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2 year old bday party at home - entertainment/games

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LIF Adult

Member since 1/07

1687 total posts


2 year old bday party at home - entertainment/games

ugh! I wanted to start planning DSs 2nd birthday party a month ago... DH didn't want to hear about it. Now every where I call is booked, or too expensive.

We are considering having it at home, and DH said maybe I can plan some games/activities. He suggestd musical chairs, hot potato and pin the tail on teh donkey.


I do love the idea, just wondering if TWO is a tad young? There will be older kids - one 7, one 5, two 4, two 3, a bunch of 2 year olds, and then one 1 year old. I'm trying to think about what we do at Mommy and Me - we could do a parade with instruments, do some songs with instruments, bubbles, maybe have a craft?

WWYD? TIA ladies!!!!!!!!! Chat Icon

Posted 2/22/10 2:43 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Feeling Blessed

Member since 6/07

2963 total posts


Re: 2 year old bday party at home - entertainment/games

I'm planning our DS's 2nd birthday party this week - he turns 2 next month.

We're having a VERY small party at home, but his 4-yr old cousins are coming along with several other 2-yr olds. We've decided against games but we're doing small bags with coloring books, crayons, bubbles, punch-balloons and stickers. I hope that keeps them occupied enough.

My sister had her 4 year olds' bday party last week and had SOOO many games for the kids but I think only 1-2 were necessary. She had a carnival theme - complete with ring-toss, ball-toss, pin the tail on the donkey, musical chairs, etc. I thought it was too much.

Posted 2/22/10 4:20 PM

The Prince & Princess

Member since 7/05

4939 total posts


Re: 2 year old bday party at home - entertainment/games

I had DS' 2nd bday at "home" (my MIL's home). She has a large yard so we rented a boucer/slide thingie and had a clown come. I think the boucer/slide rec'd more "attention" than the clown.

I was afriad there would be nothing for the kids to do, but they were entertained by the boucer/slide.

I think hot potato too "advanced" for 2 yr olds. Pin the tail on the donkey can be hit/or miss. We went to a 2nd bday party that did pin the tail and it went well. Also, a pinata can be fun!

Maybe you can get some face paints and have another adult (family or friend) do that- simple things like a butterfly, a spider, etc. An option for the smaller kids is to do it on their hand vs the face.

GL!! I ALWAYS stress over entertaining the kids! Chat Icon

Posted 2/22/10 4:25 PM


Member since 3/06

22093 total posts


Re: 2 year old bday party at home - entertainment/games

I don't think you have to go crazy with activities for 2 year olds. I think maybe a simple craft activity would be fine and then they can run around like maniacs for the rest of the time! That seems to be what happens at that age. Chat Icon

Posted 2/22/10 4:26 PM


Member since 8/07

5974 total posts


Re: 2 year old bday party at home - entertainment/games

my DD loves simon could do freeze dance too...easy enough and fun for them!

Posted 2/22/10 7:48 PM

My 3 wishes

Member since 12/07

13625 total posts


Re: 2 year old bday party at home - entertainment/games

If you have an open space and you can get a parachute- kids LOVE it !!

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Posted 2/22/10 7:58 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/07

1687 total posts


Re: 2 year old bday party at home - entertainment/games

oh ladies thank you so much!

I'm thinking we'll only do 1-3 things - don't want to go too crazy. I love the "face" painting idea, but on the hands. I love the freeze dance game too... we do somethign similar to that at mommy adn me and DS LOVES it. Since it will be in March, we aren't going to plan to do anythign outside - but I loved the parachute and bouncy idea too!

I'm thnking we might do decorating their own party hats with stickers, freeze dance, and maybe one more thing.

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!
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Posted 2/23/10 8:25 AM

too excited for words

Member since 10/05

18538 total posts


Re: 2 year old bday party at home - entertainment/games

For my sons 2nd bday we did a pirate theme. I ordered a bunch of the stuff on Oriental Trading. When the kids got to the house I gave them each a bandana and put on tattoos. I had a bunch of crayons and markers set up with pictures and treasure maps to color. Since it was in the yard, I had a small jump castle (I borrowed it from a friend) and the sand table, jungle gym, etc... Then I also had a craft project for the, They did colored sand bottles. It required adult help, but the kids seemed to really like it. Then I had a treasure hunt for them. I basically just put out tons of stuff I got from OT and scattered it all over the yard (obviously you can do this in your living room/playroom) The kids loved running around picking up all of the treats.

Posted 2/23/10 8:32 AM

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