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Baby Boy is Here!

Member since 5/11 7626 total posts
Name: Momma <3
Taking away recess as a form of punishment in Kindergarten
Today my son was playing with his stuffed animals and he wrote “E +5”. I said, what does that mean. He says oh, elephant was being a bad listener so he just lost 5 minutes of recess. I said where did you learn that. Oh, Mrs. X does that. Sometimes my friends lose all their recess play time as well as snack play time. That means they are not able to talk to another kid all day in class. She allows no talking outside of those two times.
Um, what? They’re 5 and 6 and need time away from learning. That’s the only time they are able to interact with the other students and she’s taking this time away from them. I said, did you ever get time taken away. He said, yes, one time but she didn’t tell me why I lost 5 minutes so I don’t know what I did. I haven’t lost it since. I told him to let me know if it happens again. If it happens again, I’m going to speak to her.
American Pediatric Association Recommendation
Does your school take away recess as a form of punishment?
Posted 2/9/20 2:34 PM |
Re: Taking away recess as a form of punishment in Kindergarten
That’s awful. They’re so little. They need the wiggle room. I’m sure it’s a “last straw” with most teachers but If a kid is being that difficult, then call the parents and let them know what’s going on.
If a kid is being dangerous or hurting others then yeah I can understand that
This teacher, though, sounds like she doesn’t tolerate children being children
That’s not okay
Posted 2/9/20 3:27 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 7/14 7274 total posts
Taking away recess as a form of punishment in Kindergarten
The hits just keep on coming with this teacher. I’m not one to complain, but I’d go to the principal. This woman sounds nuts.
Posted 2/9/20 8:41 PM |

Member since 5/05 3116 total posts
Name: A
Re: Taking away recess as a form of punishment in Kindergarten
no way recess time or snack time should be taken away as punishment, specially at that age.
Posted 2/9/20 9:55 PM |
Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09 54921 total posts
Name: ..being a mommy and being a wife!
Re: Taking away recess as a form of punishment in Kindergarten
Disgraceful if you ask me and honestly should be illegal. I'd complain to the principal. It's Kindergarten, not high school
Posted 2/9/20 11:06 PM |
Member since 8/10 6011 total posts
Taking away recess as a form of punishment in Kindergarten
When my DD was in second grade, her teacher used to reduce free time or recess time. But that was after several warnings were given; not for a first offense.
Posted 2/10/20 7:39 AM |
Peanut is here!!!!!!

Member since 5/09 18388 total posts
Name: Allison
Taking away recess as a form of punishment in Kindergarten
I would have a conference with your concerns. I’m not saying your child is lying about the recess issue but in Kindergarten they many times only see and relay half the story. So I’d have a discussion with the teacher/principal before jumping to conclusions
Posted 2/10/20 11:17 AM |
Re: Taking away recess as a form of punishment in Kindergarten
As a teacher, I know that is a very, very common form of punishment. It goes on in almost all classrooms. My daughter lost "extra recess time" in PRESCHOOL often for not behaving or listening. Yes, it stinks because she should be running around (probably what she needed in the first place) but I understand they don't really have good alternatives for punishment. So I'm torn on this topic. I can see both sides. But it's not uncommon or just that teacher.
Posted 2/10/20 11:25 AM |
I love my kiddies!

Member since 5/11 10413 total posts
Re: Taking away recess as a form of punishment in Kindergarten
Our school does not take away recess, but if the children misbehave, they lose out on "Fun Friday."
Posted 2/10/20 11:29 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 7/10 1801 total posts
Re: Taking away recess as a form of punishment in Kindergarten
This has happened to my son too. I do believe in consequences and I'm sure my LO was told multiple times and then 5 mins was taken away. 
However, when they only get 20 mins of recess, they really should come up with a different solution.
Most of the time young children are "acting out" because they can't sit for so long... yet they take away active time, which is what they need to preform better!! It makes no sense.
Posted 2/10/20 11:38 AM |
Baby Boy is Here!

Member since 5/11 7626 total posts
Name: Momma <3
Re: Taking away recess as a form of punishment in Kindergarten
Posted by alli3131
I would have a conference with your concerns. I’m not saying your child is lying about the recess issue but in Kindergarten they many times only see and relay half the story. So I’d have a discussion with the teacher/principal before jumping to conclusions
I understand this. I am a teacher. If there is a problem with his behavior, I think the first course of action should be to contact home so I am made aware of the problem.
I will also add that there is a ton of other stuff that the teacher does that bothers me so this is just one more thing that annoys me. When I was secret reader, she threatened to take recess time away from a students because he was not sitting up straight. Some of his classmates are so scared of her that they will not participate in school wide spirit days because she said they are a distraction from learning. One kid was scared to order two "schmencils" from a PTA fundraiser since she said they could only order one, but his mom wanted one for his little brother too. Most of these things do not affect my son so I am not going to complain on someone else's behalf, but the recess thing bothered me.
Posted 2/10/20 12:59 PM |
Baby Boy is Here!

Member since 5/11 7626 total posts
Name: Momma <3
Re: Taking away recess as a form of punishment in Kindergarten
Posted by BaysideForever
As a teacher, I know that is a very, very common form of punishment. It goes on in almost all classrooms. My daughter lost "extra recess time" in PRESCHOOL often for not behaving or listening. Yes, it stinks because she should be running around (probably what she needed in the first place) but I understand they don't really have good alternatives for punishment. So I'm torn on this topic. I can see both sides. But it's not uncommon or just that teacher.
It might be common, but I do not think it is acceptable. If it happens again, I am going to speak with the teacher. The kids losing the recess most likely need the recess.
Posted 2/10/20 1:01 PM |
Bunny kisses are so cute!
Member since 5/05 19461 total posts
Name: L
Re: Taking away recess as a form of punishment in Kindergarten
At that age they need recess so much. They need to be able to run around, and get out that excess energy. So many young kids cannot sit still like little robots. This teacher needs to involve the parents to come up with better solutions. It is almost as if she did not learn cause and effect. Taking away recess will make the problem worse, not better.
Posted 2/10/20 1:59 PM |
Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09 54921 total posts
Name: ..being a mommy and being a wife!
Re: Taking away recess as a form of punishment in Kindergarten
Not for anything, but this woman sounds like a real witch. Someone who shouldn't be teaching Kindergarten.
DD's best friend had a 1st grade teacher who acted that way. She was more suited for teaching middle or high school than 6 year olds and everyone knew it. My nephew had her as well and the stories I heard about her were awful.
One time, DD's best friend wet herself in class because the teacher said they couldn't use the bathroom whenever they wanted. At 6 years old. Could you imagine? OMG I would have been up at that school so fast your head would spin if that had been my daughter. I am not one to complain ever and I don't think I've ever spoken to the principal in all the 5 years DD has been in that school but if she ever wet herself because she wasn't allowed to go pee, I'd be out for blood.
Certain people should NOT be teaching young children.. It's so sad.
Posted 2/10/20 2:51 PM |
Rocking the party

Member since 5/05 4937 total posts
Name: Vicki
Re: Taking away recess as a form of punishment in Kindergarten
Posted by PitterPatter11
Posted by alli3131
I would have a conference with your concerns. I’m not saying your child is lying about the recess issue but in Kindergarten they many times only see and relay half the story. So I’d have a discussion with the teacher/principal before jumping to conclusions
I will also add that there is a ton of other stuff that the teacher does that bothers me so this is just one more thing that annoys me. When I was secret reader, she threatened to take recess time away from a students because he was not sitting up straight. Some of his classmates are so scared of her that they will not participate in school wide spirit days because she said they are a distraction from learning. One kid was scared to order two "schmencils" from a PTA fundraiser since she said they could only order one, but his mom wanted one for his little brother too. Most of these things do not affect my son so I am not going to complain on someone else's behalf, but the recess thing bothered me.
But it does affect your son. Look at how he's playing with his stuffed animals. I would absolutely have a conference with her and the principal and tell them the things you have witnessed and heard from the other parents. It's not right and not healthy for the kids. No child should be afraid to participate in Sprit Day; that's a fun activity! This woman sounds like she needs to retire from teaching.
Posted 2/10/20 4:36 PM |
Bunny kisses are so cute!
Member since 5/05 19461 total posts
Name: L
Re: Taking away recess as a form of punishment in Kindergarten
Posted by NervousNell
Not for anything, but this woman sounds like a real witch. Someone who shouldn't be teaching Kindergarten.
DD's best friend had a 1st grade teacher who acted that way. She was more suited for teaching middle or high school than 6 year olds and everyone knew it. My nephew had her as well and the stories I heard about her were awful.
One time, DD's best friend wet herself in class because the teacher said they couldn't use the bathroom whenever they wanted. At 6 years old. Could you imagine? OMG I would have been up at that school so fast your head would spin if that had been my daughter. I am not one to complain ever and I don't think I've ever spoken to the principal in all the 5 years DD has been in that school but if she ever wet herself because she wasn't allowed to go pee, I'd be out for blood.
Certain people should NOT be teaching young children.. It's so sad.
Ugh, dd’s first grade teacher got a lecture from me about this, she is a good kid and if she tells you she has to pee, that does not mean wait a minute. Poor girl had an issue the first month of school because he told her to wait and then did not tell her ok you can go. She came home in tears and it was terrible. My dad was five when it happened. He apologized to her, but still these girls are so small at that age and if they say they need to go, nothing in a kindergarten or first grade lecture is that important that a child can’t go to the bathroom which is in the classroom in our school.
Message edited 2/10/2020 10:39:01 PM.
Posted 2/10/20 10:36 PM |

Member since 3/09 7721 total posts
Re: Taking away recess as a form of punishment in Kindergarten
Posted by BaysideForever
As a teacher, I know that is a very, very common form of punishment. It goes on in almost all classrooms. My daughter lost "extra recess time" in PRESCHOOL often for not behaving or listening. Yes, it stinks because she should be running around (probably what she needed in the first place) but I understand they don't really have good alternatives for punishment. So I'm torn on this topic. I can see both sides. But it's not uncommon or just that teacher.
Agree I’m torn. Our school mostly uses it as a severe punishment. Examples of this are biting, licking, intentionally spilling milk on someone, showing privates, etc. I wouldn’t be able to be a teacher... these kids are something!!!!
Only once have I heard it for a gentle reason (class wouldn’t settle down and it was the whole class... but that was early in the year and I think it was a one time thing).
I’m sure there are people who may abuse taking away recess.
As for the peeing, my son NEEDs to drink and pee very frequently (medical) and the Dr has always given me a note because she says it often becomes an issue annoying the teacher (we never needed to use it and I usually give the teacher a heads up at the beginning of the year).
OP: Is this your first kid through the school? It seems unlikely you will change the teacher so late but you can request not to have her or him again.
Posted 2/11/20 5:09 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 10/15 555 total posts
Name: Keep
Re: Taking away recess as a form of punishment in Kindergarten
They used to do this at my kids school and I called the Principal right away. She confirmed that taking away recess for bad behavior goes against school policy and they would talk to the teacher who said that to make sure they were clear on the matter.
Now they are taking my kid out of recess for band. Trying to find out what that's all about. I absolutely do not agree with that.
We have school districts adding more play/ free time, and these educators take it away? No. Not on my watch. #moreplayintheschoolday
Posted 2/11/20 5:57 PM |
The Journey is the Destination

Member since 5/05 4431 total posts
Name: Karen
Taking away recess as a form of punishment in Kindergarten
They should never take recess away from a child. Kids need to unwind and relax. The school day itself is so stressful now they need that extra time to just be kids. That teacher sounds like they should definitely not be teaching Kindergarten. I would get a few parents together and go to the principal. One parent complaining won't do anything, a few parents might. In my daughter's school they get extra choice time at the end of the day. They have to earn the time with good behaviors during the day. That way they aren't "technically" taking anything away but rewarding for good behavior. It works wonderfully and the kid seem to respond to the system. It was for older grades though -3 through 6th.
Posted 2/11/20 6:54 PM |
Baby Boy is Here!

Member since 5/11 7626 total posts
Name: Momma <3
Taking away recess as a form of punishment in Kindergarten
Thanks everyone. I actually “know” the principal as I was her son’s teacher 2 years ago. Small world.
My son said no one got time off recess today, but a few kids did yesterday. I am going to speak to the teacher before I go to the principal.
Posted 2/11/20 8:09 PM |
Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09 54921 total posts
Name: ..being a mommy and being a wife!
Re: Taking away recess as a form of punishment in Kindergarten
Posted by KateBennetReel
We have school districts adding more play/ free time, and these educators take it away? No. Not on my watch. #moreplayintheschoolday
Yep. I'm very jealous of a nearby district that had a super who DOUBLED recess time. And here we are this year they lengthened the school day by 30 min, yet lunch and recess was shortened somehow. I'm sure they are using the extra time to teach to the nonsense state tests though- which also boils my blood. It's BS if you ask me.
Posted 2/12/20 8:49 AM |