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1 year old that is a picky eater????

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LIF Infant

Member since 6/05

333 total posts


1 year old that is a picky eater????

My little man Justin, is very very picky. He won't eat anything that is soft or mushy. I tried the garden mashers and the gerber graduates. He wont eat it. He will eat a whole box of cheerios if you let him. He also likes chicken, waffles and yogurt. Does anyone have any suggestions or have gone through the same thing with their little one?? He is not loosing weight or anything but at the same rate the doctor doesnt want me to be giving him cups of milk all day. I guess if he keeps it up he will be a pediasure baby.

Posted 7/16/06 9:45 AM
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Re: 1 year old that is a picky eater????

It's probably just a phase. I would continue to offer it because he may change his mind. I hate to suggest it because I never offered my kids it, but the ice cream, custards or puddings may work.

I've had friends that have had children that wouldn't eat anything except mushed food, another that would only eat things that were white. Eventually they all snapped out of it.

Posted 7/16/06 12:10 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

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Re: 1 year old that is a picky eater????

What about string cheese? I break off pieces of it for Miranda to eat. Its not all that soft.
What about cereal bars? Earths Best Organics makes different cereal bars. I just bought them because I am having a hard time getting her to eat anything besides cheese and macaroni and cheese.

Posted 7/16/06 1:06 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

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Re: 1 year old that is a picky eater????

Posted by monkeybride

What about string cheese? I break off pieces of it for Miranda to eat. Its not all that soft.
What about cereal bars? Earths Best Organics makes different cereal bars. I just bought them because I am having a hard time getting her to eat anything besides cheese and macaroni and cheese.

That is so funny that you say that because Emily is only eating cheese lately too! And puffs but she's a cheese finatic!

I am hoping it's just a phase with my DD too because we're going through it also.

Posted 7/16/06 8:29 PM

boy mamma

Member since 5/05

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Re: 1 year old that is a picky eater????

Bryan only really likes crunchy things and things he can chew, he is not a fan of fresh fruit he doesnt like the texture, HE basically lives on string cheese, chicken nuggets, earths best crunching block cookies and crackers, veggie booty and some meats and breads. Basically he is not a picky eater but he doesnt eat fruit or vegetables cut up and he used to eat them from a jar before.

Posted 7/16/06 9:56 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 6/05

333 total posts


Re: 1 year old that is a picky eater????

he only likes hard things as well. he turns his head and if he can get it out of his mouth he will stick his tongue out and flick it on the floor. It is just nuts sometimes.

Posted 7/16/06 11:58 PM


Member since 5/05

15167 total posts


Re: 1 year old that is a picky eater????

Alot of kids go through that phase. My doctor told me just keep trying different things. What he won't eat now he might eat next week/month.
I used to give Patrick a bottle of pediasure everyday so that I felt he was getting the right nutrients that he needed.

Posted 7/17/06 8:58 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 6/05

333 total posts


Re: 1 year old that is a picky eater????

this morning I tried to feed him rice cereal with bananas, he screamed and turned his head. His under shirt is wearing more of the cereal than he ate. Then I gave up and gave hima cup of milk with oatmeal in it and he drank the whole thing dry in nooo time.Chat Icon

Posted 7/17/06 9:03 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

633 total posts


Re: 1 year old that is a picky eater????

Hmmm...glad to know we are all going through this - Cameron loves meats. fruits. yogurt and anything that she can pick up and feed herself. I was having a hard time getting her to eat vegetables but discovered a little trick that might work for you...I taught her how to eat with a fork and now anything I put on her fork she will eat. It becomes a game and when she gets the fork into her mouth I clap for her. She ate all her green beans yesterday doing this - I was amazed.

Posted 7/17/06 9:51 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 6/05

333 total posts


Re: 1 year old that is a picky eater????

Thanks Jenny I will try that next I just have to buy him a little baby fork

Posted 7/17/06 9:31 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/06

1162 total posts


Re: 1 year old that is a picky eater????

do you give him the banana/other fruit sliced to feed himself?

Have you tried the gerber graduates freezed dried veggies and fruits?

Posted 7/17/06 9:38 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 6/05

333 total posts


Re: 1 year old that is a picky eater????

He will feed himself like the chicken and the waffles. I normally cut it up and leave it on his high chair. I gave him sweet potato cut cup into squares mixed in between the chicken and he picked all the chicken out a left the potato. He eats the puffs and the wagon wheels. If he is in a good mood he will eat creamed spinach believe it or not. but wont touch carrots or string beans. He will eat canteloupe or honey dew and bananas occasionally.

Message edited 7/18/2006 9:04:26 AM.

Posted 7/18/06 9:03 AM

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