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10 Things Never to say to Childless friends

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LIF Adult

Member since 3/11

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10 Things Never to say to Childless friends


Posted 7/9/12 9:19 PM

I'm a PANK!!!

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10 Things Never to say to Childless friends

Love it especially the one that said when you are a mom you will know.

Posted 7/9/12 10:00 PM

missing my handsome boy

Member since 3/09

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Kat - HamptonsBride (LIW)

Re: 10 Things Never to say to Childless friends

I loved #9.

Imagine someone telling you, "One day you'll change your mind about keeping your children and want to trade them in." Making similar comments to your childless friends is insulting, says Carroll, because it suggests that deep down, they want kids—they just don't know it yet. (But you magically do!) Chat Icon

Posted 7/10/12 4:52 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 6/10

887 total posts


Re: 10 Things Never to say to Childless friends

The one that irks me the most is #9.
I hate when moms say "YOU'LLLLL SEEEE..JUST WAIT!!"

I actually wouldn't get insulted by #5. If someone told me that they excluded me from a bbq because there was going to be tons of kids there, I would laugh and say "good thinking! thanks!"

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Posted 7/10/12 11:14 PM

Ohhhh yeaaahh!!

Member since 6/10

1033 total posts


Re: 10 Things Never to say to Childless friends

Love it!! #9 is the most common though as soon as they hear that you dont want kids...the tangent begins on how you will down the line.

Posted 7/12/12 3:36 PM

Just call me mommy :)

Member since 7/08

19084 total posts


Re: 10 Things Never to say to Childless friends

Chat Icon Chat Icon I have heard many of them, except 1,6,7, and 9.

The one that stuck out the most is not being invited to things where there will be kids. I at least want the invite... I can decide if I'm up for going. It's isolating enough being in this position, going through a protocol to get pregnant- a path that none of my other friends have traveled.......... but then to be excluded from things outright because I don't have kids? That's isolation to it's fullest, and it hurts. Chat Icon

Posted 7/21/12 11:06 AM

LIF Zygote

Member since 8/07

15 total posts


Re: 10 Things Never to say to Childless friends

Posted by KittyKatCopper

I loved #9.

Imagine someone telling you, "One day you'll change your mind about keeping your children and want to trade them in." Making similar comments to your childless friends is insulting, says Carroll, because it suggests that deep down, they want kids—they just don't know it yet. (But you magically do!) Chat Icon

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Posted 8/2/12 10:32 PM

Too blessed to be stressed

Member since 4/09

6691 total posts


Re: 10 Things Never to say to Childless friends

Posted by marianne13

The one that irks me the most is #9.
I hate when moms say "YOU'LLLLL SEEEE..JUST WAIT!!"

I actually wouldn't get insulted by #5. If someone told me that they excluded me from a bbq because there was going to be tons of kids there, I would laugh and say "good thinking! thanks!"

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yes to #5 all the way! i'll keep my headache meds for a tension headache not your party thankyouverymuchChat Icon Chat Icon

And if i had a dime for every time my mom USED to tell me "you'll change your mind when you meet the right guy" i'd be RICH. Well now that i've met the right guy, she's kept her mouth shut and bugs my brotherChat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/4/12 8:52 AM

To a healthy 2013

Member since 5/05

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To a brand new year to a healthier me

Re: 10 Things Never to say to Childless friends

I hear 2, 3, alot! I cant have children but not by choice because of medicine.

Posted 10/13/12 8:48 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 7/11

50 total posts


Re: 10 Things Never to say to Childless friends

Posted by Mushesgirl

Posted by marianne13

The one that irks me the most is #9.
I hate when moms say "YOU'LLLLL SEEEE..JUST WAIT!!"

I actually wouldn't get insulted by #5. If someone told me that they excluded me from a bbq because there was going to be tons of kids there, I would laugh and say "good thinking! thanks!"

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yes to #5 all the way! i'll keep my headache meds for a tension headache not your party thankyouverymuchChat Icon Chat Icon

And if i had a dime for every time my mom USED to tell me "you'll change your mind when you meet the right guy" i'd be RICH. Well now that i've met the right guy, she's kept her mouth shut and bugs my brotherChat Icon Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/25/12 8:42 AM

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