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Trump Organization Is Charged in 15-Year Tax Scheme

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LIF Adult

Member since 10/06

3986 total posts


Re: Trump Organization Is Charged in 15-Year Tax Scheme

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by JennP

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by JennP

Posted by mommy2devin

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by JennP

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by mommy2devin

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by JennP

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by JennP

Everyone knows how I feel and who I agree with on here so I won't even bother quoting.

But I really think the comparison to the Cuomo thread is interesting.

There were several people in that thread who dislike Trump who were able to say they would never vote for Cuomo. Basically they were able to go along with the theme of the thread without the whataboutism.

But deflection and whataboutism occurred so quickly on here.

From a psychological standpoint, it's sort of interesting to watch people twist themselves into pretzels to justify their votes for Trump. It would be downright fascinating if it weren't going to potentially lead to the downfall of our nation.

The man is a criminal 100 ways to Sunday. It's been proven many times over. From his openly admitting he stiffs contractors to inciting a riot and everything in between, there is no doubt at this point.

I've shared this info before but all the treason is detailed in the Senate's September 2020 report by a REPUBLICAN led committee.

If his impeachment "trials" were real, actual trials, he would have been convicted, no doubt.

Yet people double, triple down. And defend and deflect.

That's some real investment right there. I have never been that invested in any politician, ever.


“ That's some real investment right there. I have never been that invested in any politician, ever.”

Yup one’s who never liked him still find the need to talk about him and know exactly what is going on about him everyday.

I don't know a single person or entity who does this and I run in very anti Trump circles.

We mostly talk about how to combat the voter suppression tactics and keep the House and Senate in 2022.

No one talks about what Trump is doing.

Literally no one.

But perhaps in your circles there is talk about him. Not sure about that.

Nope no one does and find it odd that on this board there is always talk about him.

We are all into our milestone birthdays this year now and over politics. Lol
You planning a party this year too for the hubby ?

This is so creepy to me that you continually point out to people how you stalk them and bring up personal details (maybe they shared on the site maybe not) on posts that have NOTHING to do with what you point out. Where on this thread did birthdays come up? And then to bring up the posters plans for her husband? So weird.

Very weird and very creepy. Something is wrong with her, her comments are never normal or appropriate on these boards.

Thank you both.

I want to be very clear, I have no idea who this person is in real life.

I have no idea how she knows who my husband could be.

To do that much digging up on people on a chatboard is, at a minimum, highly abnormal behavior.

Chat Icon Chat Icon

It's very abnormal. Just have to shrug it off and ignore her. She feeds on any and all attention on these boards and is tone deaf when it comes to appropriate behavior and conversation.

I would be interested to know if your husband IS coming upon a milestone birthday? That would at least let everyone know that this person is WEIRD and DOES stalk people outside of this site. Especially if you never even mentioned it here, but he is in fact having a milestone birthday soon and you are planning a party. Know what I mean? A way to prove this is wackadoo!

He is in fact coming up on a milestone birthday this year. And yes, that is what makes this weird.

I just don't get it because I have literally never taken a moment to figure out who anyone was on here. I have either connected on some type of personal level - FMs, helping each other with something, etc. - or accepted people as their screen name and there isn't anything in between.

That’s sad as many have made outside friends from here.

I never said I didn't make outside friends from here.

I said I did it organically, by connecting with them first through common interests via FM, FB, etc.

I never did it by googling the heck out ofthem and then throwing the facts I discovered in their face.

Who said they do that to make friends?

You implied it when you said it was sad that I didn't take the time to figure out who people were.

I made it clear that I connected with some others based on a common interest and organic communication. Your implication is that the searching you do is somehow a good way to make friends. It is not.

Posted 7/2/21 4:40 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6988 total posts


Re: Trump Organization Is Charged in 15-Year Tax Scheme

Posted by JennP

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by JennP

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by JennP

Posted by mommy2devin

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by JennP

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by mommy2devin

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by JennP

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by JennP

Everyone knows how I feel and who I agree with on here so I won't even bother quoting.

But I really think the comparison to the Cuomo thread is interesting.

There were several people in that thread who dislike Trump who were able to say they would never vote for Cuomo. Basically they were able to go along with the theme of the thread without the whataboutism.

But deflection and whataboutism occurred so quickly on here.

From a psychological standpoint, it's sort of interesting to watch people twist themselves into pretzels to justify their votes for Trump. It would be downright fascinating if it weren't going to potentially lead to the downfall of our nation.

The man is a criminal 100 ways to Sunday. It's been proven many times over. From his openly admitting he stiffs contractors to inciting a riot and everything in between, there is no doubt at this point.

I've shared this info before but all the treason is detailed in the Senate's September 2020 report by a REPUBLICAN led committee.

If his impeachment "trials" were real, actual trials, he would have been convicted, no doubt.

Yet people double, triple down. And defend and deflect.

That's some real investment right there. I have never been that invested in any politician, ever.


“ That's some real investment right there. I have never been that invested in any politician, ever.”

Yup one’s who never liked him still find the need to talk about him and know exactly what is going on about him everyday.

I don't know a single person or entity who does this and I run in very anti Trump circles.

We mostly talk about how to combat the voter suppression tactics and keep the House and Senate in 2022.

No one talks about what Trump is doing.

Literally no one.

But perhaps in your circles there is talk about him. Not sure about that.

Nope no one does and find it odd that on this board there is always talk about him.

We are all into our milestone birthdays this year now and over politics. Lol
You planning a party this year too for the hubby ?

This is so creepy to me that you continually point out to people how you stalk them and bring up personal details (maybe they shared on the site maybe not) on posts that have NOTHING to do with what you point out. Where on this thread did birthdays come up? And then to bring up the posters plans for her husband? So weird.

Very weird and very creepy. Something is wrong with her, her comments are never normal or appropriate on these boards.

Thank you both.

I want to be very clear, I have no idea who this person is in real life.

I have no idea how she knows who my husband could be.

To do that much digging up on people on a chatboard is, at a minimum, highly abnormal behavior.

Chat Icon Chat Icon

It's very abnormal. Just have to shrug it off and ignore her. She feeds on any and all attention on these boards and is tone deaf when it comes to appropriate behavior and conversation.

I would be interested to know if your husband IS coming upon a milestone birthday? That would at least let everyone know that this person is WEIRD and DOES stalk people outside of this site. Especially if you never even mentioned it here, but he is in fact having a milestone birthday soon and you are planning a party. Know what I mean? A way to prove this is wackadoo!

He is in fact coming up on a milestone birthday this year. And yes, that is what makes this weird.

I just don't get it because I have literally never taken a moment to figure out who anyone was on here. I have either connected on some type of personal level - FMs, helping each other with something, etc. - or accepted people as their screen name and there isn't anything in between.

That’s sad as many have made outside friends from here.

I never said I didn't make outside friends from here.

I said I did it organically, by connecting with them first through common interests via FM, FB, etc.

I never did it by googling the heck out ofthem and then throwing the facts I discovered in their face.

Who said they do that to make friends?

You implied it when you said it was sad that I didn't take the time to figure out who people were.

I made it clear that I connected with some others based on a common interest and organic communication. Your implication is that the searching you do is somehow a good way to make friends. It is not.

Nope, this is nothing I said.

I have made friends here without looking for them and never have to as everyone on here usually provides info about themselves to made bonds. Many have similar interests and since we all live close, we can and have become good friends.

Posted 7/2/21 5:24 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6988 total posts


Re: Trump Organization Is Charged in 15-Year Tax Scheme

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by mommy2devin

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by mommy2devin

Posted by JennP

Posted by mommy2devin

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by JennP

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by mommy2devin

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by JennP

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by JennP

Everyone knows how I feel and who I agree with on here so I won't even bother quoting.

But I really think the comparison to the Cuomo thread is interesting.

There were several people in that thread who dislike Trump who were able to say they would never vote for Cuomo. Basically they were able to go along with the theme of the thread without the whataboutism.

But deflection and whataboutism occurred so quickly on here.

From a psychological standpoint, it's sort of interesting to watch people twist themselves into pretzels to justify their votes for Trump. It would be downright fascinating if it weren't going to potentially lead to the downfall of our nation.

The man is a criminal 100 ways to Sunday. It's been proven many times over. From his openly admitting he stiffs contractors to inciting a riot and everything in between, there is no doubt at this point.

I've shared this info before but all the treason is detailed in the Senate's September 2020 report by a REPUBLICAN led committee.

If his impeachment "trials" were real, actual trials, he would have been convicted, no doubt.

Yet people double, triple down. And defend and deflect.

That's some real investment right there. I have never been that invested in any politician, ever.


“ That's some real investment right there. I have never been that invested in any politician, ever.”

Yup one’s who never liked him still find the need to talk about him and know exactly what is going on about him everyday.

I don't know a single person or entity who does this and I run in very anti Trump circles.

We mostly talk about how to combat the voter suppression tactics and keep the House and Senate in 2022.

No one talks about what Trump is doing.

Literally no one.

But perhaps in your circles there is talk about him. Not sure about that.

Nope no one does and find it odd that on this board there is always talk about him.

We are all into our milestone birthdays this year now and over politics. Lol
You planning a party this year too for the hubby ?

This is so creepy to me that you continually point out to people how you stalk them and bring up personal details (maybe they shared on the site maybe not) on posts that have NOTHING to do with what you point out. Where on this thread did birthdays come up? And then to bring up the posters plans for her husband? So weird.

Very weird and very creepy. Something is wrong with her, her comments are never normal or appropriate on these boards.

Thank you both.

I want to be very clear, I have no idea who this person is in real life.

I have no idea how she knows who my husband could be.

To do that much digging up on people on a chatboard is, at a minimum, highly abnormal behavior.

Chat Icon Chat Icon

It's very abnormal. Just have to shrug it off and ignore her. She feeds on any and all attention on these boards and is tone deaf when it comes to appropriate behavior and conversation.

I would be interested to know if your husband IS coming upon a milestone birthday? That would at least let everyone know that this person is WEIRD and DOES stalk people outside of this site. Especially if you never even mentioned it here, but he is in fact having a milestone birthday soon and you are planning a party. Know what I mean? A way to prove this is wackadoo!

He is in fact coming up on a milestone birthday this year. And yes, that is what makes this weird.

I just don't get it because I have literally never taken a moment to figure out who anyone was on here. I have either connected on some type of personal level - FMs, helping each other with something, etc. - or accepted people as their screen name and there isn't anything in between.

So, that is what makes this so bizarre. She HAD to find that out some other way than on here. How can anyone defend her? So so strange and very very creepy.

She googles screen names and I’m pretty sure she uses FB to look up people. Then she uses that in an argument.

How she found out about JennP’s husband’s birthday is interesting, but I’m sure she will say “it’s on the internet.”

And then she takes stabs at Hofstra for having so much "free time" on her It's crazy. She's crazy.

Agree with all of the comments above.

She has proven she's crazy time and time again with MULTIPLE DIFFERENT posters including myself, kling, JennP. jlm2008 and a few others. As is her M.O. she tries to blow off her crazy and pretend like somehow the things she says are perfectly normal and sane. She's condescending and creepy, there is just NO argument to be made to the contrary.

As far as her comments towards me, I just laugh. When a person is secure in themselves and their own life they don't feel any need to repeatedly bring up another person's life choices, money, home, marriage, family, etc. I just let her ramble on, get a good laugh all while I enjoy my free time and everything else good in my life that I am fortunate and grateful to have.

She's just an unfortunate individual who is WAY too wrapped up in the people on this board. She catalogs WAY too many details about people and spends WAY too much time concerning herself with what others have compared to herself. She is rather pathetic.

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

You are so easy to annoy, it’s actually hilarious.

Posted 7/2/21 5:27 PM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Trump Organization Is Charged in 15-Year Tax Scheme

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by mommy2devin

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by mommy2devin

Posted by JennP

Posted by mommy2devin

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by JennP

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by mommy2devin

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by JennP

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by JennP

Everyone knows how I feel and who I agree with on here so I won't even bother quoting.

But I really think the comparison to the Cuomo thread is interesting.

There were several people in that thread who dislike Trump who were able to say they would never vote for Cuomo. Basically they were able to go along with the theme of the thread without the whataboutism.

But deflection and whataboutism occurred so quickly on here.

From a psychological standpoint, it's sort of interesting to watch people twist themselves into pretzels to justify their votes for Trump. It would be downright fascinating if it weren't going to potentially lead to the downfall of our nation.

The man is a criminal 100 ways to Sunday. It's been proven many times over. From his openly admitting he stiffs contractors to inciting a riot and everything in between, there is no doubt at this point.

I've shared this info before but all the treason is detailed in the Senate's September 2020 report by a REPUBLICAN led committee.

If his impeachment "trials" were real, actual trials, he would have been convicted, no doubt.

Yet people double, triple down. And defend and deflect.

That's some real investment right there. I have never been that invested in any politician, ever.


“ That's some real investment right there. I have never been that invested in any politician, ever.”

Yup one’s who never liked him still find the need to talk about him and know exactly what is going on about him everyday.

I don't know a single person or entity who does this and I run in very anti Trump circles.

We mostly talk about how to combat the voter suppression tactics and keep the House and Senate in 2022.

No one talks about what Trump is doing.

Literally no one.

But perhaps in your circles there is talk about him. Not sure about that.

Nope no one does and find it odd that on this board there is always talk about him.

We are all into our milestone birthdays this year now and over politics. Lol
You planning a party this year too for the hubby ?

This is so creepy to me that you continually point out to people how you stalk them and bring up personal details (maybe they shared on the site maybe not) on posts that have NOTHING to do with what you point out. Where on this thread did birthdays come up? And then to bring up the posters plans for her husband? So weird.

Very weird and very creepy. Something is wrong with her, her comments are never normal or appropriate on these boards.

Thank you both.

I want to be very clear, I have no idea who this person is in real life.

I have no idea how she knows who my husband could be.

To do that much digging up on people on a chatboard is, at a minimum, highly abnormal behavior.

Chat Icon Chat Icon

It's very abnormal. Just have to shrug it off and ignore her. She feeds on any and all attention on these boards and is tone deaf when it comes to appropriate behavior and conversation.

I would be interested to know if your husband IS coming upon a milestone birthday? That would at least let everyone know that this person is WEIRD and DOES stalk people outside of this site. Especially if you never even mentioned it here, but he is in fact having a milestone birthday soon and you are planning a party. Know what I mean? A way to prove this is wackadoo!

He is in fact coming up on a milestone birthday this year. And yes, that is what makes this weird.

I just don't get it because I have literally never taken a moment to figure out who anyone was on here. I have either connected on some type of personal level - FMs, helping each other with something, etc. - or accepted people as their screen name and there isn't anything in between.

So, that is what makes this so bizarre. She HAD to find that out some other way than on here. How can anyone defend her? So so strange and very very creepy.

She googles screen names and I’m pretty sure she uses FB to look up people. Then she uses that in an argument.

How she found out about JennP’s husband’s birthday is interesting, but I’m sure she will say “it’s on the internet.”

And then she takes stabs at Hofstra for having so much "free time" on her It's crazy. She's crazy.

Agree with all of the comments above.

She has proven she's crazy time and time again with MULTIPLE DIFFERENT posters including myself, kling, JennP. jlm2008 and a few others. As is her M.O. she tries to blow off her crazy and pretend like somehow the things she says are perfectly normal and sane. She's condescending and creepy, there is just NO argument to be made to the contrary.

As far as her comments towards me, I just laugh. When a person is secure in themselves and their own life they don't feel any need to repeatedly bring up another person's life choices, money, home, marriage, family, etc. I just let her ramble on, get a good laugh all while I enjoy my free time and everything else good in my life that I am fortunate and grateful to have.

She's just an unfortunate individual who is WAY too wrapped up in the people on this board. She catalogs WAY too many details about people and spends WAY too much time concerning herself with what others have compared to herself. She is rather pathetic.

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

You are so easy to annoy, it’s actually hilarious.

You're not annoying anyone, least of all me.

I pity you actually, it's really quite sad that stalking strangers and obsessing over internet forums gives you so much life. Maybe you should take up a hobby instead of pretending to know people's husbands, or their financial situations, or other details about their life. It just makes you look super psycho as evidenced by the two pages of comments saying as much.

Posted 7/2/21 5:50 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6988 total posts


Re: Trump Organization Is Charged in 15-Year Tax Scheme

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by mommy2devin

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by mommy2devin

Posted by JennP

Posted by mommy2devin

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by JennP

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by mommy2devin

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by JennP

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by JennP

Everyone knows how I feel and who I agree with on here so I won't even bother quoting.

But I really think the comparison to the Cuomo thread is interesting.

There were several people in that thread who dislike Trump who were able to say they would never vote for Cuomo. Basically they were able to go along with the theme of the thread without the whataboutism.

But deflection and whataboutism occurred so quickly on here.

From a psychological standpoint, it's sort of interesting to watch people twist themselves into pretzels to justify their votes for Trump. It would be downright fascinating if it weren't going to potentially lead to the downfall of our nation.

The man is a criminal 100 ways to Sunday. It's been proven many times over. From his openly admitting he stiffs contractors to inciting a riot and everything in between, there is no doubt at this point.

I've shared this info before but all the treason is detailed in the Senate's September 2020 report by a REPUBLICAN led committee.

If his impeachment "trials" were real, actual trials, he would have been convicted, no doubt.

Yet people double, triple down. And defend and deflect.

That's some real investment right there. I have never been that invested in any politician, ever.


“ That's some real investment right there. I have never been that invested in any politician, ever.”

Yup one’s who never liked him still find the need to talk about him and know exactly what is going on about him everyday.

I don't know a single person or entity who does this and I run in very anti Trump circles.

We mostly talk about how to combat the voter suppression tactics and keep the House and Senate in 2022.

No one talks about what Trump is doing.

Literally no one.

But perhaps in your circles there is talk about him. Not sure about that.

Nope no one does and find it odd that on this board there is always talk about him.

We are all into our milestone birthdays this year now and over politics. Lol
You planning a party this year too for the hubby ?

This is so creepy to me that you continually point out to people how you stalk them and bring up personal details (maybe they shared on the site maybe not) on posts that have NOTHING to do with what you point out. Where on this thread did birthdays come up? And then to bring up the posters plans for her husband? So weird.

Very weird and very creepy. Something is wrong with her, her comments are never normal or appropriate on these boards.

Thank you both.

I want to be very clear, I have no idea who this person is in real life.

I have no idea how she knows who my husband could be.

To do that much digging up on people on a chatboard is, at a minimum, highly abnormal behavior.

Chat Icon Chat Icon

It's very abnormal. Just have to shrug it off and ignore her. She feeds on any and all attention on these boards and is tone deaf when it comes to appropriate behavior and conversation.

I would be interested to know if your husband IS coming upon a milestone birthday? That would at least let everyone know that this person is WEIRD and DOES stalk people outside of this site. Especially if you never even mentioned it here, but he is in fact having a milestone birthday soon and you are planning a party. Know what I mean? A way to prove this is wackadoo!

He is in fact coming up on a milestone birthday this year. And yes, that is what makes this weird.

I just don't get it because I have literally never taken a moment to figure out who anyone was on here. I have either connected on some type of personal level - FMs, helping each other with something, etc. - or accepted people as their screen name and there isn't anything in between.

So, that is what makes this so bizarre. She HAD to find that out some other way than on here. How can anyone defend her? So so strange and very very creepy.

She googles screen names and I’m pretty sure she uses FB to look up people. Then she uses that in an argument.

How she found out about JennP’s husband’s birthday is interesting, but I’m sure she will say “it’s on the internet.”

And then she takes stabs at Hofstra for having so much "free time" on her It's crazy. She's crazy.

Agree with all of the comments above.

She has proven she's crazy time and time again with MULTIPLE DIFFERENT posters including myself, kling, JennP. jlm2008 and a few others. As is her M.O. she tries to blow off her crazy and pretend like somehow the things she says are perfectly normal and sane. She's condescending and creepy, there is just NO argument to be made to the contrary.

As far as her comments towards me, I just laugh. When a person is secure in themselves and their own life they don't feel any need to repeatedly bring up another person's life choices, money, home, marriage, family, etc. I just let her ramble on, get a good laugh all while I enjoy my free time and everything else good in my life that I am fortunate and grateful to have.

She's just an unfortunate individual who is WAY too wrapped up in the people on this board. She catalogs WAY too many details about people and spends WAY too much time concerning herself with what others have compared to herself. She is rather pathetic.

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

You are so easy to annoy, it’s actually hilarious.

You're not annoying anyone, least of all me.

I pity you actually, it's really quite sad that stalking strangers and obsessing over internet forums gives you so much life. Maybe you should take up a hobby instead of pretending to know people's husbands, or their financial situations, or other details about their life. It just makes you look super psycho as evidenced by the two pages of comments saying as much.

Once again, these threads don’t make pages without others answering back and forth.

Posted 7/2/21 5:56 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/20

1189 total posts


Re: Trump Organization Is Charged in 15-Year Tax Scheme

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by JennP

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by JennP

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by JennP

Posted by mommy2devin

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by JennP

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by mommy2devin

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by JennP

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by JennP

Everyone knows how I feel and who I agree with on here so I won't even bother quoting.

But I really think the comparison to the Cuomo thread is interesting.

There were several people in that thread who dislike Trump who were able to say they would never vote for Cuomo. Basically they were able to go along with the theme of the thread without the whataboutism.

But deflection and whataboutism occurred so quickly on here.

From a psychological standpoint, it's sort of interesting to watch people twist themselves into pretzels to justify their votes for Trump. It would be downright fascinating if it weren't going to potentially lead to the downfall of our nation.

The man is a criminal 100 ways to Sunday. It's been proven many times over. From his openly admitting he stiffs contractors to inciting a riot and everything in between, there is no doubt at this point.

I've shared this info before but all the treason is detailed in the Senate's September 2020 report by a REPUBLICAN led committee.

If his impeachment "trials" were real, actual trials, he would have been convicted, no doubt.

Yet people double, triple down. And defend and deflect.

That's some real investment right there. I have never been that invested in any politician, ever.


“ That's some real investment right there. I have never been that invested in any politician, ever.”

Yup one’s who never liked him still find the need to talk about him and know exactly what is going on about him everyday.

I don't know a single person or entity who does this and I run in very anti Trump circles.

We mostly talk about how to combat the voter suppression tactics and keep the House and Senate in 2022.

No one talks about what Trump is doing.

Literally no one.

But perhaps in your circles there is talk about him. Not sure about that.

Nope no one does and find it odd that on this board there is always talk about him.

We are all into our milestone birthdays this year now and over politics. Lol
You planning a party this year too for the hubby ?

This is so creepy to me that you continually point out to people how you stalk them and bring up personal details (maybe they shared on the site maybe not) on posts that have NOTHING to do with what you point out. Where on this thread did birthdays come up? And then to bring up the posters plans for her husband? So weird.

Very weird and very creepy. Something is wrong with her, her comments are never normal or appropriate on these boards.

Thank you both.

I want to be very clear, I have no idea who this person is in real life.

I have no idea how she knows who my husband could be.

To do that much digging up on people on a chatboard is, at a minimum, highly abnormal behavior.

Chat Icon Chat Icon

It's very abnormal. Just have to shrug it off and ignore her. She feeds on any and all attention on these boards and is tone deaf when it comes to appropriate behavior and conversation.

I would be interested to know if your husband IS coming upon a milestone birthday? That would at least let everyone know that this person is WEIRD and DOES stalk people outside of this site. Especially if you never even mentioned it here, but he is in fact having a milestone birthday soon and you are planning a party. Know what I mean? A way to prove this is wackadoo!

He is in fact coming up on a milestone birthday this year. And yes, that is what makes this weird.

I just don't get it because I have literally never taken a moment to figure out who anyone was on here. I have either connected on some type of personal level - FMs, helping each other with something, etc. - or accepted people as their screen name and there isn't anything in between.

That’s sad as many have made outside friends from here.

I never said I didn't make outside friends from here.

I said I did it organically, by connecting with them first through common interests via FM, FB, etc.

I never did it by googling the heck out ofthem and then throwing the facts I discovered in their face.

Who said they do that to make friends?

You implied it when you said it was sad that I didn't take the time to figure out who people were.

I made it clear that I connected with some others based on a common interest and organic communication. Your implication is that the searching you do is somehow a good way to make friends. It is not.

Nope, this is nothing I said.

I have made friends here without looking for them and never have to as everyone on here usually provides info about themselves to made bonds. Many have similar interests and since we all live close, we can and have become good friends.

I think the point JennP is making is that she isn’t your friend and doesn’t know you or hang with you. You don’t exchange FMs or chat on the side.

However, you decided to dangle it out there that you somehow know her husband and not only that - but that a notable BIRTHDAY is coming. Specific information.

My gut feeling is that you knew it would make her feel uncomfortable and that you know darn well that she doesn’t know who you are. It’s wrong and uncomfortable. If you know her or her husband, send her an FM and tell her who you are. Have her ask her husband to verify you.

You even wrote “I know her husband so it is ok :)”

Message edited 7/2/2021 7:14:34 PM.

Posted 7/2/21 7:11 PM

10 years on LIF!

Member since 11/06

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Re: Trump Organization Is Charged in 15-Year Tax Scheme

Back to the topic of the thread...

The trump organization is being brought up on 15 Federal felonies.

Posted 7/2/21 7:24 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6988 total posts


Re: Trump Organization Is Charged in 15-Year Tax Scheme

Posted by GoldenRod

Back to the topic of the thread...

The trump organization is being brought up on 15 Federal felonies.

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On to cocktails now, no more federal felonies and politics.
What are you drinking tonight?

Posted 7/2/21 7:48 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/20

1189 total posts


Re: Trump Organization Is Charged in 15-Year Tax Scheme

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by GoldenRod

Back to the topic of the thread...

The trump organization is being brought up on 15 Federal felonies.

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On to cocktails now, no more federal felonies and politics.
What are you drinking tonight?

JennP, please let us know if you receive an FM.

Posted 7/2/21 8:30 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6988 total posts


Re: Trump Organization Is Charged in 15-Year Tax Scheme

Posted by BFNY516

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by GoldenRod

Back to the topic of the thread...

The trump organization is being brought up on 15 Federal felonies.

Chat Icon Chat Icon

On to cocktails now, no more federal felonies and politics.
What are you drinking tonight?

JennP, please let us know if you receive an FM.


Posted 7/2/21 8:49 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/06

3986 total posts


Re: Trump Organization Is Charged in 15-Year Tax Scheme

Posted by BFNY516

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by JennP

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by JennP

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by JennP

Posted by mommy2devin

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by JennP

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by mommy2devin

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by JennP

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by JennP

Everyone knows how I feel and who I agree with on here so I won't even bother quoting.

But I really think the comparison to the Cuomo thread is interesting.

There were several people in that thread who dislike Trump who were able to say they would never vote for Cuomo. Basically they were able to go along with the theme of the thread without the whataboutism.

But deflection and whataboutism occurred so quickly on here.

From a psychological standpoint, it's sort of interesting to watch people twist themselves into pretzels to justify their votes for Trump. It would be downright fascinating if it weren't going to potentially lead to the downfall of our nation.

The man is a criminal 100 ways to Sunday. It's been proven many times over. From his openly admitting he stiffs contractors to inciting a riot and everything in between, there is no doubt at this point.

I've shared this info before but all the treason is detailed in the Senate's September 2020 report by a REPUBLICAN led committee.

If his impeachment "trials" were real, actual trials, he would have been convicted, no doubt.

Yet people double, triple down. And defend and deflect.

That's some real investment right there. I have never been that invested in any politician, ever.


“ That's some real investment right there. I have never been that invested in any politician, ever.”

Yup one’s who never liked him still find the need to talk about him and know exactly what is going on about him everyday.

I don't know a single person or entity who does this and I run in very anti Trump circles.

We mostly talk about how to combat the voter suppression tactics and keep the House and Senate in 2022.

No one talks about what Trump is doing.

Literally no one.

But perhaps in your circles there is talk about him. Not sure about that.

Nope no one does and find it odd that on this board there is always talk about him.

We are all into our milestone birthdays this year now and over politics. Lol
You planning a party this year too for the hubby ?

This is so creepy to me that you continually point out to people how you stalk them and bring up personal details (maybe they shared on the site maybe not) on posts that have NOTHING to do with what you point out. Where on this thread did birthdays come up? And then to bring up the posters plans for her husband? So weird.

Very weird and very creepy. Something is wrong with her, her comments are never normal or appropriate on these boards.

Thank you both.

I want to be very clear, I have no idea who this person is in real life.

I have no idea how she knows who my husband could be.

To do that much digging up on people on a chatboard is, at a minimum, highly abnormal behavior.

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It's very abnormal. Just have to shrug it off and ignore her. She feeds on any and all attention on these boards and is tone deaf when it comes to appropriate behavior and conversation.

I would be interested to know if your husband IS coming upon a milestone birthday? That would at least let everyone know that this person is WEIRD and DOES stalk people outside of this site. Especially if you never even mentioned it here, but he is in fact having a milestone birthday soon and you are planning a party. Know what I mean? A way to prove this is wackadoo!

He is in fact coming up on a milestone birthday this year. And yes, that is what makes this weird.

I just don't get it because I have literally never taken a moment to figure out who anyone was on here. I have either connected on some type of personal level - FMs, helping each other with something, etc. - or accepted people as their screen name and there isn't anything in between.

That’s sad as many have made outside friends from here.

I never said I didn't make outside friends from here.

I said I did it organically, by connecting with them first through common interests via FM, FB, etc.

I never did it by googling the heck out ofthem and then throwing the facts I discovered in their face.

Who said they do that to make friends?

You implied it when you said it was sad that I didn't take the time to figure out who people were.

I made it clear that I connected with some others based on a common interest and organic communication. Your implication is that the searching you do is somehow a good way to make friends. It is not.

Nope, this is nothing I said.

I have made friends here without looking for them and never have to as everyone on here usually provides info about themselves to made bonds. Many have similar interests and since we all live close, we can and have become good friends.

I think the point JennP is making is that she isn’t your friend and doesn’t know you or hang with you. You don’t exchange FMs or chat on the side.

However, you decided to dangle it out there that you somehow know her husband and not only that - but that a notable BIRTHDAY is coming. Specific information.

My gut feeling is that you knew it would make her feel uncomfortable and that you know darn well that she doesn’t know who you are. It’s wrong and uncomfortable. If you know her or her husband, send her an FM and tell her who you are. Have her ask her husband to verify you.

You even wrote “I know her husband so it is ok :)”

Yes. Thank you. That is exactly what I meant.

If WW, or any poster for that matter, reached out to me via FM and said, "I think I might know your husband. Is it 'so and so'?" I would be more than happy to confirm, figure out the connection, shoot the shit, etc. But instead it gets thrown out there randomly on an unrelated thread.

To answer your question from the other post - no, I have not received a FM from her.

Posted 7/2/21 9:33 PM
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