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Noahs Birth Story-06/08/07

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Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Noahs Birth Story-06/08/07

Well many of you know already how it started out.

I went to the Dr’s on Wed. the 6th for my 39 week exam. The Dr. Felt my cervix during the internal and said it was very odd, I was 100% effaced and she felt 6 cm’s dilated. They sent me to L & D, I spent the night after finding out , no I was not at all dilated and that I had a “strange cervix” and b/c I was so effaced it was hard to tell …But it was a mistake

I was a wreck from this experience. Very upset at it all, and made an appnt. To induce on Monday if I had not made progress.

I came home Thursday and napped the day away. Thursday around 6pm, I was on the phone and started to feel some bad cramps.

They came on STRONG, and I was almost having trouble talking through them from the very first one. I was on the phone with a Mommy ( Rose825) and she actually timed them as we talked and said, “ Your having contractions Donna, about 7 minutes apart”….I called DH in, and the next few hrs, we started timing them and they were getting much stronger, although anywhere from 15 min. to 7 minutes apart.

Around 10pm, I noticed some bleeding started although it was pink, I wasn’t worried.

I did notice though that every time I stood to pee I was having some dripping down my leg. I thought it was urine. I was peeing CONSTANTLY…after almost every contraction…so a few times an hour.

I wanted to stay home as long as possible, because I was SOO afraid of going to the hospital and nothing happening again....

Finally around 1:00 am, it started to get really painful, where I was saying to myself “ I can do this, I will make it through this” during contractions….and they were about 4 minutes apart and I said, I think we should go in….

I called Dr. Hanauer and she was at the Hospital, said to come in…

I moved pretty slow, tried to waste some more time….And we left around 2:30 am…and the car ride was HORRID…I was ready to jump out the window at each contraction, thank god the roads were empty….But poor DH had to drive slow cause all the bumps had me in such pain ….

We arrived at the Hospital at around 3:00 am and they checked me in a triage room, the PA said I was STILL A FINGERTIP Dilated…..At this point, I was ready to freak out or become hysterical. I was in so much pain, I couldn’t understand.

I kept saying "something is wrong".."
I'm in too much pain "...

They checked the “leaking” and sure enough, they came in to say I had broken my water and seemed to be having surprisingly Strong contractions, probably b/c my water had broken….( so much for the huge gush they told me to expect b/c of the excess amniotic fluid I had)

They admitted me and to the L & D room we went.

We called my Mom and she came up and by 5:30-6:00 am I was screaming in pain, and begging for any kind of pain relief I could have, anything.

I couldn’t move, and was ready to push, it felt like the babies head was pushing out at each contraction.

The nurse called in Dr. Hanauer and she checked me again, hoping I had made progress to get an epidural ( I was sooo set against this, as many know, but the pain was unbearable)….

Well when she said I was Not at ALL dilated, I thought” Kill me now” …I will not make it through this. I asked her how I could possibly be in so much pain.

She examined me again and said that my cervix was completely scarred shut ( Due to my previous cervical surgeries, I had a massive amount of scar tissue ) and she tried to manually open it.

She said if she could open it manually, I would be at 10cm’s and ready to push, the baby was right there and ready to come out.

Unfortunately she couldn’t get the cervix to open at all.

She said at this time, that the fear was, the baby wanted out and NOW and if they cant get out through the cervix, they will attempt to push their way through the Uterus and it could rupture… we needed to do an Emergency C-section.

Knowing I had no choice, I was ok for a minute or two, but then the pain started again, I freaked out BAD….and the shakes started ( I found out they are a common part of “transition and labor” …but they were so bad. I felt so upset about having lost all choice in this major decision/event....

Anyway, within the next 45 minutes they had me in the OR , and getting ready.

Dr. H was there, her resident wanted to scrub in as well and in walks her partner Dr. Dolisi who I had formed a relationship with recently and asked if he too could be part it.

So we had a room full.

The worst part was trying to get the spinal in when I was having contractions. The first anesthesiologist tried 9 times to get it in and couldn’t ( thank god, it didn’t hurt at all)….and the head anesthesia guy came in and finally on the 5th attempt got the epidural in.

It is the strangest feeling, but I was ok. I just kept telling myself to breathe and it would be over soon and think about my son and what was coming out of all this... I had to stay calm, there was no way out.

Dh was allowed in and I just told him “ Do not stop talking to me”…he was crying and saying all the right things…and I asked them “ did you start yet” , and they said they were half way through already!

Another five minutes or so and baby Noah was born!! I freaked at first, he didnt cry right away but when I did hear that first cry, I thought my heart would collapse from the sheer joy and hugeness of it. I could barely contain the feeling. It was so surreal.

DH got to go watch them clean him up etc and they briefly brought him to me and let me kiss him. I had the shakes so badly I couldn’t hold him, or even talk.

Then DH held him by my head the entire time they stitched me back up….which was about 40 minutes…

We spent about 2 hours total in recovery and off to a room, where I finally got to hold my son…..I think I was in total shock for a took till the next day for it to sink in.

Dh walked in the next day to see my hyseterical crying with Noah b/c I just felt so relieved and happy , I thought I could never fel or would never feel that happiness.

It was the weirdest experience of my life. 100% NOT THE birth I expected, but after the pregnancy I had, who would have said that I would have anything else but this type of ending to it all right?

I was a little shocked by the pain of moving and the c – section recovery has not been the easiest, but it does get better each day.

The nurses at Winthrop are amazing and my stay there was awesome, no complaints.

I did get a private room and to me it made ALL the difference in the world. I couldn’t imagine NOT having one, I just wanted a lot of “alone” time.

Noah is nice and healthy, although he had a slight “cone head” but its starting to go away from actually being in the birth canal ready to go for so long…

So all in all it was a Fast labor and delivery and all I can say is IM GLAD ITS OVER….and Im so in love with my son …

I cant wait till you all experience it as well.

Thanks to everyone for your love and support.

Posted 2/20/08 7:13 PM

Sooo Sleep Deprived....

Member since 7/06

2742 total posts


Re: Noahs Birth Story-06/08/07

OMG your son is absolutely beautiful. You have quite a story to tell him when he's grown up! Chat Icon

Posted 2/20/08 7:18 PM

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