2 questions RE sex & cm/ sperm
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LIF Adolescent
Member since 4/07 503 total posts
Name: M
2 questions RE sex & cm/ sperm
after sex where does all the sperm go? if a minimum of 1million are released and only 200 even have a shot of becoming a baby where does everythign else go? i have seen som leakage but what about the rest? is that all? does our body absorb any of it? Just wondering if anyone knew.
can to much sex dry up the CM? i have always had a lot of EWCM but wasnt ttc. i didnt really know that was even a sign of fertility. now that i am ttc i have been very conscious of it but there has not been nearly as much as i was used to. can it get "used up?"
Posted 7/5/07 10:00 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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Two in Blue

Member since 5/05 20223 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: 2 questions RE sex & cm/ sperm
To t6he first question, most of it liquifies and (TMI) drips oiut over the next 24 hrs. the sperm have already swum up by then so no need to worry. You can not use up CM but it does vary with diet and liquid intake. You can do a google search for increase cervical mucous and youw ill find some tips. You can also order pre-seed online which helps.
Posted 7/5/07 10:42 AM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 4/07 503 total posts
Name: M
Re: 2 questions RE sex & cm/ sperm
BTW in case i wasnt clear i meant can the CM be used up in a particular cycle not overall. like i have been BD a lot. I decided this is the month it will work. so i am bd every day and sometiems 2x when i think i have a good chance. as a result i have less CM than usual. so i thogth maybe the extra BD maybe utilized it all for this particular cycle?
also i was thinking so many of us say oh this may be TMI and its funny b.c after what some of us go thru to get preg and then once you actually have a baby these things that seemlike a lot to share all of a suden seem like no big deal. it must be so hard not having a place like this or a friend/ partner to discuss this stuff with.
Posted 7/5/07 1:21 PM |
My miracles!

Member since 12/05 23902 total posts
Name: Leslie
Re: 2 questions RE sex & cm/ sperm
It is important not to confuse CM and vaginal moisture when you get aroused. I do not produce EWCM the way the books say I am supposed to, but I am hardly dry when I BD. They are two different things. TCOYF informed me of that tidbit
Posted 7/5/07 2:03 PM |
baby boy coming spring '11
Member since 5/05 3133 total posts
Re: 2 questions RE sex & cm/ sperm
I'm 21 weeks pg now and I NEVER expected to get pg without the aide of fertility drugs. It's funny though because around the time I must have ovulated, there was a lot more ahem, vaginal secretions when we did BD. I know it's different from EWCM, but I swear it was natures way of telling me something was going on.
Posted 7/5/07 2:47 PM |
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