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Rebecca Angelina's Birth Story (3/12/08)

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Love my little girl!

Member since 2/06

3621 total posts


Rebecca Angelina's Birth Story (3/12/08)

I had Gestational Diabetes so I was scheduled for an induction on Tuesday 3/11 (39 W 4D). Initially I was scheduled to go in at 3pm to start the cervadil and then get pitocin on wed morning, but Monday afternoon I got a call from my OB asking me to coming at 9am because they had another patient to induce. The reason I was initially scheduled at 3 (which is not typical) was because my doctors recently (3/1) joined up with two other OBs to do cross coverage since one in my practice retired. I was afraid the cervadil would put me in labor and one of the new OBs who I never met would have to deliver me. My OB was on on Wed but a new one was on on Tues. So, I was sort of concerned about going early but I also was ready to get the process moving.

I went in Tuesday at 9. My OB had said I was 75% effaced and 1.5 cm dilated at my last appt the friday before. She wasn't even positive that I would need the cervadil and told me to tell the new OB to check me first and send me home to come back wed if it was not necessary. Well this OB felt I was only 50% effaced and wanted me to have the cervadil. At 11am, it was inserted. I had cramping immediately but nothing major. As the day went on, it got more intense, and they put me on the monitor, which was showing very small contractions. Although I felt they were stronger than was being reflected. So, this continues with some increase in intensity until 11pm. I was counting the minutes. I was told that when it was removed I would get some relief plus they would give me an Ambien so I could get a good night sleep before the pitocin in the morning. DH was planning on going home since they stuck me in a room with a roommate. He was just waiting for me to "tuck me in". They removed the cervadil and immediately the contractions began fast and strong. I doubled over the bed and was screaming in pain. They had to put me back on the monitor and I think at this point they were about 2-3 minutes apart but sometimes right on top of each other. They wouldn't take me to L&D until a L&D nurse came to assess me but once she came, saw me in pain, and I told her I was having rectal pressure, she sent me over right away. Needless to say, they told DH to take his coat off, I was going to have this baby! DH pushed me in the wheelchair as fast as he could because contractions in a sitting position were not fun. I actually jumped out halfway there to have a contraction leaning against the wall. Once I got to triage, I had my bloody show and was found to be 3cm and fully effaced. I immediately asked for an epidural but the OB and anesthesiolgist (sp?) were in a c-section and expected to be out in about 15 minutes. At this point, it was probably midnight, I'm guessing. By the time they got me a room and the OB (not mine, the covering one) got there and checked me, I was 7cm. It probably was a half hour to 45 minutes after I was first checked. Then, I get the epidural which was pure bliss. It really didn't hurt at all, just a little burning and pressure just like the anesthesiologist said. They checked me again afterward, and now I was 10cm!!! I went from 3 to 10 in about a little over an hour! The OB decided to let me labor down a little since I was so relaxed with the epi. I slept for about 45 minutes and then we did some practice pushes. All looked good so the pushing began and about 1-1.5 hours later, Rebecca Angelina was born at 3:22am weighing in at 7lbs 2oz (small for a GD baby) and 19.5 inches!

We are so in love with her Chat Icon and I swear she gets cuter every minute. My recovery has been pretty easy. I did need 3 stiches so I was sore initially but doing much better now. Rebecca is a great baby! She sleeps well except after 11pm-12am feeding when she wants to stay up. BFing is going pretty well but I have a cracked nipple I am trying to heal.

Overall, I realize how lucky I am to have a quick labor and to have been able to avoid the pitocin. Although I was disappointed about not having my OB, I realized the OB is pretty insignificant in the whole process. The L&D nurse and the DH made the difference in getting me through labor. They were both amazing!!!

Here are some pics of my beautiful little girl: Rebecca Angelina

Posted 3/19/08 1:02 PM

Disney cruise bound!

Member since 5/05

8126 total posts


Re: Rebecca Angelina's Birth Story (3/12/08)

She's beautiful, congrats!

Posted 3/19/08 1:18 PM


Member since 8/06

2818 total posts


Re: Rebecca Angelina's Birth Story (3/12/08)

Congratulations...she's adorable!!!!!!!!Chat Icon

Posted 3/19/08 1:51 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 7/07

531 total posts

Beccas mommy

Re: Rebecca Angelina's Birth Story (3/12/08)

Well.. the Rebeccas are finially here! congrats to u and your family xo

Posted 3/19/08 1:58 PM

My Life. My Everything.

Member since 10/07

9151 total posts


Re: Rebecca Angelina's Birth Story (3/12/08)

Jodi she is BEAUTIFUL!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/21/08 10:09 PM

My 4 girlies

Member since 2/08

9702 total posts


Re: Rebecca Angelina's Birth Story (3/12/08)

She is sooooo beautiful !! Congrats !!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/23/08 1:50 AM

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