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14 weeks and on the maternity pants edge?

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

623 total posts


14 weeks and on the maternity pants edge?

hi ladies...

i was wondering how many of you ladies were about the same along as me and are on the edge - are those of you that experienced it already?

-- the edge where its a little bit to soon for maternity clothes but your reg clothes are getting too snug......

waht are you guys doin? making the jump - hanging in with the help of leaving the top unbuttoned...... using a rubberband..

Posted 5/16/07 2:03 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Fitness Junkie!

Member since 6/06

6470 total posts


Re: 14 weeks and on the maternity pants edge?

I think I made the jump right around then. It was an awkward stage, but if you wear a bella band w/the maternity pants it helps hold them up.

I also had some regular pants that were either elastic waist or big on me so I wore those a lot.

Then one day I put my maternity pants on and couldn't believe it, they fit perfect w/no bella band! They are the comfy!

Message edited 5/16/2007 2:05:40 PM.

Posted 5/16/07 2:05 PM


Member since 8/06

1730 total posts


Re: 14 weeks and on the maternity pants edge?

My jeans were tight aat about 9-10 weeks so I just got some maternity jeans from Old Navy in XS. It's better to be comfortable.

Or you can leave your pants unbuttoned & wear the bella band or use a tube top to cover the top (that's what i'm wearing today)

Posted 5/16/07 2:05 PM

He's here!!!!

Member since 3/06

10128 total posts


Re: 14 weeks and on the maternity pants edge?

I'm with ya. I'm at the end of week 13 and my really expensive jeans that I JUST bought are too snug for comfort.

I may buy pants 1 regular size up, figuring I can wear them postpartum too.

Posted 5/16/07 2:06 PM


Member since 5/05

13535 total posts


Re: 14 weeks and on the maternity pants edge?

I am 15 weeks now. I still fit into everything but I only wear my loose fiting clothing or some maternity items that aren't huge. I just refuse to be uncomfortable. I refuse to put on a pair of pants, leave the house and then realize that I am uncomfortable. I have a good amount of loose clothing b/c I lost over 15 lbs after last summer.

Posted 5/16/07 2:16 PM

Ohh... baby

Member since 5/06

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Re: 14 weeks and on the maternity pants edge?

I'm still in my Bella Bands at 18w. I bought 1 pair of maternity pants so far then need hemming or I'd be wearing them.

I also just bought 2 pairs of maternity cargo capris from Old Navy to run around in.

Posted 5/16/07 2:19 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

623 total posts


Re: 14 weeks and on the maternity pants edge?

bella band?
i think i am out of the loop on this and need to find out what this is...

sounds like i need it lol

Posted 5/16/07 2:20 PM

Mommy of 2

Member since 5/05

6787 total posts


Re: 14 weeks and on the maternity pants edge?

14 weeks was when it got hard for me and I had to make hte switch!

Posted 5/16/07 2:21 PM

GO YANKEES!!!!!!!!!!

Member since 4/07

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Re: 14 weeks and on the maternity pants edge?

Posted by CouldNotAsk4More

bella band?
i think i am out of the loop on this and need to find out what this is...

sounds like i need it lol

If you live in Nassau they have it at the Source Mall - MAternity Works I think its called-- next to the sports store by the food court

Posted 5/16/07 2:24 PM


Member since 5/05

3415 total posts


Re: 14 weeks and on the maternity pants edge?

The Bella Band is the greatest thing in the world. I was able to wear my regular pants till about the third trimester

Bella Band

Posted 5/16/07 3:41 PM

My two best friends!

Member since 11/06

5879 total posts


Re: 14 weeks and on the maternity pants edge?

I wear either regular pants with elastic or maternity with a bella band. I am 13.5 weeks.
It is an awkward stage.

Posted 5/16/07 4:00 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/06

3121 total posts


Re: 14 weeks and on the maternity pants edge?

I was really uncomfortable in my clothes at 14 weeks. I borrowed a couple of pants from my cousin (she just delivered last night Chat Icon) and they feel so good.

I'm in my 17th week today and I'm really comfortable. The only problem I'm having now is my shoes. My feet swell up from time to time.

Posted 5/16/07 5:19 PM


Member since 5/05

12810 total posts


Re: 14 weeks and on the maternity pants edge?

I was at that stage at week 12. I just wore the maternity clothes and kept pulling them up when they slid down.

Posted 5/16/07 5:22 PM

My little loves!

Member since 1/06

8093 total posts


Re: 14 weeks and on the maternity pants edge?

I'm almost 14 weeks and I bought maternity tops last week and a bella band to help my pants last a little longer. I haven't gained any weight yet, but my belly is bigger.

Posted 5/16/07 5:30 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/06

2223 total posts


Re: 14 weeks and on the maternity pants edge?

I bought regular clothes one size bigger and wore those until about 18-20 weeks. Last pregnancy I was very happy to be able to go into regular clothes after wards - even if they weren't my normal size - it felt good to not wear maternity.

Posted 5/16/07 5:33 PM

Just chillin'!!

Member since 1/06

9690 total posts


Re: 14 weeks and on the maternity pants edge?

I moved into maternity jeans at 9 weeks, bought maternity work pants at 12 weeks, but with the Bella Band and a good shirt, I can still wear some of my regular pants at almost 15 weeks.

Message edited 5/16/2007 5:45:01 PM.

Posted 5/16/07 5:44 PM

3 babies for me :)

Member since 5/05

6683 total posts


Re: 14 weeks and on the maternity pants edge?

I am almost 17 weeks and I think it may be the time to make the jump. I was a bit uncomfortable today. With my 1st I didnt switch to maternity until around 24 weeks. This time I definitely have a belly much sooner.

Posted 5/16/07 5:48 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

623 total posts


Re: 14 weeks and on the maternity pants edge?

i gave in and wore the only pear of maternity pants that i own - the ones everyone recommended from the gap - andi have to say it is HEAVEN - like wearing my pajamas but looking like i have dress pants...

i need to get more - but they are on the expensive side and i will hold off for a bit!!!!!

Posted 5/17/07 12:30 PM

Fitness Junkie!

Member since 6/06

6470 total posts


Re: 14 weeks and on the maternity pants edge?

Posted by CouldNotAsk4More

i gave in and wore the only pear of maternity pants that i own - the ones everyone recommended from the gap - andi have to say it is HEAVEN - like wearing my pajamas but looking like i have dress pants...

i need to get more - but they are on the expensive side and i will hold off for a bit!!!!!

Well, when your ready, try these (they have different colors too):

Link to the most comfy, cheap, dress pants ever!

Posted 5/17/07 12:41 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

623 total posts


Re: 14 weeks and on the maternity pants edge?

Well, when your ready, try these (they have different colors too):

Link to the most comfy, cheap, dress pants ever!

thanks for this --- and i have a gift card to target - i can get two pairs.... do they carry them in stores as well?

Posted 5/17/07 1:55 PM

Mrs. Patticakes

Member since 9/06

17330 total posts


Re: 14 weeks and on the maternity pants edge?

I must be the only person who didn't like the bella band so I made the jump into maternity jeans at around 12 weeks I think.

Posted 5/17/07 3:25 PM

Fitness Junkie!

Member since 6/06

6470 total posts


Re: 14 weeks and on the maternity pants edge?

Posted by CouldNotAsk4More

Well, when your ready, try these (they have different colors too):

Link to the most comfy, cheap, dress pants ever!

thanks for this --- and i have a gift card to target - i can get two pairs.... do they carry them in stores as well?

Yes they do! I got one pair at the target in commack (on Jericho) and two pairs at the target in south commack (right off the LIE), taupe w/stripes, and tan...they also had light grey which I may go back & buy! SO comfy...a bit long, I may have to get them altered when I switch to flats.

Message edited 5/17/2007 3:41:45 PM.

Posted 5/17/07 3:38 PM

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