36 Weeks.. Low baseline HB
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LIF Infant
Member since 3/15 353 total posts
36 Weeks.. Low baseline HB
So last week at my regular checkup at the OB, the babys heartbeat was baselining at 120, at times dipping to 115, 117. My doctor was concerned so did an NST on me, which showed the same pattern. He sent me into L&D. I was there for a while being monitored, got a sono, checked the bloodflow to placenta, the cord, fluid levels, etc. and all was fine. The hospital wasn't concerned really. I was told to just kind of keep an eye on things and do kick counts, etc. I tried to take it easy this weekend and laid down when my son napped, etc.
I went back to the doc today for a followup and the heartbeat was the same as last time. He said she just seems to be hanging out at that HB. Has anyone experienced this? My first pregnancy my sons heartbeat was ALWAYS over 140. This baby was the same until now. I know there's a normal range but it's a little concerning. TIA
Posted 8/21/17 11:45 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Infant

Member since 10/14 328 total posts
36 Weeks.. Low baseline HB
No experience with this but just want to send hugs. I've been having similarly vague and stressful-after-googling issues down the homestretch as well, complete with 2 trips to L&D for monitoring. So not fun at all. Wake me up when these little ones get here safe and sound!!!
Posted 8/21/17 12:08 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 3/15 353 total posts
36 Weeks.. Low baseline HB
Thank you!! I know it's wrong but part of me just wants to be induced - I know I haven't had THAT bad of a pregnancy but I feel like she is fully cooked at this point..
Posted 8/21/17 2:18 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 9/09 12167 total posts
36 Weeks.. Low baseline HB
I am a huge proponent of kick counts. Nothing formal but just making sure you're paying close attention. Dd2 was having major complications but we wouldn't have known anything was wrong if I wasn't monitoring her movements. The second clue when I went for monitoring was her heartbeat was totally flat, 150 and never changed no matter how they tried to stimulate her. Just keep tabs on baby's movements and font hesitate to check checked out of you get concerned. I hope all turns out well!
Posted 8/21/17 4:20 PM |
Love my boys soooo much!!!

Member since 8/06 10164 total posts
Name: True love doesn't end with happily ever after...
Re: 36 Weeks.. Low baseline HB
Speak up for yourself...if you are not comfortable, ask questions and get 2nd opinions. A motto I lived by while pregnant was, No regrets.
Tons of hugs
Message edited 8/21/2017 11:16:46 PM.
Posted 8/21/17 11:16 PM |
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