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7/15 UPDATE AT TOP! w/ Pic- My brother and his friends were hit by a drunk driver early this morning!

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My Babies

Member since 5/05

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7/15 UPDATE AT TOP! w/ Pic- My brother and his friends were hit by a drunk driver early this morning!

7/15 update- Wel, my brother got some good and bad news tonight, I guess. His results are in from his MRI and the tendon in his shoulder is intruding on the rotator cuff, which is very swollen. They are going to have him go to physical therapy to try and fix it and if that doesn't work he will need surgery. He also has a herniated disc in his neck and back. So therapy it is for now and we are praying very hard that it heals fast. Unfortunately, timing stinks for my bro. He got a call today that he is going to be called for the August class for the Federal Air Marshall, a position he has been working for and trying to get for over a year now. His current boss explained to them when they called the situation and that he was banged up from the accident but wants this position. PLEASE pray that he heals. He is so down from everything and now some good news comes, but he doesn't know what will happen. He still needs several weeks to heal and supposedly the new class for the air marshall will not start til August, but this is the type of thing where they call and a few days later he will have to be in New Mexico to start training. Please pray that he gets better in time for this. He is soo soo down from everything and needs this to sort of bring him back.

As for his friends, the girl came home from the hospital the other day. She will have a nurse at home. They want her to heal more before sending her to a rehab facility and I guess she chose to go home to do this.

His other friend is still on a respirator. They tried again this morning to take him off and he was still not ready. they are going to try again tomorrow.

As for the POS that hit them, we found out today that he is still behind bars. He was not able to post bail. The detective told my brother they are building a very strong case against him and looking to put him away for a long time..GOOD!!!

Please keep those prayers coming, they all still need them alot!!!

UPDATE----Well, the drunk idiot that hit them is up on newsday. I really hope he rots for a while in jail. Being this is his second offense and there are some serious charges, I was told he will definitely spend time in jail.
As for my bro and his friends....the girl is going to be in the hospital for at least 6 weeks. She got some more bad news yesterday, she has three small breaks in her lower back, inaddition to her pelvis being fractured in three places and 6 broken ribs and her foot was cut up pretty bad from her shoes. But she is a trooper. She is in good spirits and my bro tries to get there when he is feeling ok, to see her.
His friend, last I heard they were going to try again to wean him off the respirator. Everytime they try to take him off his blood pressure skyrockets. He also had blood on the brain, which they said would clear up.
My brother, he is still in a considerable amount of pain. His shoulder is really messed up. He went this morning for part 1 of an MRI and goes tomorrow for part 2. He is also at a neurologist right now for the pain in the back of his head. It really stinks that these guys and gal should be enjoying their summer and now because of some idiots poor judgement, for the second time, they are paying for it and their lives are put on hold. I really would like to find out what is going on with the drunk, when his court appearances are, I really want to go, I want to make sure there are no loopholes he gets through as I have seen all too often in our justice system. So please keep those prayers coming as they all still need them. Mentally my brother is so down. I am trying to talk him in to going to talk to someone. This truly was a traumatic experience for them all.

They were doing the right thing, went out, partied and called a cab to take them all home. The cab was broadsided on sunrise sending them all to the hospital. My brother is ok as far as we know,his shoulder and neck are hurting a lot, his shoulder actually looks super swollen, he is in a ton of pain and we are waiting on his x-ray results. We don't know how long he'll be in the hospital, all depends on the results. His one friend went home already, bruised up. The other one is intubated in ICU, don't know what is wrong with him, as they will not tell us and unfortunately they can not get in touch with his family, who went away for the weekend. The girl who took the brunt was taken to a different hospital and again we are not allowed to be given info, so we don't know.

The drunk moron that hit them was at the hospital, can't miss the 400 pound piece of cr@p. The cops told me he was arrested for DWI and they were doing blood tests on him while we were talking.

I just don't get people. How friggin hard is it to pick up a phone and call a cab if you have been drinking..your car will still be there int he morning. If you can't pay for a cab, call AAA, have your car towed home..anything. Now 5 people have to pay the price for one idiots extrememly bad judgement.Chat Icon Chat Icon

Update... Well, my brother is doing ok. Still in a lot of pain. We are still waiting for the results from his catscan and xrays. The doctor said they had a preliminary report, but did not want to say anything til the final report was in.
His friends are not faring too well. The girl, she has a broken collar bone and was going into surgery for her spleen. She lost a lot of blood. The guy that is ICU also has a broken bone in his neck. And his other frind that was discharged this morning is probably going to be heading back to the hospital, he is in excruciating pain. They really got the wind knocked out of them. It was a truck, expedition, that smashed into them. Thank you for all the prayers and please keep them coming.Chat Icon Chat Icon

another update...Thankfully my brother is ok..lot of pain, but catscans and xrays came back clear. He is being sent for an MRI at some point and will hopefully be released tomorrow.
The girl, has a broken pelvis in three places, broken ribs and is bleeding in her bladder. His other friend has a broken vertebrae and is heavily sedated and will need surgery.

3rd Update...Well, my brother is going home in a little while. They ran another type of xray this morning to make sure they didn't miss anything because he is having a tremendous amount of pain in one area of his head. Thankfully it came back clear. The doctor asked him if he wanted to go home and he said yes, so they are just waiting for discharge.
His friends...the girl needed a transfusion today. She lost a lot of blood. They are not going to do surgery on her bladder, they are going to wait to see if it heals itself. His other friend, my mom spoke to his family this morning and they are keeping him sedated, every time they try to bring him out of it, his blood pressure shoots up. They are also holding off on any surgery for him, said the vertabrae will heal on its own. So that is where everyone is at right now. I am soo happy my brother is ok. I know he has a while before he will be feeling better but he is alive and thats what counts. Thank you for all your prayers and keep them coming for his other two friends.

4th Update...Well my bro is home. In a great deal of pain. Stinks seeing a normally healthy athletic guy stiff as a board and stuck on a recliner. I brought DD over to cheer him up and it hurt that he couldn't even hold her and since he can't turn his head couldn't even look over to her, we had to keep bringing her in front of him. Hopefully he'll be feeling abit better in a few days.
My brother spoke to the girl in the accident, she called him when she was concious (keeps going in and out) she was ****** because she was brought all the way to South Nassau and not to NCMC with the rest of them. She's a pisser. His other friend is stable and they took out the breathing tube, but I don't know much else.
We were told today that the guy who hit them is being charged with 4 felonies, one for each of them for attempted vehicular homicide (kinda scary seeing the word homicide, I am so thankful they are all going to pull through) also charged with DWI. This is the guys second DWI and he does have prior arrests as well. I hope he pays bigtime for what he did to these kids. Thank you again for all your prayers!!

Monday update- My brothers friend in ICU had to have his breathing tube put back in. My mom and brother went up there today and my mom thought he looked worse. She also told me he had had blood on his brain, which they said would clear on its own. My brother also went to visit the girl today and she is doing ok. She has got such a positive attitude, saying that they will all be ok and get through this.
I went and got the accident report today. The idiot drunk said he reached down to get his hands free headset and when he looked up saw the red light and it was too late to stop. Oh and he blew a 1.6 on a breathalizer at the scene, double the limit.
My brother pushed it a bit today because he wanted to see his friends and he's paying for it tonight. He has to go to an orthopedic doc tomorrow as something keeps popping in his shoulder. He is still in an extreme amount of pain.
His other friend, the other guy who had been discharged early Saturday morning is back in the hospital. Don't know yet what is going on or what hospital, still trying to find out, but he was having a lot of trouble breathing, even the morning he was discharged.

Here is a picture of the cab they were in, it is on newsday.comChat Icon

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Message edited 7/15/2008 10:17:21 PM.

Posted 7/5/08 8:54 AM
Long Island Weddings
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s'il vous plaît

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Re: My brother and his friends were hit by a drunk driver early this morning!

oh my god, i am so sorry!! what an azzhole Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

i hope everyone in the cab turns out to be okay Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/5/08 8:57 AM

My Loves!

Member since 5/05

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Re: My brother and his friends were hit by a drunk driver early this morning!

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I seriously don't understand when people will "Get it".
I just read DH your post. It's ALWAYS the innocent people! Just not fair.

I Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon your brother and his friends feel better soon.
I am so sorry this happened to them.Chat Icon

Posted 7/5/08 9:01 AM


Member since 6/05

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Re: My brother and his friends were hit by a drunk driver early this morning!

hope that your brother recovers

Posted 7/5/08 9:01 AM


Member since 10/07

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Re: My brother and his friends were hit by a drunk driver early this morning!

OMG, I'm sorry to hear this. I hope they all feel better.

Posted 7/5/08 9:08 AM

Our family is complete

Member since 6/06

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Re: My brother and his friends were hit by a drunk driver early this morning!

I hate hearing things like this Chat Icon
I hope he and his friends get well soon Chat Icon

Posted 7/5/08 9:12 AM

06ers Rock!!

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Re: My brother and his friends were hit by a drunk driver early this morning!

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Posted 7/5/08 9:13 AM

My miracles!

Member since 12/05

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Re: My brother and his friends were hit by a drunk driver early this morning!

Oh I am so teribly sorry that this happened. May all involved heal with as little pain as possible.

I hope the drunk driver gets what is coming to him.Chat Icon

Message edited 7/5/2008 9:19:22 AM.

Posted 7/5/08 9:19 AM

Little princess is here!

Member since 4/07

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Re: My brother and his friends were hit by a drunk driver early this morning!

oh my Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon i hope everyone is ok Chat Icon

Posted 7/5/08 9:43 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: My brother and his friends were hit by a drunk driver early this morning!

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praying for your brother and his friends!!

Posted 7/5/08 9:45 AM

designer mutt

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Re: My brother and his friends were hit by a drunk driver early this morning!

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Posted 7/5/08 9:53 AM


Member since 6/05

1433 total posts


Re: My brother and his friends were hit by a drunk driver early this morning!

I am so sorry this happened to you. I hope everyone in the cab recovers quickly.

Posted 7/5/08 9:56 AM

Here's to new beginnings

Member since 10/07

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Re: My brother and his friends were hit by a drunk driver early this morning!

I am so sorry for your brother. I hope he & all of his friends are okay. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I hope that piece of $hit gets what he deserves! Chat Icon

Posted 7/5/08 9:57 AM

I hate hypocrites!!!!!

Member since 5/05

6905 total posts


Re: My brother and his friends were hit by a drunk driver early this morning!

oh Jaime I am so sorry. I hope that your brother is going to be ok.

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Posted 7/5/08 10:27 AM

Its peanut butter jelly time!

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Wouldnt you like to know! ;)

Re: My brother and his friends were hit by a drunk driver early this morning!

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i hope your brother is better soon!

Posted 7/5/08 10:30 AM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

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Re: My brother and his friends were hit by a drunk driver early this morning!

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Posted 7/5/08 10:31 AM

You're My Home <3

Member since 11/06

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Re: My brother and his friends were hit by a drunk driver early this morning!

Chat Icon oh noooo. i had a feeling something was going to happen last night. was this in nassau?? they had a huge push last night in nassau b/c of my brother - much more than they normally do on the weekend of the 4th which is a very deadly weekend. we actually left the hospital early last night because i was just too nervous to drive late. i'm so sorry this had to happen to you and i'm worried about the others involved and what happened to them - having to be intubated and in the ICU is not a good thing.Chat Icon i guess no matter how hard the police try there are just too many careless individuals. God knows how many lives were saved last night b/c we had extra patroles out there helping to keep us safe.

do you know what hospitals they were taken to? i can try and find information out for you if it was in nassau and/or any of them were taken to NUMC. please let me know - i want to follow up to make sure everyone is OK.

it is inconceivable how these things can happen - how time after time these people drive like this. a lot of times the police take the DD (if they have caused an accident) even though they are NEVER hurt and put them up in ICU (they put the guy that hit my brother someplace else lol for everyone's safety!) but with most people you'll see them chained to the beds in ICU as I walk past to see Kenneth... it is a strange irony when you see FOUR people in a row - each in their own bed, chained, with a police officer or member of the sherriff's dept sitting on them and then i get to the end of the hallway where my brother's little room is to see him. Chat Icon Chat Icon

you can FM me if you'd rather Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 7/5/2008 10:38:33 AM.

Posted 7/5/08 10:35 AM

J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06

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Re: My brother and his friends were hit by a drunk driver early this morning!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon what an azzhole! I am glad they caught the b@stard Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Chat Icon for your brother and his friend's speedy recovery

when Newsday publishes this guys mug, be sure to post it

Posted 7/5/08 10:36 AM

Mr. Handsome

Member since 5/06

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Re: My brother and his friends were hit by a drunk driver early this morning!

Wow - I'm so sorry to hear this! I hope your brother and his friend make fast recoveries and that they throw the book at the guy who hit them! Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/5/08 10:41 AM

Hello Summer!

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Re: My brother and his friends were hit by a drunk driver early this morning!

Im so sorry!

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Posted 7/5/08 10:43 AM

R.I.P. Sweet Mia ♥

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The Mystical Azzhorse! ™

Re: My brother and his friends were hit by a drunk driver early this morning!

Chat Icon Chat Icon I hope your brother and the other injured people have a speedy recovery.Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Stupid drunk drivers suckkkkkkkkk.Chat Icon

Posted 7/5/08 10:44 AM

Plan B is Now Plan A

Member since 7/05

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Re: My brother and his friends were hit by a drunk driver early this morning!

this is just awful. I know holiday weekends are for partying but common sense shouldn't fly out the window.Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/5/08 10:48 AM

Baby # 3 is here!!!

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Re: My brother and his friends were hit by a drunk driver early this morning!

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Posted 7/5/08 11:00 AM

My Babies

Member since 5/05

4956 total posts


Re: My brother and his friends were hit by a drunk driver early this morning!

Posted by DaniRella

Chat Icon oh noooo. i had a feeling something was going to happen last night. was this in nassau?? they had a huge push last night in nassau b/c of my brother - much more than they normally do on the weekend of the 4th which is a very deadly weekend. we actually left the hospital early last night because i was just too nervous to drive late. i'm so sorry this had to happen to you and i'm worried about the others involved and what happened to them - having to be intubated and in the ICU is not a good thing.Chat Icon i guess no matter how hard the police try there are just too many careless individuals. God knows how many lives were saved last night b/c we had extra patroles out there helping to keep us safe.

do you know what hospitals they were taken to? i can try and find information out for you if it was in nassau and/or any of them were taken to NUMC. please let me know - i want to follow up to make sure everyone is OK.

it is inconceivable how these things can happen - how time after time these people drive like this. a lot of times the police take the DD (if they have caused an accident) even though they are NEVER hurt and put them up in ICU (they put the guy that hit my brother someplace else lol for everyone's safety!) but with most people you'll see them chained to the beds in ICU as I walk past to see Kenneth... it is a strange irony when you see FOUR people in a row - each in their own bed, chained, with a police officer or member of the sherriff's dept sitting on them and then i get to the end of the hallway where my brother's little room is to see him. Chat Icon Chat Icon

you can FM me if you'd rather Chat Icon Chat Icon

Thank you everyone, am heading back up there now. My brother is in a lot of pain, they gave him morphine and still in a lot of pain. The doctors still have not come in with his x-ray results.

Thank you Danielle. My brother and the friend in ICU are at NCMC..I actually was down there early this morning and saw all the beautifull cards and everything for your brother. I was so happy to read your good news this morning.

The girl that got the brunt of the impact went to south nassau. My brothers other friends are trying to find out her status. But the nurses at NCMC called down to find out how his other friend is and they said he is stable, thats all they had right now.

Thank you all again, we are heading over now, I will update later.Chat Icon

Posted 7/5/08 11:05 AM

wow time is going fast.

Member since 9/07

16106 total posts


Re: My brother and his friends were hit by a drunk driver early this morning!

Im soo sorry!!!! Im Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Your brother and his friends are all okay!!!

I just dont understand why people continue to drink and drive. My bil asked my dh yesterday if he wanted a beer.. and he right away said no im driving.. what is soo hard that people cant say the same.

Posted 7/5/08 11:07 AM
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