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My Loves

Member since 5/05 4852 total posts
2nd stage food?
I am able to start Jake on stage 2 foods and meats. I just bought the chicken w/chicken gravy and some veggies/fruits. Jake always ate 1 stage 1 fruit and veggie for dinner. How the stage 2's contain more in them. How do I go about this? Give him the chicken and then a fruit or veggie with it? How did you go about introducing stage 2 foods? thanks
Posted 5/16/05 12:46 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Straight up nasty

Member since 5/05 7740 total posts
Name: Sharon
Re: 2nd stage food?
The stage 2's seem to have more texture and introduces more combinations. I started slow, giving Amber maybe a few spoonfuls of each new flavor, to see if she liked it and if she had a reaction to it. I still use the Stage 2/3 in conjunction with Stage one (because the stage 1 jars are smaller so I can offer her a nice variety at her meal).
Message edited 5/16/2005 1:37:37 PM.
Posted 5/16/05 1:36 PM |
Member since 5/05 26975 total posts
Re: 2nd stage food?
When we went to Stage 2, he got one jar each at breakfast, lunch and dinner. I had a little piggy on my hands. HE usually had the fruit at breakfast with his cereal, a veggie at lunch and maybe half meat, 1/2 veggie at dinner. Not sure if this answered your question though!
Posted 5/16/05 1:56 PM |
My Loves

Member since 5/05 4852 total posts
Re: 2nd stage food?
Posted 5/16/05 5:45 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05 528 total posts
Name: Tammy
Re: 2nd stage food?
In the beginning we did each meat and each veggie for four days to see if there was a reaction now we mix and match
she has fruit and cereal for breakfast
a meat/veggie combo in one jar and fruit for lunch and same for dinner, sometimes if she has carrots and beef for dinner, she has some squash or another veggie w/ it
Posted 5/16/05 6:23 PM |
I love my kids

Member since 5/05 2885 total posts
Name: Jenn
Re: 2nd stage food?
We do fruit and cereal for breakfast and dinner and meat mixed with a veggie for lunch.
Posted 5/16/05 9:20 PM |
5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05 2642 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: 2nd stage food?
when I started the stage two I did a jar of fruit with the cereal for breeakfast and dinner and tehn for lunch I gave her the meat or a stage 2 veggie and a yo baby yogart she loves it
Posted 5/17/05 10:38 PM |
Live in the Present

Member since 5/05 3572 total posts
Name: Dannielle
Re: 2nd stage food?
Posted by ambersmom
The stage 2's seem to have more texture and introduces more combinations. I started slow, giving Amber maybe a few spoonfuls of each new flavor, to see if she liked it and if she had a reaction to it. I still use the Stage 2/3 in conjunction with Stage one (because the stage 1 jars are smaller so I can offer her a nice variety at her meal).
Im glad I read this...Im having some trouble with the stage 2 food with James...but mixing it up is probably all I need to do.
Posted 5/19/05 1:34 PM |