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10 year old girls room ??

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 4/06

763 total posts


10 year old girls room ??

We moved into a new house this fall and we will be painting come spring/summer. My DD is turning 10 in a couple of weeks, and she wants white with paint splatter on the wall. While I think it would be cute, I have a feeling she will not like it for too long and will want it changed quickly. I was thinking of a nice color and using decals, bedding, curtains, etc to add color and they would be easily changed when needed. Need suggestions for paint colors. She is past the pinks/purples, so that is not an option. Looking for something she can grow into. Any suggestions for a cool tween room??

Posted 2/15/14 5:40 AM
Prudential Douglas Elliman Real Estate
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Mom of 2 + 1

Member since 10/05

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Re: 10 year old girls room ??

I would go the decal route. Or even painting each wall a different color for her. I wouldn't do the paint splatter, just because when you go to paint over it, you'll have to sand it down since the "splatter" parts will not lay flush with the other paint. Sort of like when you do stripes and then try to paint over them. At least if each wall is a different color, it is just rolling on a whole new color to change it. My niece was 11 when she moved into her new house, and the parents had to paint 4 different colors in is BRIGHT, but it is hers, and easy enough to change when the time comes.

Posted 2/15/14 8:41 AM


Member since 5/05

14279 total posts


10 year old girls room ??

My neighbor did her 12 year old DD's room in peach and the girl chose teal bedding. It looks surprisingly pretty. I like aquas too. You should look on Pinterest, I bed you'll find a lot of color ideas.

Posted 2/15/14 8:45 AM

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