Homeland Security refuses to abide by the stay

Posted by DancinBarefoot

Posted by Serendipity

Posted by ElizaRags35

Posted by Serendipity

I keep hearing the term "Checks and Balances". Checks and balances weren't properly being instituted well before Trump took office...just saying. This is not NEW to the Trump administration.

Wasn't is Obama that said If congress doesn't take action I will. (Or something along those lines).

When the president is signing unconstitutional EO's, one would reasonably expect congress or the judicial department to do something about it but they're proving themselves to be a bunch of pussys.

And congress blatantly refused to do anything in support of Obama so wtf else was he supposed to do?

Oh please! Poor Obama, I see how it goes.
How many unconstitutional EOs did he sign??? We forget right

I don't know. Please provide a source showing what executive orders he issued that were deemed unconstitutional.

And that he did without involving key members of his administration

Posted 1/29/17 8:22 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/17

1465 total posts


Re: Dept of Homeland Security refuses to abide by the stay

Posted by stinger

Posted by DancinBarefoot

Posted by Serendipity

Posted by ElizaRags35

Posted by Serendipity

I keep hearing the term "Checks and Balances". Checks and balances weren't properly being instituted well before Trump took office...just saying. This is not NEW to the Trump administration.

Wasn't is Obama that said If congress doesn't take action I will. (Or something along those lines).

When the president is signing unconstitutional EO's, one would reasonably expect congress or the judicial department to do something about it but they're proving themselves to be a bunch of pussys.

And congress blatantly refused to do anything in support of Obama so wtf else was he supposed to do?

Oh please! Poor Obama, I see how it goes.
How many unconstitutional EOs did he sign??? We forget right

I don't know. Please provide a source showing what executive orders he issued that were deemed unconstitutional.

And that he did without involving key members of his administration

And that someone else was likely writing the EOs for him?

Message edited 1/29/2017 8:53:34 PM.

Posted 1/29/17 8:52 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 1/07

428 total posts


Re: Dept of Homeland Security refuses to abide by the stay

This is contempt of court and just another sign of our descent into fascism... sadly, most Dump supporters don't even know what this means or care about the many innocent ppl afffected by this unconstitutional EO since they are living in their own delusional world where the Dump can do no wrong...

They will care soon enough ....

Message edited 1/30/2017 12:30:28 AM.

Posted 1/30/17 12:29 AM

Two Little Rosebuds

Member since 8/09

2106 total posts


Re: Dept of Homeland Security refuses to abide by the stay

Posted by Serendipity

Posted by ElizaRags35

Posted by Serendipity

I keep hearing the term "Checks and Balances". Checks and balances weren't properly being instituted well before Trump took office...just saying. This is not NEW to the Trump administration.

Wasn't is Obama that said If congress doesn't take action I will. (Or something along those lines).

When the president is signing unconstitutional EO's, one would reasonably expect congress or the judicial department to do something about it but they're proving themselves to be a bunch of pussys.

And congress blatantly refused to do anything in support of Obama so wtf else was he supposed to do?

Oh please! Poor Obama, I see how it goes.
How many unconstitutional EOs did he sign??? We forget right

In fairness, Obama is partially responsible for an expansion of executive power that has cleared the way for Trump's fascist ascension. It really started with Bush/Cheney, who used 9/11 to invoke past precedents in which the executive branch took liberties not typically acceptable during peacetime, hence the Patriot Act.

But Obama came in expanded the Patriot Act violations. He made it legal to detain an American citizen without just cause or due process as long as it was in relation to homeland security, a direct violation of habeas corpus. He has dramatically expanded spying on American citizens in direct violation of the 4th amendment and even commissioned a huge data facility in Utah to maintain information profiles on all individuals from data that has been coerced out of communications companies. It was under Obama that we were forced to allow TSA to take naked x-rays of us in order to get on an airplane, also a 4th amendment violation. And he has abused the executive order in an unprecedented way, though PP is right that this was the result of likewise unprecedented obstructionism in Congress.

My point is that we have to be honest with ourselves about why this is happening: all of the factors. Just because he was 'our guy' does not make it okay.

Posted 1/30/17 3:40 AM
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