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Ryan Vincent's birth story- 9/24

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Ryan Vincent's birth story- 9/24

I was due to have my Chat Icon on 9/19. That day I had a dr apt, growth sono and a biophysical. At the apt I was still only 50% effaced, no dialation and his head had still not dropped completely. Dr. Hanauer did not seem to think he was going to come down on his own and anticipated a c-section. He was measuring about 9lbs and everything looked good on the biophysical. We discussed a c-section for the following week and set up a non stress test for the following Wednesday.

When I went in for the non-stress test, the NP wasn't happy with the tracings so Dr. Hanauer came in and decided to send me to the hospital for longer testing. When we got to the hospital they continued to monitor me and of course my blood pressure skyrocketed because I was a nervous wreck! After about 2 hours they decided to admit me and Dr. Hanauer would perform the c-section in the morning as long as the baby was not under any distress.

They kept telling me the tracings weren't what they wanted to see (they wanted to see jumps in his heartrate of about 15 and it was only about 10) but that he was not in any danger. Everyone I dealt with was great... nurses, residents, etc. At about 10pm my nurse came in and told me Dr. Dolisi was coming back to do the c-section. It still wasn't an emergency but he didn't think it would get better overnight so he was more comfortable delivering the baby. I had never met Dr. Dolisi and was really hoping for Dr. Hanauer to deliver Ryan but he was wonderful.

When Dr. Dolisi came in we spoke briefly and they brought me right down to the OR. I walked. DH went to dress in scrubs while I got the spinal. I was so afraid of this! Luckily there was a wonderful resident who kept me totally calm and it wasn't half as bad as I thought- just a strange sensation not being able to feel my legs. Next thing I knew my baby was born! It was only about 8 minutes from when they started until he came out. He was born at 11:21pm, weighing 8lbs 5oz and was 22in long!

I was in recovery for about 2-3 hours (they were still concerned about my blood pressure) and was then moved to a room in maternity.

Everyone at Winthrop was great- the nursing staff was wondeful. Dr. Dolisi came to check in on me Thursday and Friday Dr. Hanauer stopped in on her way to the office to see how I was doing. Saturday I went home. I couldn't wait!

I was expecting a lot worse with a c-section...I was able to manager my pain with Motrin and really felt pretty good. My biggest complaints after delivering were the gas and the swelling in my feet from the IV. They had me up and walking within hours of surgery and I think that made a huge difference.

Some things I didn't know or expect... the amount of shaking you do due to hormones.... I couldn't stop! Also, don't look up during the surgery if there is a mirrored lamp above your head Chat Icon Although you don't feel pain, you do feel touch... I could feel tugging and pushing (I swear the doctor layed across my stomach and pushed!) while they were trying to get him out which was odd!

Here's Ryan!
External Image

Message edited 10/14/2008 11:19:46 AM.

Posted 10/14/08 10:58 AM

Livin' the Good Life....

Member since 9/06

5939 total posts


Re: Ryan Vincent's birth story- 9/24

He's so beautiful!!! Congrats!!!!

Posted 10/14/08 1:15 PM


Member since 5/05

4002 total posts


Re: Ryan Vincent's birth story- 9/24

He's beautiful! Congrats! Chat Icon

Posted 10/14/08 2:43 PM

mom of two!

Member since 5/05

4368 total posts


Re: Ryan Vincent's birth story- 9/24

just beautiful Jennie! Congrats!Chat Icon

Posted 10/14/08 3:56 PM

I hope you stay beautiful baby

Member since 5/05

8356 total posts


Re: Ryan Vincent's birth story- 9/24

Congratulations Jennie!

He is just GORGEOUS!

Posted 10/14/08 4:46 PM

Here's to new beginnings

Member since 10/07

7260 total posts


Re: Ryan Vincent's birth story- 9/24

He's beautiful! Congratulations! Chat Icon

Posted 10/18/08 9:51 AM

My Life. My Everything.

Member since 10/07

9151 total posts


Re: Ryan Vincent's birth story- 9/24

He is BEAUTIFUL!!! Congratulations!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/20/08 4:33 PM

Time flies!

Member since 1/06

5698 total posts


Re: Ryan Vincent's birth story- 9/24

Congratulations to you & Vinny! Ryan is adorable!

Posted 10/20/08 9:05 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/07

936 total posts


Re: Ryan Vincent's birth story- 9/24

He is beautiful congrats

Posted 10/21/08 11:36 AM

I'm In Love!!!

Member since 5/05

1189 total posts


Re: Ryan Vincent's birth story- 9/24

He's soooo Beautiful!!! Congratulations!!!!Chat Icon

Posted 10/28/08 12:28 PM

My Loves!

Member since 5/05

46292 total posts


Re: Ryan Vincent's birth story- 9/24

Chat Icon He is beautiful!!! Congratulations.Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/28/08 1:02 PM

"I got the Sugar" ..:)

Member since 5/05

1252 total posts


Re: Ryan Vincent's birth story- 9/24

Hi Jennie!! I just read your story - congratulations!!!. Ryan is so cute and adorable. Chat Icon

Posted 10/28/08 2:05 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 2/08

132 total posts


Re: Ryan Vincent's birth story- 9/24


Posted 11/21/08 2:57 PM

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