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1:1 camps

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My 3 little guys!

Member since 12/10

2943 total posts


1:1 camps

Does anyone know of any special needs camps that are 1:1? My son is non verbal and has tendencies to wander if not closely supervised.

Posted 8/22/19 8:29 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/17

2249 total posts


Re: 1:1 camps

Maybe try Camp Kehilla

Posted 8/23/19 12:40 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/16

989 total posts


1:1 camps

Camp Pa-Qua-Tuck in Center Moriches is a wonderful sleep away camp. My son has gone for the past 2 years and loves it there. He already wants to go back next year.

Posted 8/26/19 10:50 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/14

1014 total posts


Re: 1:1 camps

Is your child in a year round program? I know you are in Queens near me, and my son is in a year round school program. It’s 6 weeks and goes till mid August. I think you can argue for a year round program at your IEP meeting. It’s been a god send for me! It’s not camp per se but they do more field trips and fun things in the summer. Samuel Field has a day camp for special needs kids. My son was too low functioning for it but maybe it would work for you. Good luck!

Posted 8/30/19 5:58 PM

My 3 little guys!

Member since 12/10

2943 total posts


Re: 1:1 camps

Posted by Hopefulmama

Is your child in a year round program? I know you are in Queens near me, and my son is in a year round school program. It’s 6 weeks and goes till mid August. I think you can argue for a year round program at your IEP meeting. It’s been a god send for me! It’s not camp per se but they do more field trips and fun things in the summer. Samuel Field has a day camp for special needs kids. My son was too low functioning for it but maybe it would work for you. Good luck!

Hi! Yes, he is in a 12 month program. I was looking for a camp for 2 weeks after school ends. It’s a long time between when summer school finishes and school starts again. He is with my in-laws as DH and I had no days left due to taking off for a million appts for him. Those are long days for them and they are older so it’s getting harder and harder. I’m pretty sure my son is too low functioning for Samuel field as well. I looked into them but it wouldn’t matter anyway because they and 99% of other camps end the 2nd week of August. I think these camps are more geared towards the kids in the 10 month school year. Sigh, what do our kids do in the off time?

Posted 8/31/19 2:18 PM

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