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Alexandra Celeste's Birth Story

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Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05

17076 total posts


Alexandra Celeste's Birth Story

(copied from Pregnancy board - she was born June 10, 2007)

My Birth Story – Alexandra Celeste

Since Alexandra didn’t drop on her own I had to finally have a c-section. On June 10 at 9am I checked into NSUH-Manhasset. I filled out more paperwork and answered questions while they got me ready. We were banking the cord blood privately so needed to do additional blood work besides what the hospital needed. Well they tried to get the IV in and get the blood from there – twice – and they weren’t getting good veins. I warned them beforehand! Finally the anesthesiologist was called, gave me some Novocain in my and got the IV in. That was stressful

My surgery was scheduled for 11am, but the room was taken over by a twin birth. So at 11:30 they rolled me into the operating room. The anesthesiologist was missing – my OB was getting ******, and I was getting stressed. DH was waiting beyond some double doors and had no idea what was going on. So finally the anesthesiologist gets there, when my OB is called into a delivery! OK so he gives me the epi—and it HURT LIKE HELL – perhaps because I had back surgery a few years ago and have scar tissue, so it may not be painful for everyone. Anyway it didn’t work – so he had to stick me AGAIN. Which was just awful at this point, I was pretty upset.

My OB returns, they let DH in and surgery begins. I could feel lots of pressure in my chest – apparently she was really high. DH sat at my head and talked about our honeymoon in Barbados to keep me occupied. It was the sweetest thing – til he started talking about champagne and lobster, made me nauseated, lol!

Finally (yes it seemed like a long time) the Dr says, “Here comes baby!!” and tells DH to grab the camera. He got a picture of her being pulled out. We still didn’t know the sex yet, as all we had was the head. Next thing I hear screaming – good sign, great lungs!! My Dr says, “It’s a girl!” and DH and I were both incredulous. We soooo expected a boy!! We both cried tears of joy and relief and everything else we could feel at that moment. She was born to The Beatles “Because”. So, what is her name??? DH says “Alexandra Celeste!” and I say, “Wait, we didn’t decide – or – did we? Oh – OK Alexandra I guess it is!” So that’s how her name was finally decided on.

They took her over for cleaning and all that stuff while I was being closed up. By now the shakes started it and I was trembling all over. They gave DH our baby and he sat outside the OR with her for about 20 minutes. She was born at 12:43 and weighed 8lbs 2 oz, 20.5” long. TONS of black hair!!

When I was finally ready to be moved, they put her on my chest but I was shaking so badly I was afraid. So DH carried her next to me while I got wheeled to recovery, where I stayed for about 2 hours. Alex was brought to the nursery for observation. My mom and sister showed up and told me she was just beautiful – but screaming away in the nursery! She was pulling her hair with one hand and kicking up a storm with her free leg! “She is going to be a handful!” they said.

OK so then I get moved to a room, and people come to see us. Finally they bring me my baby – 4 hours after delivery. She was sooo tiny and sweet; I couldn’t believe she was ours to keep!

Recovery has been a little difficult for me. I think it takes longer to heal at 40 than at 30. They gave me Percoset when I came off the epi on day 2 – and it made me totally nauseated. I threw up for 2 days. I will never take that again.

Alex didn’t want to feed at night – she preferred to sleep – so neither of us ate anything or slept while in the hospital. Fortunately my OB released me a day early. It is s much better to be home – in the hospital they want to take your vitals when you finally fall asleep. And the hospital bed was getting very uncomfortable.

My back hurts from the epi and the bed, so DH does most of the diaper changing and dressing when he is home. I take Motrin, but not too often as pain killers make my ears ring (I know I am a mess!!).

The first few days home were rough, but they are much better now. She is adorable and sweet and just the greatest thing that ever happened to me in my whole life. And DH has been just amazing; he is the kindest, sweetest, most patient man to walk the earth. He even deals well with my incredibly hormonal breakdowns, where I just cry and cry and tell him I love him and cry some more….

So that’s my story, sorry so long! If you read this far, I give you tons of credit!

Posted 2/20/08 5:13 PM

Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05

17076 total posts


Re: Alexandra Celeste's Birth Story

This was 4 years ago today...and it seems like yesterday. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/10/11 8:32 AM

Big brother in the making

Member since 7/07

8611 total posts


Re: Alexandra Celeste's Birth Story

Posted by karacg

This was 4 years ago today...and it seems like yesterday. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Wow, how time flies right?

Posted 6/11/11 12:34 AM

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